Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 317 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 320th chapter can't connect to the system! The two protagonists are blinded! (third more! Please order!)

The issue of the gene fortification liquid has been resolved, and the rest will be handled by Zhao Linger.

Mu Yun left the Fairy Island soon.

In addition to helping Zhao Linger find the inner ghost and Bukup in the team.

By the way, he helped Zhao Linger calm the group of people.

Let them understand one thing, cooperate with Zhao Ling'er well, think about the ending of today's Bukup before they want to make trouble.

The R&D team is very important, and Mu Yun will bother with it.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be looking at the team that Zhao Wu is about to form.

Thinking of the team and Zhao Hao, Mu Yun couldn't help but think of Zhao Hao's black technology system.

The system is a good system, but Mu Yun is deeply uncomfortable with the fact that it can't be given by plunder.

Thirty-two million air luck, plus Yunge’s god-level guard system, is roughly 25 million.

There is also a halo of his own recovery that may be worth ten million luck.

How can it be less than 80 million two million.

Where to find the 15 million gap?

Unless another system of the same level is recovered, or the recovery of the God-level guard system is the same as that of Lin Mo, the rate of return is close to 270%.

Of course, this is only a possibility. Mu Yun dare not fight, if he does not arrive, he will die of depression if he fails to get either of the two systems.

Even if you plunder the black technology system and put it first, when will you have to wait until it can be used?

Can't be used and stored in the system, what is the difference between not getting it?

Not every world has so many protagonists, and not every protagonist has a system.

Even if there is a system, 240 is not necessarily a high-level system, and more systems are similar to the Shenhao system.

I want to get 40 million by recycling a low-level system like the Shenhao system, but I don't know how many worlds have to be integrated.

The cloud is worrying about other people's systems.

At this time, Lin Mo, who had just woke up in the hospital, was worried about his system.

It's not entirely because of the system, and his current physical condition.

When he woke up, he was informed by the doctor that his stuff had been completely removed. For a moment, Lin Mo had the urge to end up with himself.

But soon he calmed down.

He has not forgotten that he has a system!

When the system just came, he communicated with the system for a long time.

Got a conclusion!

The system is omnipotent!

As long as you complete the various tasks of the system, you have a chance to get a powerful and invincible body, the magic medicine for immortality, and the holy rebirth of the broken arm.

Although there was an accident last night, he is still alive now.

There is hope in life, isn't it?

With a calm expression on his face, Lin Mo lay on the hospital bed and asked the doctor to leave.

"System, are you there?"


Lin Mo felt a little anxious in his heart without receiving a response from the system for several consecutive calls.

"System, what's the answer if you are here?"

The system is like disappearing without a trace (cdch), and there is no response at all.

Lin Mo couldn't help worrying while being anxious.

Suddenly he thought of a possibility.

Is it because my task was not completed last night, so the system doesn't want to talk to him now?

But is the system so humane?

Thinking of the communication between himself and the system yesterday, Lin Mo felt that there was.

Yesterday, when the system communicated with itself, it was very humane, and it was not generally humane.

Communicating with the system to Lin Mo feels like chatting with a normal person.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo frowned slightly.

Is it really because of this reason?

"System, you can tell me, the mission yesterday is really not my problem, you should be able to see it in my mind."

"I was starred by something I didn't know, and then I was brutally persecuted.

"In that case, what can I do?"

"System, can you understand it?"

No response, no call.

Lin Mo kept talking in his mind like a fool.

Lin Mo, who has been unable to get a reply, said that in the end, anxious emotions flooded again.

He felt that he was muttering in his mind like a madman, and the system didn't know what was going on, so it just ignored him.

"System, is it okay to reply, just pay attention to me, or how can I communicate with you!"

Ten minutes later, Lin Mo stopped calling.

He looked stupidly at the ceiling of the ward, and his expression was very similar to Bukup, the same dullness!

It may be that a certain possibility has been thought of and cannot be accepted for a while.

Lin Mo just looked at the ceiling and fell silent!

He is not alone in this situation.

Lu Wen, who was temporarily unable to return from work because of Zhang Yuan, did not get up until noon today.

The first thing he did when he got up was not to ask his own system like Lin Mo.

Lu Wen took out his cell phone and called Zhang Yuan.

He wants to know how Zhang Yuan is doing.

If he could, he didn't want Zhang Yuan to contact that handsome guy.

The indescribably handsome Mu Yun gave him too much sense of crisis.

Lu Wen called Zhang Yuan several times but did not pick him up. He could only get up from the bed, planning to help Zhang Yuan prepare the food, and then go to Zhang Yuan's hospital.

He still has a task to do, no matter if Zhang Yuan will return in the past few days, he can't do so.

I personally cook a meal for Zhang Yuan and let Zhang Yuan eat it.

This is his mission.

Last time he was busy preparing a rich lunch for Zhang Yuan in the morning.

The result was ruined by the bitch Tu Hai.

This time he can only do it again.

Go to the hospital again after you have done it. If you can see Zhang Yuan, let's not say, at least you have to figure out where Zhang Yuan is in the past few days.

If you don't answer your own phone, and don't know where Zhang Yuan is, how can his mission continue?

As for preparing the food first, Lu Wen is prepared, in case he really encounters Zhang Yuan.

Maybe I can complete the task.

Thinking of the rewards of the system tasks, Lu Wen was very excited.

After the excitement, Lu Wen began to buy vegetables and cook, and everything looked orderly.

This is how he came over this year.

Taking advantage of Tang's gap, Lu Wen asked in his mind.

"System, I want to ask you a question, can the god-level medical skills that you reward can heal a person who has been hit by a car with a hemiplegia?"

This is a question he suddenly thought of.If the god-level medical skills rewarded by the system can heal the patients Zhang Yuan is currently taking care of, can he use this excuse to find Zhang Yuan?

Tell Zhang Yuan that he knows a man with good medical skills and he has cured many similar diseases.

As long as Zhang Yuan eats the food she cooks, she will tell her the doctor's contact information.

With this method, based on Lu Wen's understanding of Zhang Yuan, he doesn't believe that Zhang Yuan will not take the bait!

Once Zhang Yuan was willing to eat it, he would obtain a god-level medical skill.

He pretends.. Isn't the best time to officially show off his skills?

Using god-level medical skills to cure Zhang Yuan's patients, will Zhang Yuan still look down on himself in the future?

Infected by his own thoughts, Lu Wen suddenly asked this question in his mind.

Unfortunately, he encountered the same situation as Lin Mo.

His question has not been answered systematically.

Lu Wen encountered this situation for the first time since getting the system yesterday.

He can only continue to ask in his mind.

"System? System?"

"Hey! Hey! Are you there? System?

Lu Wen is not Lin Mo, he is more anxious and anxious than Lin Mo whose roots are destroyed.

Lin Mo was a sudden change.

Lu Wen suppressed it for more than a year, and now the system is his hope!

Suddenly unable to contact the system, how anxious Lu Wen was can be seen from the beads of sweat on his forehead.

"System! Is it there? You say something, respond!"

"System! Get out! Don't ask me for you or him?"


Unlike Lin Mo's sluggishness, Lu Wen had a crazy look on his face and kept shouting for the system in the villa.

He even yelled out of his mouth.

Words on his face: There was a word... The painful sensation made Lu Wen know that he was not dreaming.

He also slapped himself twice after getting the system yesterday.

Only yesterday he confirmed the real existence of the system.

Just one day apart.

He slapped himself twice again, verifying a different result!

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