Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 330 Xiao Yu’s system reward! Bandit Mu Yun! (third more! Ask for customization!)

"Yun Ge, I can't agree to this matter!"

"Lin Mo's affairs are full of weirdness, and your brother Zhao Hao, don't you think it's too coincidental?"

"Two of the four of you have already had an accident. I'm afraid what will happen to you then."

"I didn't believe this before, but now I hear this, and I feel panic in my heart!"

"The arrest of Liu Kai is more, you are not more, and you are not more, you will be guarding outside tomorrow, doing some supporting work!"


With Xia Han's words, everyone understood her meaning, and Yun Ge smiled bitterly.

Is it because your brother is destined to have bad luck?

What is the truth, where is the science...

Well, let's not talk about scientific matters, Lin Mo's matters are not scientific at all.

But it doesn't matter if you participate or not.

As long as Liu Kai is arrested, his mission will be completed.

This will see Xia Han caring about himself, Yunge is slightly happy, he did not directly reject Xia Han's kindness.

"Team Xia, thank you for your concern, this matter will depend on the situation tomorrow."

"Since things here are on hold, I want to go to the hospital to see my brother. Can I go directly to the haunted house tomorrow morning?"

Xia Han nodded. When she asked for leave in the afternoon, she didn't know what happened to Yunge's brother.

From the phone call just now, it can be seen that the relationship between the two of them is indeed more real than many people's apparent brothers and friends.

In addition, she originally didn't want Yunge to participate in 247, so she agreed to Yunge's request without even thinking about it.

With Xia Han's answer, Yun Ge apologized to the guards present, and then drove away in his car.

He drove not in the direction of Shencheng Hospital, but in the direction of the North District.

Young Master, that Yunge has already come in our direction!

The position where Mu Yun stood was still the same position as yesterday.

The person who indirectly revealed the whole thing was naturally him.

He had already thought of this and this matter since receiving a call from Dark Five in the afternoon.

Originally the four protagonists, he was afraid that killing Lin Mo or Lu Wen would startle the snake.

However, after Lin Mo's incident last night, everyone has now turned their eyes to the haunted house and the unclean thing.

He happened to take advantage of this incident to solve the protagonist Yunge.

Once Yun Ge died, Liu Kai he had subdued was of no use.

Of course, Mu Yun didn't mean to kill him, saying that was just to illustrate one thing.

The plan can't keep up with the change!

Every time Mu Yun planned something, he would always decide whether to continue or give up according to the situation.

He didn't give up the plan once or twice.

At noon, Zhao and Wu together, they know Yunge better than Mu Yun.

From their words, combined with Yunge's style of doing things in the story, Mu Yun concluded that Yunge would definitely (cdch) come to this haunted house after he knew it.

The worry of his three brothers is not superfluous. Although Yunge is a little easy going, he is bold and adventurous.

To put it bluntly, curiosity is too strong.

He is destined to come when he knows it!

Either set off with the guards or came by yourself.

Now his actions have surfaced that Mu Yun's conjecture was correct.

Hearing Suzaku's report, Mu Yun smiled.

"Let Liu Kaiser, the people who came here told them to not allow anyone to do anything."

Mu Yun's explanation reminded Suzaku about Huang Guohong, and he nodded.

"Yes, young master!"

After Suzaku left, Mu Yun looked at the side he had brought with him.

This time he was going to kill Yunge, how could he forget Xiao Hao!

Last time Yang Qin suffered a big loss, he didn't want to do it again.

"Are there tasks?

Knowing the purpose of Mu Yun bringing himself here, he nodded well.

As long as she is with Mu Yun and Mu Yun wants to attack some people, her system can give tasks in time.

Mu Yun asked, introducing his mission in great detail.

[Option 1: Assist Mu Yun to deal with Yunge! Solve the trouble for Mu Yun! Reward: Ability Perspective (God Level)!)

[Option 2: As a girl, how can I take action against the guards of Yan Nation? Sit back and watch Mu Yun kill Yunge! Reward: Supernatural illusion (God level)! 」

[Option 3: Protect the guards, dissuade Mu Yun, and spare Yunge! Reward: Ability clone [God level]!)

With three god-level abilities, Xiao Hao's system has never let Mu Yun down.

Thinking of what happened to Yang Qin last time, Mu Yun felt a little painful.

What a great opportunity, it's just wasted.

But this heartache disappeared in no time.

His attention was focused on Xiao Hao's reward.

Of the three abilities this time, the best is naturally the clone, which seems to appear in this option the same last time.

The second is illusion. The convenience brought by Suzaku’s illusion is obvious to all.

The only bad point is that he can't take action on the protagonist, otherwise, let the protagonist do some unexpected things in the illusion, which is a wonderful thing.

The final perspective, this is a god-level comparable to teleport, but now it is a reward for this high school girl's choice.

Let her choose this, Mu Yun doesn't have to think about knowing what kind of eyes she will look at herself.

What is the use of the perspective left to her, in the end it was not plundered by herself.

However, it is foreseeable that she will definitely tell Zhao Ling'er that Mu Yun does not want to become Zhao Ling'er's heart change.

The matter of Zhao Bing'er and her daughters has just been resolved, and Zhao Linger's acquiescence in some aspects has been obtained. Mu Yun does not want to cause unnecessary trouble.

After the decision, Mu Yun said without hesitation.

"Choose two!

The illusion is good!

When Xiao gets it and plunders it by himself, the protagonists will have fun in the future. Maybe the four protagonists will be able to test the power of illusion this time.

Didn't they feel afraid of this kind of things because Lin Mo experienced the haunted house incident?

Mu Yun scared them to death by indulging in the terrifying illusion of illusion.

This is definitely a good idea.

More and more people know about Lin Mo's affairs.

This way of their death, those people would probably be self-defeating, linking their death to the haunted house.

On the contrary, I have left a lot of trouble with Mu Yun.

Under Mu Yun's gesture, Manhao chose the second option.

"Uncle, okay, the power of illusion has been obtained, do you need me to test it for you?"


Mu Yun didn't know Xiao Yu's careful thoughts and knocked directly on her head.

In Xiao Yu's grievance, Mu Yun smiled.

"Little milk, the system that uncle looted last time can be plundered to give various systems, abilities, and luck points."

"Illusory ability is definitely not available to you now, so you will hand in the reward this time."

"It just happens that I can use it to deal with those people, are you okay?"

Xiao Hao almost stared out when she heard Mu Yun's words.

It's not because Mu Yun wants to plunder her abilities.

It was that last time Mu Yun just told her that he had robbed a system to give her luck.

Now that Mu Yun said this, she was stupid!

The last time Mu Yun snatched it back was a bandit system, right?

It can still plunder other people's systems, abilities, and luck points.Is this too domineering?

However, Xiao Hao looked at Mu Yun while shocked, she suddenly felt that the system Mu Yun snatched back really matched him!

They are all the same overbearing and like to do some banditry.

Of course, she only dared to say this in her heart, Mu Yun wanted to plunder her illusion ability, she didn't have any objection.

Besides, it is useless to have opinions, she dare not resist Mu Yun.

Now she is tied to Mu Yun, and she doesn't need to do anything. As long as she comes over when Mu Yun is ready to take a shot, she can easily get rewards.

So Mu Yun asked her for a reward, she was really fine.

"Uncle, take it if you are useful, I have no objection."

Very satisfied and sensible, Mu Yun looked at her with a smile.

"System, plunder me Xiao Hao's illusion technique [God level]!"

"Host, it takes half a million luck to rob the destiny villain Xiao Yu's illusion (God level)! Is the host sure?"


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