Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 319 Kill another chicken!! The benefits of being a badass! (Second more! Please customize!)

Under everyone's horror.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Mu Yun to help him block the attack of the middle-aged man.

After seeing the figure clearly, everyone quickly recognized that he was the person next to his boss.

Is it under the boss?

But he was still next to Bukup's body just now, how could he appear in front of Mu Yun in an instant.

This is too weird!

They developed gene fortification liquid, and naturally know the effect of gene fortification liquid.

This person's ability is definitely not the effect of taking the gene fortification liquid.

Does the boss have other more mysterious things in his hands?

People who just thought they could see this world clearly would be confused again!

What is hidden in this world that they don't know?

But now is obviously not the time for them to think.

Mu Yun's face remained unchanged, and he looked behind Suzaku and said.

"When asked about his situation, someone from his family asked Yang Xin to kill him and hand him over to Xiao Si for the same five hundred dollars!"

"Be careful! Watch out for his suicide!

He really likes this kind of people who are sent home to be chickens.

If one chicken is not enough to kill, you can kill two, and the effect will definitely be better!

No, he just finished speaking, and the whole audience was silent.

They thought that Bukup’s affairs were over, they just had to resist seeing Bukup’s tragic situation.

Who knows that there is another one now. At this moment, the Great Demon King Mu Yun is synonymous with the devil in their hearts.

The middle-aged man who fell to the ground just wanted to beg for mercy when he heard this, but found that he had been taken care of by Suzaku.

Under Suzaku's eyes, the middle-aged man quickly became as dull as Bukup.

Hypnotic ability!

Everyone did not see Suzaku's eyes, but combined the situation of Bukup and the middle-aged man just now.

They feel that they have insight into Suzaku's other ability, instantly hypnotizing!

It's still the kind that doesn't pass through any medium.

Think about them all feel scared, no one has the slightest secret.

Before the boss's hand, they seem to have no resistance at all.As long as he wants to know, can his secrets be kept?

Thinking of this, their fear of Mu Yun is even greater.

Suzaku has already learned the situation from the mouth of the middle-aged man.

No family!

Now that he got the answer, Suzaku did not hesitate and used the middle-aged man in front of Ansi.

An Si did not dislike it and pulled out the sleeve cloth from Bukup's mouth and stuffed it into the middle-aged man's mouth.

Cut the rope to tie him and continue his work today.

But this time there is no audience for his execution.

Everyone just watched it once, but they didn't change too much, so no matter where they wanted to watch it again.

When Mu Yun glanced over them, those who had no problems bowed their heads.

As long as everyone with other thoughts sits slumped on the ground, the situation is clear.

Mu Yun looked at the people who were slumped on the ground.

"What about you? Do you need to give you a chance to resist?"

The few people who were sitting on the ground broke out cold sweats, and couldn't help looking at the middle-aged man who was being tortured.

Meng Yi touched and quickly recovered his eyes, it was terrible!


What do they resist?

Although Suzaku is far away from them now, they have no doubt that as long as they want to resist, they may fly out like a middle-aged man in the next second, and then prepare to be tortured.

They would rather wait for death as quietly as Kennetu, rather than accept the torture of this kind of torture.

Seeing that these people didn't mean to resist at all, Mu Yun winked at Yang Xin, and several people were quickly taken away by the bodyguards who came over.

After some manipulation, these inner ghosts were completely exposed by fright.

Although they can't hide from Mu Yun's perception even if they are not exposed.

But isn't it better?

The rest of these people did not have any problems under Mu Yun's perception. Except for fear, they were still afraid, which was completely different from the emotions of the few people just now.

A team of hundreds of people unearthed eight inner ghosts, which is not a high proportion.

As Mu Yun looked around again, everyone began to feel uneasy.

But they wouldn't be as scared as a few inner ghosts and collapse on the ground.

After looking around, Mu Yun looked at them and said.

"I said, I don't like traitors. You can read the data and research on the function of the gene enhancement liquid. You know its function very well.

"No need to steal, no need to snatch, it should be yours and I will naturally give it to you, even your parents, lovers, children!"

"In the future, the construction of Xianling Island will be completed, and the families of all my staff will live in several employee communities in Xianling Island. This is a welfare and is for your sake."

"I don't need to threaten you with your family, as long as you dare to betray, no matter where your family is hiding, I can know. What do you think?

Mu Yun replied, and everyone was silent.

They knew that Mu Yun was right. They didn't have the slightest doubt when they saw the situation of Bukup and the middle-aged man with their own eyes.

Once they betray Mu Yun, unless they don't even know where their family members are, it is meaningless not to hide.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Mu Yun continued.

"Take advantage of the research and development of gene enhancement liquid on Xianling Island. After success, you will naturally get the share that belongs to you."

"You don't need to worry that I will kill the donkey. A useful R&D team is hard to come by. It is a waste of time if I kill you and I will find another batch."

"Also, do you really think you can be invincible after taking gene fortification liquid?"

"Since you know its effects, you should be clear that it does not mean invincibility. Even if you take the gene-enhancing liquid, anyone here with a gun can kill you."

So when thinking about things and doing things, think more about the consequences!

After speaking, Mu Yun ignored their reaction and beckoned to Zhao Linger on the stage.

Seeing this, Zhao Linger walked quickly to Mu Yun's side.

Mu Yun seemed to say to Zhao Linger next to him.

"Ling'er, according to the current team continue to develop gene enhancement liquid, if there is no problem, there is no need to increase the number of personnel, it is not possible, you must remember to contact me when you recruit new personnel!"

Zhao Ling'er nodded. After this time Bukup and several other people, she knew why Mu Yun had to personally check her in the first place.

If it weren't for Mu Yun this time, she would never have imagined that the team she recruited would have so many inner ghosts.

Fortunately, this time the Bukoop incident broke out together. Otherwise, when the development is successful, I am afraid that this loophole will not be plugged if you want to plug it.

"Brother Yun, don't worry, I know what to do this time, I'm sorry!

Mu Yun rubbed Zhao Ling'er's head lightly.

"If you're sorry, don't tell me. Your team will first develop the gene fortification liquid for the time being. There may be a team to join later.

The two "teams have different researches, would I have them?) One piece will be handed over to you, and you will be bothered by that time.

"If anyone dares to make a moth, just call me!"

While saying this, Mu Yun looked around again, and everyone who was looking at Mu Yun and Zhao Ling'er bowed their heads again.

They didn't dare to look at Mu Yun, the great demon king, it was terrible!

Zhao Ling'er knew that Mu Yun was trying to persuade everyone, and she replied earnestly.

"I know, Brother Yun!"

"You can rest assured to do your thing, if there is any question here, I will contact you as soon as possible!"

After speaking, she looked around the people like Mu Yun, and saw that they all lowered their heads.

Zhao Linger suddenly understood why Mu Yun likes to be badass.

Bad guys do not need to worry too much, they can make others afraid of you.

But as long as you show kindness in place, they will miss your good.

It is very similar to the Stockholm effect.

This may be the advantage of being a badass, to subdue, to be intimidated, and to be kind!

Everyone will obediently do things according to your ideas.

Zhao Ling'er thinks being a badass is really good!

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