Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 318 Choose to be meek and wait to die! Or choose to resist? (First! Seek the full list!)

This group of people was obviously too frightened and overthinking.

Mu Yun simply wiped Zhao Linger's sweat with his free hand.

Nothing was said.

Not knowing how many knives Ansi had cut, Bukup's head was already hanging down.

The whole scene suddenly looked like hell on earth.

Many people in the team closed their eyes, otherwise they just diverted their eyes and looked at Mu Yun and Zhao Ling'er.

The pair of Biren stood together, and the pleasing scenery made them feel that the fear in their hearts dissipated a lot.

It's just that this beautiful picture didn't last long. Mu Yun let go of Zhao Ling'er in his arms, slowly stepped off the stage, and came to them under the gaze of everyone.

Seeing Mu Yun approaching constantly, some timid could not help taking two steps back.

Especially for one of them, his hands had already begun to tremble because Mu Yun was looking at him.

Mu Yun was walking in his direction, and finally stopped in front of him.

His heart was beating wildly and uncontrollably, and the fast heartbeat almost suffocated him.

At this moment, Mu Yun stood in front of him and looked at him with a smile on his face.

"I don't know what to call you?"

"Hello sir, I am Ken Kennett.

Facing Mu Yun's question, Kennetu was a little nervous.

Hearing Ken's reply, Mu Yun stubbornly said, these people who don't know what country, the name 23 is strange.

One is unreliable, and the other gnaws dirt.

Yan Guo should have such a weird name, but Mu Yun hasn't seen it for the time being.

Unlike people from these other countries, you can see two in a day.

"Mr. Dirt, can you guess why I am looking for you?"

for what?

Kennetu vowed that he would rather not know, but with so many people present, why did Mu Yun find him?

Kennetu, who had a guilty conscience, found that the feeling of suffocation became more and more serious.

The Mu Yun in front of him looked at him like that, with a kind face, but in the eyes of Kenneth, who had seen Mu Yun's ruthlessness, this was a demon that would swallow him at any time.

In just a few seconds, Kenneth suffered a lot.

"Sir, spare me!

Sir", please believe me, I admit that I have thoughts that I shouldn't have, but I really didn't do anything, please forgive me!

In the end, Kenneth collapsed under Mu Yun's friendly gaze.

Regardless of his soaked pants, Kennetu knelt down towards Mu Yun abruptly.

He is scared!

In this situation, I don’t say whether I have the ability to hijack Mu Yun.

With Mu Yun's height and size, he is like a child in comparison.

Without weapons, he is not Mu Yun's opponent at all.

Besides, even if Mu Yun is hijacked, the whole island is now Mu Yun's people, where can he go?

As long as his head is deflected, Bukup’s tragic situation is in sight.

That kind of tragedy made him lose the courage to resist in an instant.

The situation of Kennetu was immediately understood by those present.

It turned out that there was more than one person like Bukup in their team, and the Kenneth in front of him was obviously another Bukup.

They didn't dare to make any noises, watching Mu Yun and Mu Yun so quietly.

Looking condescendingly at Kenny who was kneeling in front of him begging for mercy, Mu Yun smiled.

"Mr. Whistle Soil, you are very smart, at least a lot smarter than Bukoop.

"But I don't like traitors!"

"You are more fortunate than Bukoop. I will not move your family. They can still live happily. Of course, the premise is that you have prepared enough money for them."

"As for you! From the moment you hold my money but have other thoughts, your life has entered the countdown!"

"Do you understand me?"

Kenneth, who was kneeling in front of Mu Yun, heard Mu Yun's words, he sighed in relief and lowered his head.

"Sir, I understand, thank you for your kindness!"

The family is fine. If you do their job, death is not a difficult thing to face. I am afraid that, like Bukup, the death is extremely tragic.

Mu Yun likes this kind of sensible person!

Even if he wanted to kill him, he still thanked himself gratefully.

Which villain doesn't like such a person?

After looking at Kenneth, Mu Yun said to Yang Xin, who had been standing not far from Zhao Ling'er after making the phone call.

"Yang Xin, take Mr. Nibble Mud aside and wait. After the matter is over, you will personally send him a ride, don't make him too painful, remember to find a place to bury him by the way!"

Speaking of this, Mu Yun paused.

"As for Bukup, someone will be sent to feed the dog, and the dog will throw it into the sea to feed the shark if he doesn't eat it!"

Hearing Mu Yun's instructions, even if he had become accustomed to Mu Yun's behavior, Yang Xin still couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth.

"Yes, Master!"

After responding, Yang Xin waved to his sister, and the two bodyguards immediately stepped forward and pressed Kenneth to aside.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. Compared with Bukup's ending, Kennetu readily accepts his own ending.

Very cooperatively, he followed the two bodyguards and left.

After Kennetu left, when Mu Yun looked at everyone again, everyone felt cold.

Regardless of whether they have other thoughts or not, when they face Mu Yun, they will unconsciously think of Bukup.

Feeding dogs to sharks after goodbye, they have never experienced this kind of thing in their entire lives.

Today they feel that they can see the world clearly.

The middle-aged man who was caught in the sight of Mu Yun's death had his heartbeat not slower than Kenny's.

Knowing that he was exposed, he accurately found Kenneth and himself from Mu Yun.

He knew that he must be exposed.

Suppressing the panic in his heart, he was not afraid of death, but he didn't want to just die like this.

Not everyone is Kenneth. Kenneth chooses to die for the sake of his family or so that he doesn't have to suffer the same torture like Bukup.

But the middle-aged man is different, he has no family, and he doesn't want to die!

The key point is that the middle-aged man's height is not much shorter than Mu Yun, and his body is much stronger than Mu Yun.

He feels that he can fight, but left and right is just a death.

He has even considered it clearly and commits suicide as soon as he is caught.

It's better than the useless Kenneth and the tragic death of Bukup.

Perhaps a decision has already been made.

Under the gaze of Mu Yun, the middle-aged 240 man can rarely show a smile.

Mu Yun also laughed, this is a different person, and he likes it the same!

Although he knew what the middle-aged man was thinking, Mu Yun still didn't have the slightest precaution, and walked towards the middle-aged man so slowly.

The scene that appeared again, everyone quickly understood this time.

The people around the middle-aged man have begun to back away slowly.

At first, everyone didn't know what was going on with Kenneth.

Once there was an experience, they were not fools, it is human nature to seek good fortune and avoid evil.

The middle-aged man who noticed this situation didn't care about the empty circle around him, but thought it was better.

When he can do it, no one can interfere with him.

He just watched Mu Yun approach him step by step.

When Mu Yun was less than one meter away from him and was about to speak, a sharp weapon smaller than the knife in Ansi's hand suddenly appeared in the middle-aged man's hand.

Before Mu Yun could speak, he rushed towards Mu Yun, the direction of the sharp weapon was Mu Yun's neck.

He is not trying to kill Mu Yun.

He is not mad!

In this situation, killing Mu Yun has no way to go, it is definitely a dead end!

He might as well wait to die like Kennetu, so as not to waste energy.

The purpose of the middle-aged man is to put a sharp weapon on Mu Yun's neck.

It's a pity that before his sharp weapon approached Mu Yun, the middle-aged man flew out instantly.

He couldn't help spouting bright red blood in midair and spilled all over the floor.

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