Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 329 Black-faced guards! Analysis of Yunge! (Second more! Please customize!)

Lu Wen turned on the hands-free cell phone and sent it to Lin Mo, motioning Yunge to find him.

Lin Mo looked at the phone at a loss.

His brother Yunge seems to have discovered something.

He didn't know what Yun Ge would ask him.

But no matter what Yun Ge asked, he didn't know how to answer.

Yun Ge was waiting over there now, he could only look at the phone and then at the two Zhao Hao.

But what can Zhao Hao do? Lin Mo can only rely on Lin Mo himself.

After the two of them signaled, Lin Mo said.

"Brother Yun, are you looking for something to do with me?"

Hearing Lin Mo's voice, Yun Ge didn't know whether he should comfort Lin Mo first, but he saw many colleagues watching him, Yun Ge said.

"Xiaomo, I already know what happened to you last night. I can understand why you and Zhao Hao are hiding it from me.

"Today, a wanted man took his daughter and hid in the haunted house you went to last night. When we were about to leave, a colleague’s girlfriend happened to be an emergency worker."

"So there is no need to hide your affairs from me. We need to know your situation last night, and then make targeted strategies.

"Xiaomo, I'm sorry, brother knows that reminding you of last night is revealing your scars, but you are the person involved in this matter, and we need to know the details."

"Brother Wang's girlfriend only got news from your phone and the ambulance team. She guessed what happened to you, but she didn't know the specifics. So, I'm sorry."

Yun Ge knew that this was indeed revealing Lin Mo's scars.

When he rushed to see Lin Mo this afternoon, he didn't notice anything wrong with Lin Sai.

It's just that people seem to be apathetic, but now that I think about it, Lin Mo's expression is probably for his own sake.

How can you forget and forget when something like that happens.

Now I reminded Lin Mo again that this is not what a scar is revealed.

But Yunge still opened his mouth.

Everyone in the team is watching, waiting for the next action.

I can't get stuck here, besides, he also has tasks to complete.

He has decided to wait for this matter to pass, and he took two days to make a special trip to the hospital to accompany Lin Mo. This is an apology for being a brother.

After Lin Mo spoke in Yunge, he never had a chance to intervene.

When Yun Ge finished speaking, his whole expression looked very anxious.

"Yun Ge, listen to my brother, don't participate in this matter, really don't participate in it, don't go to that ghost place!"

The guards could hear his fears and worries from Lin Mo's words, as well as his concern for Yun Ge.

But what Lin Mo said next made them wonder what to say.

Just listen to Lin Mo continue to say.

"Angkor and I are hiding from you, just don't want you to know this. You are courageous and curious, I'm afraid you will go to the haunted house to find out.

"This is my personal experience. You want to know that I can tell you one to five to ten, but you must promise Brother Yun that you are not allowed to go to that horrible place.

"You can let your colleagues go, you really don't go!"

"Just as a brother, please, because of the face that I have lost now, you promised brother once, Brother Yun!"


Lin Mo's words moved Yun Ge very much, but at the same time he felt embarrassed.

Because he is driving hands-free now, the faces of the colleagues behind him are a little dark, including his captain Xia Han.

Doesn't Lin Mo's words mean to let them be cannon fodder?

Completely ignore their life and death.

Although they admired Lin Mo's brotherhood, Lin Mo's words really made them feel aggrieved.

Hey, let them go, don't Yunge?

But because of Yun Ge's face and Lin Mo's current situation, they wouldn't care about it, and it was certain that they were upset.

Yunge could only speak in this atmosphere.

"Xiaomo, I promise you, but you must tell me everything about you. Our team will make an analysis and then make a decision. It's really not possible. We can always go during the day, you say yes."

Lin Mo was relieved when Yun Ge agreed, but when he heard Yun Ge said to go during the day, he could only say quickly.

"Brother Yun! You promised me that you don't go. You can go during the day, but you are not allowed to go in!"

"Okay, I promise you, Xiaomo, tell me, this matter is very important to us, I'm sorry!!

Lin Mo was silent for a while, and didn't wait for Yun Ge to speak again.

He slowly told Yunge all the things he had experienced last night.

After all the guards in front of the phone heard Lin Mo's words, they reacted the same as Zhao Hao, feeling a chill behind them.

Especially now it is night!

When Zhao Hao heard Lin Mo's words, it was still broad daylight, and Zhao Hao was scared, let alone at night.

Guards are also human, and they are equally afraid of such unclean things that have never been touched.

Xia Han tried to maintain the expression on her face, but her little hand behind her began to shake.

After Lin Mo finished explaining his own experience, Yun Ge keenly discovered a little bit.

"Xiao Mo, if it's the same as you said, why doesn't he attack the ambulance crew with that thing?"

"It just stunned the ambulance crew and didn't do anything to them."

Zhao Wu also discovered this problem at noon, but he didn't think as much as Yunge.

Yunge ignored everyone and continued speaking.

"Xiaomo, is it because you want to live broadcast and those things don't want the haunted house to be exposed to everyone's sight, so you are very cruel to you?"

Although it is impossible for the guards and Lin Mo to know the idea of ​​the haunted house, they felt that it made sense after hearing Yunge's explanation.

Yunge's voice sounded again.

"This time we arrested Liu Kai in the past, not to do anything against the haunted house. If my guess is correct, our safety should not be a big problem!"

"Furthermore, we are guards, British guards, aren't those things in the legend afraid of our national luck?"

"So Xiaomo, don't worry too much. We may not act at night. We will go there tomorrow day. You have a good rest. After this case, I will take a few days off to the hospital to accompany you!"

Lin Mo heard Yun Ge say so, he agreed.

Lin Mo suddenly heard Yun ask when he hung up the phone.

"Xiao Mo, did Zhao Hao really hurt his leg or did you pretend to cheat?"

Originally it was just a little doubt in his heart, who knew that after Lin Mo explained Zhao Hao's affairs clearly, Yun Ge looked weird.

Don't talk about him, the guards at the scene gave him an expression.

The three brothers of Yunge were unlucky one after another, and one was even worse than one.

The visiting brother saw that he was hit and lying next to his brother. Some of them had never heard of such a strange thing as a guard for more than ten years.

Yunge also had the same idea. From Lin Mo to Zhao Hao, (Are you Zhao) to Lu Wen, his brothers were indeed very unlucky.

After Yunge hung up the phone, Xia Han calmed down her fear. After all, she was in the guard station and there were a lot of people beside her. At the same time, she quickly recovered from her fear.

Looking at Yunge, Mo Han said.

"Yun Ge, I will have my colleagues team up at three intersections of the haunted house at night. Things with Lin Mo are too weird, and the same is true for the rescue team. I decided to act again during the day.

"Also, you don't need to participate in this operation!


At the beginning of hearing Xia Han's instructions, everyone didn't have any comments. Now they are letting them go to the haunted house, they are not happy, after all, this living fact is in front of them.

However, Xia Han was as puzzled by Yun Ge's instructions as Yun Ge's.

The sound of "Ah" was Yunge's voice, and he looked at Xia Han in wonder.

"Team Xia, I said that to Lin Mo just to comfort him. I didn't mean anything else. I must participate in this operation!"

He thought he could understand Fuhan after he explained it.

Who knew Xia Han still shook his head.

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