Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 357 Xia Han leads the team to the haunted house! Brave Lu Wen! (Fifth more! Ask for customiz

Denying Xia Han's statement, Lu Wen continued.

In the evening, "After finishing the phone call with Brother Yun, we waited for Brother Yun to come over in the ward, but Brother Yun never came and didn't call us. We thought he was busy with something and didn't dare to disturb him.

"Half an hour ago, we called Brother Yun, but he never answered him. We were worried about him, so I came to the guard to look for him."

"Brother Yun really didn't go to the hospital!


After Lu Wen explained, Xia Han stood up abruptly.

Her movements were more violent and swift than Lu Wen, and the chair she was sitting on was pushed aside by her calf and hit the table next to her.

With this reaction of her, many guards followed and stood up, and they shared Xia Xianghan.

The guards who didn't want to understand for a while didn't know what happened, but when they saw Xia Han and his colleagues stood up, they naturally stood up.

Xia Han, who stood up, ignored Lu Wen's words and said directly.

"Cheng Li, prepare a large searchlight! "Two Five Zero"

"If not, go to another department to borrow it, or go to the headquarters to mobilize."

"All the others rushed to the haunted house with me!"


"Cheng Li, by the way, you inform the other three lockdown groups to gather in the haunted house in half an hour!"

Xia Han hoped that his guess was wrong, but now they must rush to the haunted house.

A colleague may be trapped in a haunted house, and she cannot remain indifferent.

Wan Yunge really had an accident inside, and they rushed over to him early to be saved.

When everyone was about to leave, Xia Han looked at Lu Wen.

"You are in the same car with me. In the car, you will call Yunge once in a while."

"Also, call the emergency center, ask them to send someone to the haunted house, and tell them it is the order of the guard station!"

Xia Han told Lu Wen to do things without the slightest ambiguity.

When asked Lu Wen to call the emergency center, she worried that because of Lin Mo's affairs, the people in the emergency center would not dare to take the task, so she specially emphasized it.

Even if Lu Wen reacted to Xia Han's response and orders, he would no longer react.

Yun Ge must have ran to the haunted house without telling everyone.

Thinking of Lin Yun's experience, he nodded quickly and left behind Xia Han.

When the emergency center received Lu Wen's call, the response was indeed the same as Xia Han's worry.

They said that no rescue team was willing to go to the haunted house to rescue people at night because of what happened last night.

According to Xia Han's instructions, Lu Wen told the people in the emergency center that the person who was involved was the guard who was going to investigate. Now the people in the guard station are rushing over, and it is the order of the guard station to send them to rescue.

The emergency center immediately decided to send someone over.

For those who die on their own, the ambulance team really doesn't want to save it, don't talk about professional ethics.

In reality, there is a fire in some places, and some people are injured inside.

Has anyone ever seen a doctor rush in to save someone when it catches fire?

Is there any difference between the situation in this haunted house and the fire?

That kind of weird situation is more frightening than a fire.

Especially when I heard the paramedics who came back yesterday, who is not afraid of those people?

Besides, it’s the one at night, one yesterday and another one today.

They all run to the haunted house by themselves, let them save now?

Who is willing to go!

But now it was the guard who was investigating what happened inside, so the situation is different.

This is not for death, but for official business.

Although they are still afraid, they have to go over and see what is going on before making a decision.

The ambulance staff had already started preparing to set off. Lu Wen called Yunge every minute while sitting in Xia Han's car, but there was still no one answered.

This situation makes Lu Wen increasingly worried.

Xia Han quickly rushed to the haunted house with guards, and the twelve guards who had been sealed off near the haunted house had already arrived at the scene first.

Seeing Xia Han getting off the car, one of the guards walked up and said.

"Team Xia, Yun Ge really came to the haunted house, and his car is parked not far from the haunted house."

While speaking, the guard pointed to a car parked not far in front of the haunted house.

Xia Han nodded.

"Pay attention, whether it's a weird thing that prevented Yun Ge from getting out, or because Liu Kai hid inside and hurt Yun Ge, now everything is invisible inside."

"I have asked Cheng Li to get the equipment, and we will go in when the equipment comes, otherwise the enemy will be dark and we will be bright, which is very dangerous!

After finishing talking, Mo Han took the lead to walk towards the haunted house. She was the captain. Now, even if she was afraid of her, she couldn't shrink back.

She led everyone to a place seven meters in front of the haunted house and stopped.

A glance at the dark haunted house made Mo Han feel terrified.

Especially when I just heard about Lin Mo's experience in the evening and the current situation of Yun Ge's life and death is unknown.

She has an inexplicable fear of the haunted house.

"Lu Wen, call Yunge."

Lu Wen looked at the haunted house not far away with the same fear. After Xia Han ordered, he dialed Yunge's phone.

The sudden ringing in the haunted house evoked everyone.

Yun Ge is indeed inside, but what is the situation now, is he the same as yesterday's ambulance?

"Zhang Chao, you bring a few people to drive all the cars over, don't turn off the car after stopping, and the lights are facing inside!"

Hearing the ringtone seemed to be very close, Xia Han ordered immediately.

It is impossible for her to order her men to go in and save people now. The situation inside is unknown, and she doesn't talk about weird things. If Liu Kai hides inside, her men will be very dangerous...

As the captain, she could not put her other subordinates in danger in order to save Yunge alone.

Of course, Yunge must be saved, but the situation must be clarified before action.

Soon, several cars drove to the front of the haunted house, and their headlights were aimed at the place where the haunted house could transmit light.

Suddenly the inside of the haunted house was much brighter.

"Brother Yun!!

Lu Wen, who had been looking at the door of the haunted house, suddenly yelled, and everyone was frightened by him, especially Xia Han next to him.

Xia Han almost punched him, only to follow Lu Wen's gaze.

I saw Yun Ge lying quietly not far from the door of the haunted house.

"Don't go there, we'll talk about it later when we are sure of the situation!"

Finding that Lu Wen seemed to want to walk towards the haunted house, Xia Han grabbed him, but she praised Lu Wen in her heart.

In this case, he dared to go to the haunted house. Yunge's brothers really care about him.

Lu Wen's face was a little worried, being pulled by Xia Han.

Yunge is not far from the door, perhaps because the haunted house is already illuminated at this time.

At the moment when Lu Wen saw Yun Ge lying on the ground knowing his life or death, he suddenly felt that he was no longer afraid.

He wants to save Yun Ge now.

"Team Xia, Brother Yun is at the door, and now there are lights shining on. I can bring Brother Yun back soon in the past. It should be fine. If there is something really wrong, wouldn't you still be there?"

Lu Wen didn't know where the courage came from, but at this moment he really didn't have the slightest fear of the haunted house.

But Mo Han did not let him go.

"No 2.7. This matter must be under my command. The weird thing is the same thing. Now the wanted criminal Liu Kai may be hiding in it. He is holding a firearm. I dare not let my team members go in."

"You are just an ordinary person, waiting here with me. When we are sure that it is safe, we will naturally go in and save Yunge. I don't want Yunge to be unsuccessful and some people will break into it."


With Xia Han's remarks, Lu Wen only remembered that Yun Ge seemed to mention that there was a wanted criminal in it.

His movements stopped for a while.

He is not afraid of the haunted house now, but he doesn't dare to risk the wanted criminal who doesn't know where he is hiding with a gun.

Just as Xia Han said, don't wait until Yunge is not saved and let the wanted criminal get a shot instead.

In that case, the guards would not be able to save him.

Seeing Lu Wen had stopped, Xia Han let go of his hand.

"Liu Neng, call Cheng Li and urge him to hurry up!"

"Yes, Team Xia!".

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