Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 331 Plundering Yunge! Let Yunge enter the horror fantasy! (fourth more! Seek full order!)

A god-level ability of 500,000 Qi Luck was definitely a sky-high price in the past.

It's not a problem for Mu Yun now.

Seeing his own attribute panel with extra powers, illusion god level, the smile on Mu Yun's face was even greater.

Xiao Yu on one side was sure that his illusion ability had disappeared.

Because she still had the memory and information of illusion in her mind just now, she couldn't think of it anymore.

Quietly spit out his little tongue, Xiao Yu secretly said that Mu Yun, the bandit and bandit system, is really powerful.

On the surface, of course she was standing next to Mu Yun very well-behaved.

Yunge is not them, and it's not that fast.

Now that Hao Hao has made a decision, the rewarding ability Mu Yun has been accepted, and his eyes are looking at Xiao~Okay.

"Xiaohao, people haven't come yet, I'll send you back to rest first.

"Sister, there shouldn't be home yet. When you go back, you just say that I will send you back and leave!"

"Good uncle!"

Well, it is now Mu Yun's humanoid system. Find her when you need it, and send her away when you don't need it.

Teleported away Xiao Hao, Mu Yun stood on the top of the building again, waiting for Yunge.

First get Yunge, and then make Lu Wen and Lin Mo sacrifice to the sky one by one, anyway, now the haunted house and the dirty things are back.

Get one to be one, and finally Zhao Hao is left, and he returns to the single protagonist mode.

As time passed, Yunge's car had appeared in Mu Yun's sight.

Through the glass of the car, Mu Yun can clearly see the cloud song inside.

"System! Give me the god-level guard system that plundered Yunge!

"Host, it takes 12.5 million luck to plunder the protagonist Yunge's god-level guard system, are you sure?


"Please wait for the host!

This time Mu Yun did not pay attention to the movement of the system plunder.

The sound of the system soon sounded.

"Congratulations to the host, successfully plundering the god-level guard system! May I ask whether the host has absorbed the god-level guard system!"

"Not absorbed!

"System, how much luck can I get by absorbing the god-level guard system?"

"Host, absorbing the god-level guard system can get 20 million to 43 million yuan of luck!"

After getting a response from the system, Mu Yun started to think.

Even with the highest 43 million air luck and less than 20 million air luck on my own body, the 10 million recovered by the god-level villain halo is still nearly 8 million air luck.

Mu Yun seemed very hesitant. The god-level guard system is indeed very suitable for Zhao Bing'er, but if he doesn't recover it, his remaining luck will not be enough to plunder Zhao Hao's god-level black technology system.

Killing Zhao Hao directly is a waste. Once his system is plundered, the recovery is tens of millions, hundreds of millions of luck.

In order to give Zhao Bing'er the god-level guard system, is it cost-effective to give up so much luck?

Mu Yun kept thinking.

"System, absorb the god-level guard system for me!

Mu Yun gave up!

Now that powerful oneself, so much luck, for the sake of a god-level guard system, if you add Zhao Hao's god-level black technology system, Mu Yun does not need to consider at all.

"Congratulations to the host, absorb the god-level guard system, and get 38 million luck points!"

Seeing his luck soaring to 56 million, Mu Yun felt like he was getting rich overnight.

It's not money rich, now he is less interested in money than Xiao Ma.

The only thing that interests him is luck points.

After confirming his luck, Mu Yun turned his attention to Yunge again.

He had plundered Lu Wen's three high-level auras, and the Jiangzhi aura had already given Xiao Hao.

Mu Yun, the mid-level Wisdom Downgrading Aura that is full of his own, does not plunder, and directly covers it.

Looting over to recover half of the loss, Mu Yun would rather it be covered.

The high-level protagonist's aura was given to Zhao Ling'er when Mu Yun went to Xianling Island.

Now that Mu Lao's high-level luck aura is left on him. I haven't seen Mu Lao these days, and Mu Yun can't give it to him for the time being.

This will skyrocket luck, and there is no need to worry about the huge luck of the two systems plundering and granting, Mu Yun is eyeing Yunge's super luck aura.

Plundered, once Guan Qin succeeds, it is possible to be promoted to the god level like the villain's halo.

When the two ultimate auras are possessed, Mu Yun is completely immune to all negative auras, even God-level negative auras are not afraid.

As for Yunge’s super protagonist halo, Mu Yun is not interested.

A high-level protagonist's halo over Zhao Ling'er is enough.

Although the value of luck has skyrocketed, it can't be so wasted.

"System! Give me the super lucky aura of plundering Yunge!"

"Host, it takes five million luck to plunder the protagonist Yunge's super luck halo, are you sure?"


"Please wait for the host!

Time passed quickly, and the system sounded.

Congratulations to "Host, successfully plundering the protagonist Yunge's super luck halo! Does the host absorb it?"

"Don't absorb it temporarily!

"Host, do you use Super Luck Aura?"

"System, first take off my original high-level luck aura before using it!

The extra high-level luck aura will be compensated for Zhao Bing'er at that time.

Of course, Mu Yun does not owe her, but as his own woman, the god-level guard system is now recovered by himself.

Her aura of luck is still at a basic level, so she can make up for it.

By the way, there is also a copy of the information about the various cases, which will be delivered to Zhao Bing'er later.

Now that there is no god-level guard system, it is useless to keep it, so let her solve the case directly in exchange for credit.

Seeking flowers...

Getting what he wanted from Yunge, Mu Yun looked at Yunge again.

Yun Ge didn't dare to come to the haunted house, but he just robbed the illusion from Xiao Hao.

He doesn't have Suzaku's eyes, and his illusion doesn't need eyes to activate.

Simply use mental power to influence each other's senses, allowing him to be immersed in the scene set by his own illusion.

Yunge had already arrived in front of the haunted house, and Mu Yun did not start to perform illusions on Yunge.

He was waiting for Yunge to enter the door, as long as Yunge enters, under the control of his own illusion, he will naturally fall into a terrifying scene.

He might be suspicious if he controlled Yunge with the illusion before he even entered the door and activated it. After all, he had a detective skill.

Once people have doubts, their fear of terrible things will be halved.

This is not what Mu Yun wants. Mu Yun wants Yun Ge to feel that he has really stepped into the ghost realm.

In this way, the fear in his heart will continue to magnify.

Being bold does not mean that there is no fear or fearlessness.

When the fear reaches a certain level, he will be shocked no matter how bold he is.

Standing in front of the haunted house, Yun Ge hesitated, his brother Lin Mo told him truthfully that there was indeed a problem with this haunted house.

Although he still has some puzzles about what happened last night.

For example, what happened to the ambulance crew.

But it is undeniable that after Lin Mo's matter, he has no idea whether or not to enter this haunted house.

Just now came to the haunted house with my curiosity and courage.

He hesitated now standing in front of the haunted house.

Because once in, he doesn't know what will happen.

Especially when it was dark inside, he wanted to turn around a little bit.

Just like Mu Yun thought, being courageous doesn't mean not being afraid.

Three minutes later, Yunge was still hesitating.

When time passed two more minutes.

Yun Ge seemed to cheer himself up, stomped his feet fiercely, and then stepped inside the door.

Mu Yun smiled when he saw this scene.

When Yun Ge just took a step, he didn't know that he suddenly felt flustered.

He suddenly wanted to take back the foot he had stepped into the haunted house.

It's a pity it's too late.

When he took that step, he suddenly felt that the whole world had changed.

It became even darker, and the originally faintly bright scene went completely black.

Sure enough, there is a problem!

Yunge who discovered this hurried back, but when he stepped back a few steps, he found that the scenery around him had not changed.

Didn't he just step into the gate?

How did he step back a few steps but nothing changed.

This this,

Rao is Yunge's courage, this time he feels a little cool behind his waist.

Something went wrong! Taxi.

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