Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty-Two: Being in a treacherous state! Yunge is terrified! (Fifth more!


at this time.

There was an electric current in the darkness, and it kept resounding.

Yunge, who had just been intimidated by the momentary darkness, felt a violent heart.

Ever since it was suddenly dark around him, he stepped back and exited the haunted house, Yun Ge has already begun to regret it.

Yunge knows that he has made a mistake!

Even if he is curious, he should come back during the day.

It was pitch black now and he couldn't see. He felt like he was in hell, and even the temperature around him seemed to drop a few degrees.

This is very abnormal. It is obviously hot outside, even if he is in the haunted house now, he shouldn't be so cold as this.

The key is that this kind of coldness is not as cold as the air conditioner blows out, and I don't want to be as cold as a stream in winter.

This is the kind of feeling that is so cold in people's hearts.

Thinking that he had just heard the sound of electric current, Yun Ge suppressed his fear and began to look for the source of the sound.

Walking and searching in the dark room, Yun Ge stopped suddenly.

He didn't know how long he had been away, but the house seemed to have no end.

When he looked outside, he remembered that this ghost is obviously not too big.

This situation reminded Yun Ge of the weirdness that he could not get out of the haunted house just now.

One by one, Yunge's heart remorse again.


The deathly silence around Yunge!

He could even hear his breathing clearly, as well as the sound of his heart beating!

There are no other voices.

Yunge suddenly thought of his cell phone, how did he forget it just now.

The mobile phone can always illuminate the darkness in front of you, and you don't have to walk in the endless haunted house like a blind man.

But when he reached into his trouser pocket, he found that there was nothing in his trouser pocket!

This is?

He clearly remembered putting his phone in his trouser pocket before getting off the car.

I didn't exercise or fall, and it is impossible for the phone to fall out without collision.

His pocket hasn't been broken either!

From the weird scenes after stepping into the haunted house, Yunge's heartbeat speeds up again.

He must get out, otherwise he will feel his heart can't stand it anymore.

Seeing one direction, Yun Ge ran, this time he was no longer walking slowly.

He ran all the way, but there was still no end. The haunted house was like a vast flat ground, so that he could never reach the end in it.

Tired of running, Yun Ge stopped and walked slowly, he already understood.

I am definitely not in the original haunted house, just the original haunted house. I just ran more than 30 distances, how could it be that he still hasn't reached the end.

``Gudong...cough cough

In the darkness, a weird voice suddenly came from behind Yun Ge.

Yunge suddenly felt his scalp numb.

His first reaction was that the sound was very abnormal.

It sounds distorted.

It was like the sound of a rusty chain being twisted vigorously by a machine.

It's also like the kind of sharp sound made by the rubbing of pieces of bones.

For a while, Yun Ge's whole body was chilled, as bold as he was, but he did not dare to look back and see what was making the sound.

so horrible!


He didn't dare to look, so he could only walk forward slowly, but the extremely terrifying voice was getting closer and closer.

Getting closer!

Even gradually approaching Yunge's back.

It feels like someone keeps making this noise behind him.

Yun Ge's sense of fear continued to rise, and his breathing began to feel a little difficult.


A burst of shouts came from Yunge's mouth, and he kicked back fiercely.

The attack failed. Although he couldn't see behind him, his kicked leg didn't receive any block.


The kicked Yunge kept breathing hard, seeming to want to cushion the sense of fear in his heart.

After taking a deep breath, Yun Ge shouted towards the front.


"Get out of here!"

"Who is it?"

Yunge's roar filled the entire darkness.

"Who!" "Get out of here!" "Who is it?"

The darkness is like the Valley of Echoes, constantly echoing with the voice of Yunge.

"Impossible! This is definitely an illusion! This is definitely an illusion!

Excessive panic caused Yun Ge to begin to say irrational things. Lin Mo's thing really happened. He is experiencing it now, how could it be an illusion?

Although his thoughts tell the truth.

But from his point of view, it was like nonsense.

In the twilight, Yun Ge's pupils widened.

Not far in front of him seemed to be lit by a candle flame.

A faint light appeared. Under normal circumstances, Yunge would definitely ran over in the first place.

But at this moment, Yunge's pupils widened, cold sweat was constantly coming out of his forehead, and his back was already wet with sweat.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for using the illusion technique on'Yun Ge', causing the protagonist Yun Ge to experience a terrifying fantasy, excessive fright, unconsciousness, loss of air luck, air luck value +70000.JX4

Standing on the top of the building, Mu Yun, who has been perceiving the situation of Yunge, suddenly received a system prompt.

Yunge seemed to be greatly frightened.

Not far in front, where the bright light was, was standing a pale face, no pupils in his eyes, appearing white, and the corners of his mouth were slightly open, as if he was mocking himself.

The key is that the child's head has directly rotated one hundred and eighty degrees, which is completely incompatible with his body...

In such a situation, how could Yunge not be frightened?

"That's not an illusion!"

A cold and bitter voice came through the child's mouth.

His words seemed to be responding to Yun Ge's nonsense just now.

"Avoid, avoid, avoid,

Yunge, who was too frightened, was shocked by the child's response and backed away.

But no matter how he retreated, the light and the distance between the child and him did not change.

"Avoid, avoid, avoid,

In this situation, Yunge became more and more frightened. He had never seen such a terrifying picture.

Of course!

No one knows whether there are ghosts in this world, and has never appeared before. Where did he go to see this kind of scene.

But Yun Ge didn't know, he knew he must be hell now!

He wanted to calm himself down, but unfortunately he found that he couldn't do it at all.

He continued to retreat, and the light and the child continued to approach him.

Suddenly, Yun Ge's feet were awe-inspiring, and the whole person fell to the ground, but the light and the child did not stop.

Looking at the light and the children getting closer and closer, Yunge only felt that the sky was spinning.

The most important thing is that this child is grinning at this time, showing his teeth, smiling at him.

It was a mocking smile.

In an instant, Yunge could no longer suppress his sense of fear.

[Yes, congratulations to the host for applying illusion to Yunge, which caused the protagonist Yunge to be in a horrible illusion, excessively frightened, unconsciousness, loss of air luck, air luck value +70000! JX3

He remembered that he had heard a sentence before.

"Ning listen to ghosts cry, don't listen to ghosts laugh.

Because the ghost is crying by your side, it is likely to be telling your own misfortune. Many times this kind of ghost is weak and pure in mind.

If a ghost laughs in front of you or in your ears, it means that this ghost may be ready to harm you or bring you bad luck.

At this time, the little ghost who was walking towards him with a terrible smile was not far away, and he kept laughing like a vegetable.

As he approached himself, his head slowly turned, and his body slowly turned.

When the child returned to normal, he looked at him, stretched out his hands, turned into terrible ghost claws, and made constant gestures toward him.

In this case, isn't the child looking at it to harm himself?

Yun Ge quickly got up from the ground, he didn't dare to let the little ghost approach him, and Lin Mo's experience was vividly vivid now.

He didn't want to experience Lin Mo's pain.

"System, system, help!"

"Help me! Do you have any skills or things to exorcise ghosts!"

Yun Ge, who got up and ran forward, thought of his own system.

The only thing he can call for help now is his own system.

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