Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 336: Zhao Hao's guess, Lu Wen saw Xia Han! (Fourth! Seek full order!)

The systematic answer made Zhao Wu greatly relieved, and then asked his own question.

"System, I want to ask, under what circumstances will the system suddenly disappear by itself?"

"Host, you ask more about this kind of situation, such as insufficient system energy, system upgrade, the host can not complete the task and the system automatically detaches, etc., this situation will occur.

"However, the first two are only temporarily out of contact. If the other situations in the back are automatically separated, they will never be able to be contacted again.

The answer of the god-level black technology system made Zhao Hao-suddenly stunned.

So many reasons the system will disappear?

According to the system, did Lin Mo's system automatically leave because his mission failed?

This is really a pity!

Zhao Hao, who knew the magic of the system, couldn't help but feel sorry for Lin Mo.

He looked at Lin Mo with sympathetic eyes.

"Xiaomo, I just asked about the system. The system's energy is insufficient, the system is upgraded, the host cannot complete the task and the system is automatically detached, etc., all of which will make the system disappear suddenly."

"The former situation is only temporarily unavailable, and the latter situation cannot be contacted anymore. Your situation may belong to the latter."

Seeing that after he finished speaking, Lin Mo's mood fell again, Zhao Hao continued.

"Xiaomo, in fact, when I didn't know that you had a system at the beginning, I planned to let you be the spokesperson of my company and hold you up."

"I've already said that, I'm not afraid you know, my system rewards all black technology blueprints, not the finished product that needs to be researched by myself.

"So at the beginning, he included a small and medium-sized technology company with 100% holdings."

"I only got the system yesterday. I don't know how to explain this to you. I will tell you at noon that I made some money and that money is not a problem."

"But now you should also know that those are all sent by the system.

"Don't frown, your system disappears, and there is mine.

"I have already said that black technology restores a lot of your stuff, so don't worry about it!"

"If you don’t want to be an anchor after you leave the hospital, you come to our company to help, and then spray Xiaowen, our three brothers work together to make the company bigger and stronger, and dare to look down on us.

"Especially Xiaowen, what kind of life has he had this year!"

"By the way, when Xiaowen comes back, first ask if he knows the system."

"I always think the possibility is great!"

Seeing that Zhao Wu had arranged for him, Lin Mo seemed to be infected by Zhao Hao's description, and it was rare that he smiled again.

"Angkor, I didn't expect it at first, but if you say that, I also think there is a great possibility that Xiaowen has a system!"

"Maybe Brother Yun is the same, otherwise how could it happen that the two of us suddenly got the system?"

Speaking of Yunge, Zhao Hao fell silent for a while, and he thought more about it.

If it is true that the four of them get the system, will the anxiety just now have some connection with this?

I have to say that Zhao Hao's ideas are very close to the facts.

But probably because of the lack of the influence of the novel, Zhao Hao couldn't think of it, so he could only say to Lin Mo.

"Xiaomo, the system just mentioned, if the four of us really get it, do you think our anxiety just now has something to do with this.

"If we all get the system, will the four of us have some kind of mission?"

"For example, I am a technology employee and get the god-level black technology system, you are the anchor and wait until the god-level anchor system, Yunge's words are likely to be the god-level guard system, as for Xiaowen..."

Speaking of Lu Wen, Zhao Hao really couldn't think of what would his system be called if Lu Wen got the system?

"He doesn't seem to have a career right now. If he really wants to say that he is a housewife, is it a god-level woman-and-male system?"

Speaking of this, Zhao Hao couldn't help but chuckle.

Lin Mo couldn't help but want to laugh, but he didn't dare, because it hurts when he laughed, so he could only smile.

Angkor ", you said that I am now full of curiosity, or should I call and ask Xiaowen to come back soon?"

Zhao Hao shook his head.

"Don't, Xiaowen will know about this sooner or later when he comes back. Now let's confirm the news of Brother Yun before we talk about it!"

"At the same time, we feel uneasy that we can't leave this matter. Don't delay this matter."

"The system knows early and late that it can't change anything, but Brother Yun is different. If he is in danger, the guards will be dispatched earlier, maybe he can be rescued sooner!

Lin Mo nodded and said nothing.

Nearly three hours have passed since Yunge left the guard station.

Except for the twelve guards sent to guard the three intersections, the other guards are still staying in the office area.

It's a little bit in case of emergencies, mainly because everyone is afraid to go home.

The haunted house incident that broke out today makes them still feel scared, and the guards are always not so scared by the crowd.

The guard sitting in his seat is either checking information or using his cell phone to send messages to his family.

There are also some who get together to chat in twos and threes.

No one will take care of what they do when they are off work now.

Xia Han didn't even go back to his office, sitting in front of the computer that Yunge used to check the information slowly.

After leaving Yunge, she has been searching for news and news related to the haunted house.

Seeking flowers...

But apart from some exaggerated claims, she did not find any valuable news.

At this time, the receptionist of the guard station brought a man in, and suddenly all the guards' eyes turned away.

Although the receptionist didn't know why Xia Han's team didn't leave at this point, he saw too much of this kind of thing in the guard station.

When encountering a serious case, many guards worked all night long, so he was not surprised, and led the man to nod to the guards, and then led him to Xia Han.

Xia Han looked at the receptionist and man with some doubts.

"Uncle Cao, is he?"

"Team Xia, this guy said he is a friend of Yunge, he came to find Yunge something, so I brought him to your side to ask.

Yun Ge, when the receptionist Uncle Cao said that this man was Yun Ge's friend, Xia Han thought of Lin Mo.


Of course, she knew that the person in front of her was definitely not Lin Mo. Lin Mo suffered that kind of injury yesterday.

She nodded.

"Uncle Cao, trouble you, he can leave it to us, you can go to rest first!"

"Okay, Team Xia, rest early when you are finished."

After speaking, Uncle Cao walked out of the office area.

The guards at the scene all looked at Lu Wen, because of the night's affairs, the people who had something to do with Yunge were very curious.

The same is true for Xia Han, she looked at the somewhat restrained Lu Wen and smiled.

"Hello, I don't know how to call it. Are you coming to Yunge for something?"

Lu Wen tried to make himself less nervous, and then looked at Xia Han.

"Team Xia, my name is Lu Wen, I am Brother Yun's brother. I came here to see if Brother Yun is in the guard station."

"If not, I want to know where Brother Yun went?"

Lu Wen just heard the receptionist Cao Shu's address to Xia Han, so he followed Cao Shu to address the Dou team.

His self-introduction made the presence less stunned.

Lu Wen?

Xia Han seemed to think of something when he heard this name.

"Lu Wen, are you the Xiaowen who called Yunge today?"

Lu Wen didn't know why Xia Han knew what he was called when he called Yunge, but Lu Wen still nodded.

"Yes, Team Xia.

Knowing that Lu Wen is Yunge's brother, Xia Han motioned to nearby guards to move Lu Wen a chair.

After Wen sat down, Xia Han said.

"Lu Wen, Yun Ge left three hours ago. He said he was going to the hospital to see you. Didn't you bump into him in the hospital just now?"

Lu Wen was a little flustered when he heard the words, he quickly stood up.

"What? Brother Yun went to the hospital? No!" Shi,

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