Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 501 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 504th chapter opens the conditions again! Xiao Ruoran's suggestion! (Subscribe!)

After Mu Yun finished speaking, Xiao Hao looked at him speechlessly.

Others don't know, can she know whether this thing can be productive?

She admired Mu Yun's ability to open her eyes and talk nonsense, she really didn't know what Mu Yun wanted from the Xiao family.

Xiao Hao felt that what Mu Yun wanted was definitely not easy, but she didn't bother to say that, anyway, Xiao Hao planned to sacrifice her mother, and the things of the Xiao family were her nothing.

The few people who had heard Mu Yun's words looked disappointed, but after hearing Mu Yun's words, they seemed to see new hope.

Elder Xiao asked directly.

"Mu Yun, how do you plan to discuss?

"You still have the same conditions as before, so that we don't have to guess.

The condition "Yes, we directly agreed, as long as you have it then send us it like!"

Mu Yun likes that Old Man Xiao is so direct. After Mr. Xiao finished speaking, Mu Yun smiled.

"Master, my conditions are very simple. You also know that I already have the Mu Family Group and the Yunling Group. My conditions are Sister Ran and her Rantian Group."

Father Xiao was direct, and Mu Yun was also very direct, but his directness immediately made everyone confused.

It's really straightforward, but is this condition really simple?

Although Father Xiao said that Xiao Ruoran was from Mu Yun and Rantian Group was also from Mu Yun, but that was the case, Rantian Group was not still under the name of the Man Family.

Mu Yun's words were to separate Rantian Group from Xiao's family directly.

This is not a concept!

Even Xiao Ruoran was slightly stunned when she heard this.

Especially Mu Yun's sentence of mine is even if Sister Ran and her Rantian Group

Isn't this obvious?

Isn't that even the person who brought her either?

For a while, Xiao Ruoran's pretty face turned red, then lowered his head and said nothing.

What can she say about this?

I can't say anything. Now this matter can only be done by Mr. Xiao, and nothing she says is inappropriate.

Besides, now she really has no additional relationship with Mu Yun, what would she say?

Therefore, Xiao Ruoran was silent.

Of course, she was not the only one who was silent, and all the Xiao family members present were silent.

This is no better than just now. Although the Xiao family wanted to look at the head of the Mu family just now, this did not have any real impact on what the Xiao family said. 107

But it's different now!

What Mu Yun said this time was obvious, that he wanted to pass Xiao Ruoran and Rantian Group together.

Let them leave the Xiao family. It would definitely be a loss for the Xiao family to do so.

And it was not a normal loss. It was equivalent to the loss of a large group by the Xiao family directly. It is strange that Elder Xiao and the others didn't think about it.

The scene was quiet and everyone did not speak.

This matter has little to do with Xiao Ruoran's two older brothers. At this time, they are looking at Mu Yun curiously.

Even Elder Xiao didn't expect that Mu Yun would ask Rantian Group to pass, let alone the two of them. Although they were puzzled by Mu Yun's approach, they didn't say anything.

Anyway, they can't participate in the peace. How to deal with the matter is naturally left to Elder Xiao to decide.

On the contrary, they were quite interested in this brother-in-law.

They knew the identity of Mu Yun, so they were more curious about Cai Yun. They did not doubt the relationship between Mu Yun and his sister Xiao Ruoran.

After all, this matter sounds weird, how could they not doubt it, but even if Xiao Ruoran said so, what else can they say?

Now that they see Mu Yun, they naturally have to take a good look.

Mu Yun didn't care about the business behavior of the two of them at all. They looked at how they liked, and it didn't matter to Mu Yun at all.

He can only wait for Master Xiao's reply now.

If Elder Xiao agreed, he would take the opportunity to accept Xiao Ruoran and Rantian Group together. There are three major groups under him. Even if they don't merge, they have great potential for development.

If it merges into a Big Mac consortium, if Xiao Ruoran becomes his woman, then the consortium will naturally be handed over to Xiao Ruoran.

Xiao Ruoran’s Rantian Group has the support of the Xiao family behind it, but Xiao Ruoran’s ability cannot be denied.

With the loyalty of Yuming Party and Li Ziye now, Mu Yun doesn't worry that they will have emotions with him.

I already have that kind of thought, and I have any emotions, at most I just think about how to compete with Xiao Ruoran.

Mu Yun doesn't object to this.

But for the time being, Mu Yun has no idea of ​​merging the three groups.

Let's talk about each development first.

There must be a lot of problems with this merger!

It's developing well now, why should Mu Yun mess up.

Under Mu Yun's waiting, Mr. Xiao raised his head slightly.

"Mu Yun, your heart is really big, do you want the Mu family to dominate the Yan Nation?"

Mu Yun didn't think that Old Man Xiao thought for a while, and asked this question, he smiled directly.

"Master, do you think that one more Rantian Group will have a big impact on the Mu family?"

"To be honest, the Mu family wants to dominate Yan Nation. It is now possible. One more Rantian Group and one less Rantian Group will have no effect."

"I did this as an equivalent transaction. Father, you have to know how rare this thing is. It's not good to say it. If someone wants to exchange it with a consortium like the Rantian Group, it may not be possible to exchange it."

"What I mean, do you understand?"

After hearing Mu Yun's words, Old Man Xiao nodded.

Perhaps the angle from which he stood is different, so Father Xiao's view of things is naturally different from Mu Yun.

Now things are just like what Mu Yun said, Rantian Group is not that important to Mu Yun.

In fact, it doesn't have much effect on Mu Yun, but if it can get Rantian Group, it will be the best. Not being able to get it is really not a big deal to him.

Elder Xiao didn't think about it for too long again this time. Soon he looked at Xiao Ruoran's parents. Seeing the two nodded, he looked at Mu Yun and said.

"Mu Yun, I can promise you this, but you must set aside four for us when the things in your hand are in stock.

Old man Xiao didn't know the name of this thing, but the rough introduction of his great-granddaughter, Old Man Xiao, as long as he is not a fool, knows this thing is precious.

How could he not want it!

There are quite a few people in his line, and he is not in the mood to ask for the second brother who is not dealing with him.

Is it possible for them to have to catch up with the Xiao Group?

This is impossible!

It's good enough to take care of your own family!

Mu Yun nodded and said.

"This is no problem. Once there is, I will let Grandpa save it for you.

"That's right! Old man Xiao, let me remind you that, no matter whether it is because of Sister Ran or not, even as an ally, I think I should remind you that recently, in the future, if you don't leave Yan country, don't leave Yan country. This world May be about to change.

"I have told you things in advance. Once you go abroad, if you have anything to do, don't come to me, and you don't have to look for a country. The country will not take care of it.

"Also, none of you are allowed to disclose this matter. After all, I told you in private. No one else knows about this matter. The reason, why bother to waste this tongue, are you right, sir!

Seeing Mu Yun's promise, Mr. Xiao should have been happy, but Mu Yun's words made him feel warm.

He knows that Mu Yun is not a random nonsense person, what he said naturally has his reasons.

Now that he has said this in the Xiao family, it means that there must be reasons that they don't know. They may choose to believe it, but they are not allowed to say it.

If they choose not to believe it, they (cfdd) will naturally not say it.

The two are not contradictory.

Old man Xiao looked at Mu Yun after hearing this, and seemed to want to get the answer from Mu Yun, but Mu Yun said directly when he saw this.

"Father, I can't tell you why things are happening. It may be two days or later you will know. For the sake of Sister Ran, I have already told you the consequences and let you try to avoid them. Just remember it yourself.

Mu Yun didn't say this after saying this.

Elder Xiao was very sensible and didn't ask.

Mu Yun gave the gene fortification liquid on his hand to Father Xiao, and under Xiao Ruoran's leadership, Mu Yun came to Xiao Ruoran's residence.

Naturally, Mu Yun had been to this place, but now with Xiao Ruoran, Mu Yun didn't use teleportation. He followed Xiao Hao in Xiao Ruoran's car and came to the place where he lived.

As for where to study the gene fortification liquid, the three people naturally don't need to mention. They won't even have time to leave after eating.

"Mu Yun, thank you!"

When he arrived at the residence, Xiao Ruoran, who had just entered the door, looked at Mu Yun and smiled and said.

Seeing this, Mu Yun waved his hand.

"Sister Ran, don't be so polite!"

We "have been together for a while, you should know what kind of person I am."

Let's go "Let's sit down and talk first!"

Xiao Ruoran laughed when she heard the words. It was very beautiful. Even though Mu Yun saw many of Zhao Ling'er and An Ying, Xiao Ruoran had her own flavor.

The two did it on the sofa in the living room. Seeing them doing it well, she stood up and said.

"Mom, then I'm going to cook!"

Mu Yun didn't know if he could cook all the time, or learn to cook to add ingredients to Xiao Ruoran. He also didn't know whether Xiao's food was good or not, but after he saw Xiao Hao finished speaking, Xiao Ruoran kindly ordered a little If you want to do well, it won’t be too unpalatable.

Otherwise Xiao Ruoran wouldn't let her do it.

After Xiao Hao left, Xiao Ruoran looked at Mu Yun and smiled.

"Mu Yun, I was not polite to you just now, thank you so much!"

"I have really experienced the effect of that thing, I believe you, even if you are exchanged with Rantian Group by someone else, you may not be able to get a piece of that thing.""Not only did you ask Xiaoma to bring me one, you also gave me one for grandpa this time. I am really grateful!"

Here "When you are free, I will transfer the equity of Rantian Group to you. I know you are not very interested in business now. You left me to let me continue to manage Rantian Group, right? "

Mu Yun nodded and smiled.

"Sister Ran, I really meant this!

"I'm not in a hurry for equity. When you have time, we will go to transfer the ownership together.

"Whether it is the Mu Family Group or the Yunling Group, you actually saw it. I gave them to Mingye and Midnight. Compared to what I am doing now, these two groups seem a little insignificant.

"So Rantian Group, I intend to continue to hand it over to Sister Ran, otherwise I have no one on hand now."

"Perhaps I can divide Ranten Group into two parts and share it with Kaoru to take care of them, but I think Ranten Group is your work, so I won't do this."

"Sister, are you okay?"

Xiao Ruoran didn't know what Mu Yun was up to, but judging from the things she took, Mu Yun's busyness was indeed more important than these groups.

She listened to Mu Yun's words and smiled at Mu Yun.

"This is of course no problem. I will take it as repaying your kindness. After all, you will have to pay four things."

"Even if I have been taking care of you, Rantian Group can't repay this kindness.

"Thinking that I still have to say thank you again!"

When the two chatted, they were pleasant, while Xiao Hao was playing tricks in the kitchen by herself, and no one cared about her thoughts.

"Mu Yun, have you ever thought of combining the three groups into one?"

While chatting, Xiao Ruoran suddenly asked.

Mu Yun was stunned by these words.

He thought about it. He thought about it when he talked to Mr. Xiao, but in the end he gave up.

Xiao Ruoran asked about this, and Mu Yun couldn't help but look at Xiao Ruoran and asked.

"Sister Ran, what do you mean?"

"To be honest, I thought about what you said, but then I gave up.

"Since you mentioned it now, can you tell me what you think? Just as a reference for me?"

"Do you think the three groups should merge?"

Facing Mu Yun's question, Xiao Ruoran nodded first, then shook his head again and said.

"Mu Yun, I think the merger or non-merger has its pros and cons."

"But overall it is better to merge. After all, the three big groups are in their own hands. It is certainly not as good as merging into a giant consortium, so that both reputation and development will give employees a lot of morale."

"They will look forward to the future of the company more!

"There are naturally some bad things about doing this. It is not that simple for the three big groups to merge into one."

"I am worried that fusion alone will take us a lot of time.

"This is something you can't control. It depends on Mu Yun's own thoughts."

"Of course, non-merger will naturally have the benefits of non-merger.

"If the three groups do not merge, they will take the rain together. Li Ziye's temperament is afraid that the three groups will be able to fight in the future. This is also a good thing!"

"After all, competition in such an environment is certainly not small, no matter which group growth is a good thing for you, isn't it?"

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