Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 328 The security colleague exposes the incident of the haunted house! Lin Mo is exposed!

Just stepped into the office area.

Xia saw Han Yunge sitting in the office lobby with a computer in one hand and a microphone in the other to make a phone call.

"Okay, thank you, thank you for the message!"

After hanging up the phone, Yun Ge saw Xia Han walking towards him, he stood up and said to Xia Han.

"Team Xia, suspect Liu Kai has information, according to the information provided by the owner of the license plate number."

"Three hours ago, he had just sent Liu Kai and his daughter to an abandoned residential building at No. 44 Minghe Road, North District.

Speaking of this, Yunge looked at Xia Han seriously.

"I think we should get out of the police quickly, otherwise when Liu Kai discovers the problem, I'm afraid he will hide with his daughter again, and we will have to waste a lot of manpower and material resources!"

Yunge's suggestion is completely fine regardless of whether it is from a personal standpoint or a work standpoint.

He personally desperately wants to catch Liu Kai, and now it is less than a day before his mission deadline.

All the guards of Xia Han's team must say that he is the one who is most anxious.

Hearing Yunge's suggestion, looked at Yunge's serious expression.

Xia Han seemed to be infected, and nodded towards Yunge, then looked at all the guards present.

I didn't know that Xia Han hadn't finished speaking, when a guard suddenly interrupted Xia Han's order.

"Team Xia, wait!"

When he interrupted, not only Xia 23han looked at him suspiciously, but also Yun Ge looked at him with a puzzled look.

Doubtful, Xia Han asked the team member who interrupted her order.

"Wang Ke, do you have a situation?

After her questioning, Wang Ke, the guard who interrupted her order, looked a little scared.

This made the people present feel even more puzzled. Now that he is going to catch the wanted criminal, what is Wang Ke afraid of?

It's not the first time that Wang Ke went out with the team to carry out the task of housing the wanted criminals, and I have never seen him scared before!

What is his situation?

When they were puzzled, Wang Ke took two deep breaths, and then looked at everyone.

"Sorry, Team Xia, colleagues, I don't want to stop everyone from arresting Liu Kai.

"You may not have heard the legend of the abandoned house at No. 44 Minghe Road, North District, it is a haunted house!"

Damn it!

As soon as he finished speaking, his colleagues couldn't help but want to beat him.

Haunted house! Go to your haunted house!

Wang Ke interrupted their actions because of this?

Not to mention these colleagues, Yun Ge stood aside and looked at Wang Ke's eyes full of unkindness.

For a moment he wondered whether Wang Ke was Liu Kai's inner ghost.

Xia Han's face is also ugly.Wang Ke has always been on the safe side. Why has it become so unreliable today?

Just because of the legend of a haunted house, interrupted his command?

Everyone's reaction Wang Ke was clear at a glance, and he smiled bitterly.

"Team Xia, dear colleagues, don't look at me like this, listen to me first."

Fearing that Xia Han and those colleagues would not let him go on, Wang Ke just finished speaking and immediately continued.

"This has to be talked about since last night. Didn't my girlfriend work in the emergency center! Last night...

No one was thinking about hitting him this time. No matter how unreliable, Wang Ke would not be able to make jokes about this kind of thing.

After all, what he said involved many people, his girlfriend, other employees in the emergency center, and people in the ambulance team.

These people just need to ask.

After Wang Gang finished speaking, his arm was suddenly grabbed.

"Wang Ke, you said that the anchor who was hurt by the unclean thing was called Lin Mo? Is it the forest of the woods, the ink of ink?"

Wang Ke looked at the questioner, it was Yun Ge!

I have also seen Yunge's performance in the past two days. When Yunge asked about himself, Wang Ke shook his head.

When Yunge was relieved, Wang Ke said.

"Yunge, I don't know if these two words are not. When my girlfriend came back in the morning, she was so scared that she would not dare to stay at home alone, so I took time off and sent her to her parents' house."

"She mentioned this to me in the car. At first, I just listened to the story. Where would I go to ask the name of the anchor named Lin Mo?"

Yun Ge's face suddenly stiffened when he breathed a sigh of relief. Feeling Wang Ke shook his head because he meant that he didn't know.

He can barely smile.

"Brother Wang, can you please call me and ask my sister-in-law, this matter can be confirmed for us!"

"I also took leave in the afternoon because my two brothers were hospitalized. One of them was Lin Mo. He happened to be an anchor by profession."

"When I went, they told me that there was a car accident because another friend of mine was living in a ward with him and his legs were cast in a cast."

"So I didn't care at the time. Thinking about it now, there seems to be a pipe connected to my brother named Lin Mo. It's a bit like the kind of injury you mentioned."

"You can call your sister-in-law to confirm this matter. If it is really him, I will call to ask about the situation at the time. The person's words are always more accurate than what we heard from the ears, isn't it?"

After speaking, Yun Ge looked at Xia Han.

"Team Xia, is it okay to delay this matter for a few minutes?"

"After all, what Brother Wang said now makes everyone panic. It is better to be able to respond in time after we are sure than to spend it here."

Xia Han, who was asked by Yunge, was actually a little flustered.

She is always a girl, no matter how strong a girl is, she will be somewhat scared of such weird things.

Besides, this Wang Ke also speaks conclusively.

Xia Han nodded towards Yunge, then looked at Wang Ke.

"Wang Ke, you can make a call to find your girlfriend. If the victim is really Yunge's brother, let Yunge ask about the exact situation and we will make a decision!"

Xia Han spoke, and Wang Ke could only do so, but when he called and asked about his girlfriend last night, everyone could feel Wang Ke's girlfriend's voice trembling from the hands-free mobile phone.

"Wang Ke, the Lin Mo you asked about, our colleague later asked him, his name is indeed Lin in the woods, Mo in ink, and he is now recuperating in Room 3 of the Special Care Unit of Shencheng Hospital.

"This room was arranged for him by the hospital out of guilt yesterday!"

The audience was very quiet, and the victim had already hammered it!

It turned out to be Yunge's brother, and his name couldn't be wrong, plus Yunge's friend happened to call him to go to the hospital today.

A few coincidences are put together, isn't the answer easy to guess?

Yun Ge's face was ugly.

He didn't expect Lin Mo to encounter such a thing, and after encountering such a thing, he didn't tell him clearly 247.

Now, I wonder if Zhao Hao's two legs are really dripping.

It's not that the three guys united and kept the secret from themselves.

But soon Yun denied the idea of ​​singing, since Lin Mo had let both Zhao and Wu know.

He doesn't need to hide it from himself!

Why is this?

Yun Ge is not stupid, and with the skill of the detective, he soon thought of the key.

Feeling moved, he became more curious about the haunted house.

For a moment, Yun Ge laughed at himself secretly.

My brother really knows him well, but he just heard the news, and now he is eager to go to the haunted house.

No wonder the three of them are hiding from themselves.

With everyone watching, Yun Ge took out his cell phone and called Lu Wen.

The other two are inconvenient.

Although I don't know if Zhao Hao is true or not, isn't it easier to call Lu Wen?

After the call was connected, Lu Wen's voice came over.

"Brother Yun, are you finished?

Yunge's cell phone was on hands-free like Wang Ke, and everyone was waiting for Lin Mo's news.

He did not answer Lu Wen's words, but said to Lu Wen.

"Xiao Wen, turn on the phone and put the hands-free to Xiao Mo's ear. I am looking for Xiao Mo in a hurry."

Lu Wen, who was on the phone with Yunge in the intensive care unit of Shencheng Hospital, got a light in his heart when he heard this.

Quickly took the phone and winked at Zhao Wu and Lin Mo who were looking at him.

Zhao Wu and Lin Mo originally thought Yun Ge was ready to come over after handling the matter, but when Lu Wen's expression began to change, he even winked at them.

The two felt as warm as Lu Wen.

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