Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 333 Yunge is scared to pee! The system is back to hand! (First update! Ask for customization

In panic, Yunge thought of his own system.

However, under his shout, the system did not respond.

"System! Is it there?"

"Help! System! Help me get out of this place!"

As he kept shouting, the system still did not appear.

Yunge, who was running away from the scary child, suddenly stopped.

Of course, he didn't know that his system had disappeared, he just felt that his system seemed to have been isolated by this weird scene.

Are the ghosts in this haunted house really so powerful?

Can even the fetish of the system be isolated?

So how should he escape?

But soon, Yun Ge got rid of this idea, now is not the time to think about it.

He looked back, and there was another kid who was going to kill him.

But at this sight he was stunned.

Because the darkness was restored again behind him, there was nothing.

Yunge's heart is full of hearts.

Now the system cannot be connected, the mobile phone disappears inexplicably, and I am in this environment again.

I feel desperate to think about it.


Suddenly Yun Ge jumped up, and a pool of liquid appeared under him.

"Go away! Go away! Who is it?

He roared like crazy.

Just now, when Yunge was on his mind, there was a warmth in his ears.

It was as if someone was by his side, with his mouth close to 23 his ears.

That is the touch of breathing.

In an instant he was scared to pee!

[Yes, congratulations to the host for using the illusion technique on "Yun Ge", which caused the protagonist Yun Ge to experience a horror illusion, excessive fright, urinary incontinence, loss of air luck, air luck value +60,000! JX3

There was another system reminder in Mu Yun's mind.

The lower part has been spinning around in place, showing all kinds of fear on his face. Yunge with a shocked expression is indeed scared to pee.

The reality is the same as in the illusion, and their response is from the illusion to the reality.

So what is Yunge's reaction in the environment, and what is his reaction in reality.

This was originally what he experienced personally.

Yunge jumped up and fell directly to the ground. He couldn't help waving his arms desperately.

It seems to be driving people around.

But in the next second, there was another warmth in his ears, this time accompanied by a wailing like a cuckoo crying blood.

"Don't leave me, please don't leave me!"

Yun Ge felt that his whole body was about to explode.

This kind of situation where he could not see and hear, but couldn't feel the existence of this thing, really frightened him.

"Get away! Don't come near me!"

"I'm just here to find someone, I'm not going to be against you, don't pester me anymore, I am the Yan Guo guard!"

"I'm a guard! Don't come near me!

"can you hear me?"

Yunge's thoughts began to become abnormal.

He tried to explain to what was pestering him.

It's like intimidating them again.

It's just that as soon as his words fell, the sound that made him horrified came from his ears again.

"Why are you so cruel? Why are you driving me away!

"Please don't leave me, I will listen to you, okay?"

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, don't leave me!"

Yun Ge stopped driving away, the sound of this thing was useless no matter how he drove away.

He tried to calm himself down, but no matter how hard he tried, the fear in his heart could not be suppressed.

Not caring at all that he was sitting on the urine trace at this time, Yun Ge kept breathing deeply.

The bouts of warmth made him feel fear again every time he came over.

He is just like a blind man. Someone is around to play tricks on himself, but he can't find the trace of this person.

As time passed by every minute, Yunge's heart was tormented.

[Yes, congratulations to the host for performing illusions on "Yun Ge", causing the protagonist Yun Ge to be in a horror illusion, excessively frightened, panicked, and luck value +10000. JX8

[Ding, congratulations to the host for casting illusions on'Yun Ge', causing the protagonist Yun Ge to be in a terrifying illusion and desperate]

The sound of the prompts all showed the fear in Yunge's heart.

In the darkness, Yun Ge still felt the waves of warmth coming continuously.

Just when he was about to stand up, a bright light appeared again not far away.

Suddenly, Yun Ge was so scared that his feet went straight back.

There was a black thing floating in the light, and it danced like a hair floating in the air.

Gradually, the hair spread out, revealing a terrifying face to the extreme.

A woman's face, her face is uneven, and even some parts have begun to rot.

His eyes were gray and there was no blood on his face, and the open blood bowl and mouth with traces of red liquid flowed down.

What's more terrifying is that this hair is like a life at this moment, and it is constantly moving towards him.

It was densely packed, and Yunge was frightened to see him. He got up in a piss while his hair was moving, and ran forward again.

As he ran, he looked back, as if he wanted to see if the distance between himself and the ball of hair was separated.

But he found that his situation at the moment was the same as that of the kid just now.

No matter how he ran, the distance between the hair and him did not change, but it seemed to get closer and closer.

The face in his hair that suffocated him, looked at her gloomily.

"Mouth by mouth, as if trying to catch him, tore a piece of meat from him.

``Jie Jie...

Listening to the distressing voice coming from the human face, Yunge speeded up his pace again.

He felt that he was about to collapse, and such scenes that caused his heart to breathe quickly appeared one after another.

He vowed that if he returned to the moment he had just left the guard station, he would never come to this haunted house again, even at noon tomorrow.

Whoever loves to come to this kind of place.

Suddenly, Yunge felt his feet slip and fell down.

At the moment his hand touched the ground, the sticky feeling surprised him.

I lowered my head and saw that the terrifying face that was so pale just now was sitting on it by myself.


[Ding, congratulations to the host for using illusions on'Yunge', which caused the protagonist Yunge to be in fear...)

[Yes, congratulations...

Along with Yunge's screams of horror, system prompts kept ringing in Mu Yun's mind.

"Heh, congratulations to the host for clearing the protagonist Yunge Qiyun. Please choose from the following options."

[Option 1: The protagonist who loses the system has no threat to the host, why not let the host 247 let him! Reward: 50 million luck!]

[Option 2: The villain kills the protagonist and kills Chen Fan to snatch luck. Reward: God-level guard system!)

[Hidden option: The host acts according to his own wishes, and as a god-level villain, he should always have his own ideas and methods. award:???]

The sudden appearance of the system made Mu Yun's mood instantly excited.

How did this Gou system suddenly become better?

Fifty million luck, as long as you choose one, Zhao Hao's system is stable!

My original luck plus these 50 million rewards have exceeded 100 million, but will Mu Yun choose?

Xiao Hao would not be by his side, but no one would take the initiative to kill Yunge for himself.

After that, I can't make all kinds of explicit hints to let others kill Yunge, and the choice is purely to find something for myself.

The second god-level guard system is very good, indeed very good.

Give the reward back as soon as the system is recycled.

If Zhao Hao's option is like this, it would be perfect!

The god-level guard system recovered more than 30 million last time. If it was the same this time, he could also win Zhao Hao's god-level black technology system.

This is where there is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and the willows are bright and there is another village?

As for the hidden reward, when faced with the first two options, Mu Yun didn't want to fight for character.

It's not that I haven't encountered the situation of rewarding junk things.

"System! I choose two!"

"Heh, congratulations to the host for choosing! Now the host is rewarded with a god-level guard system!

Seeing returning to the god-level guard system in his hand, Mu Yun didn't know what to say.

He will never be able to guess the system.

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