Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 505: Xiao Hao pits his mother! Together with Mu Yun pits! (Subscribe!)

After Xiao Ruoran finished speaking, she looked at Mu Yun.

She just simply said her thoughts.

Seeing Mu Yun seemed to be thinking, Xiao Ruoran said again.

"But this saves you a lot of worry, at least you don't have to adjust frequently because of company affairs.

"Otherwise, I am indeed a little worried about working with Yu Mingjiao and Li Ziye, and the competition will be like crazy. The two super women under yours are competing, and I look scared."

"Although I am often busy with work, I am not as crazy as they are. At least I have to spare time to accompany Xiaohao. The two of them seem to be born for work."

"Mu Yun, it's no wonder people outside say that you have a unique vision, and the two people you discovered are really powerful and desperate."

"In the past, perhaps you still had to worry about their physical problems. Now that you have this kind of thing in your hands, then it is no more worrying. I feel that with their ability and development speed, it is estimated that the development of your two groups will be very good. Hurry up and transcend Rantian Group.

Mu Yun smiled after hearing Xiao Ruoran's words.

"Sister Ran, are you worried?"

Xiao Ruoran shook her head when she heard this.

"I don't have this. I used to take this seriously, but now it feels like it doesn't matter."

"I don't know if it's your function. By the way, Mu Yun, how did you develop this thing?"

Xiao Ruoran asked, Mu Yun smiled, as if thinking back.

But soon he looked at Xiao Ruoran seriously and said.

"Sister Ran, I don't want to lie to you about this. From now on, I will tell you when I have a chance!"

It seemed that he was not surprised to get this answer, Xiao Ruoran didn't go any further.

"Mom, uncle can eat now!"

Hearing the good call, Mu Yun didn't know why there was an inexplicable guilty conscience.

Follow Xiao Ruoran to the restaurant.

Man Hao is already sitting in his place, and the rice and dishes on the table are clear at a glance.

If nothing else, it looks really good.

It's just that Mu Yun seems to have an appetite, even if he doesn't know how it tastes.

And what exactly was used to make sacrifices to Xiao Ruoran, Mu Yun was a little puzzled.

When Mu Yun was puzzled, she felt guilt and shame.

Suddenly he felt that he would not be able to?

With his various conditions, as for Ren Manhao to sacrifice Xiao Ruoran?

The more I thought about it, the more Mu Yun's thoughts became. He glanced at Xiao Hao, and at Xiao Ruoran, who looked at him with the same puzzlement.

Mu Yun wondered!

Shouldn't he agree to a good deal?

This kind of thing is really not for him.

Especially the expression of Xiao Ruoran now makes Mu Yun feel more guilty, and he feels that it is not as good as being directly stronger, which makes him feel more at ease.

Mu Yun winked at Xiao Hao thinking about it, who knew Xiao Hao ignored him directly.

Xiao Ruoran still looked at Mu Yun suspiciously. When she saw Mu Yun looked at Xiao Hao, she laughed.

"Mu Yun, are you worried that Xiaohao's cooking is not good?"

"Don't worry, don't think Xiaohao is still small now. At the beginning, I didn't worry about letting her cook in the kitchen by herself. After watching it a few times, I found Xiaohao seems to be particularly talented in this area."

"And she also likes to cook quietly alone, which may be her interest, so I didn't let her stop."Learning more craftsmanship is always a good thing."

Mu Yun looked helpless when he heard this, Xiao Yu, is this a matter of learning crafts?

What kind of craft did she learn again, to sacrifice to her mother?

Xiao Ruoran asked, Mu Yun didn't know how to explain, so he could only take the chopsticks and smile at Xiao Ruoran.

"Sister Ran, this is the first time I have eaten the food made by Xiaoma, and I am not at ease!"

After Mu Yun finished speaking, Xiao Ruoran laughed.

Not to mention Mu Yun, it was the same when she ate it for the first time.

After all, anyone who tries a little girl’s meal will have this idea for the first time.

"It was the same when I tried it for the first time. Later I found out that Xiaohao did a good job. You can try it. Can I lie to you?"

Mu Yun didn't speak any more when he heard the words. He was holding the food while watching Xiao Hao's behavior. Xiao Hao was nothing, just the same as when he was eating.

It's just that as the food slowly diminished, Mu Yun suddenly felt that his head began to be confused.

Damn it!

Be overcast!

Mu Yun doesn't know...

Mu Yun didn't know anything, because he had passed out.

This is the first time he has been stunned since he traveled, and it may also have something to do with his attention on Xiao Ruoran and Man Hao.

Besides, given his physique, he is not at all worried about this kind of problem.

So the person who was finally stunned turned out to be him.

It's a pity that he has passed out, and he didn't realize that Xiao Ruoran, who was opposite to him, also passed out after he passed out.

Xiao Hao stood there looking at the two people lying on the table in front of him.

"Aunt Ling'er is still smart, she guessed your psychology accurately!"

"What a hypocritical man, he clearly wants to, and this kind of psychology is really troublesome!"

"If it weren't for what Aunt Ling'er gave, I really can't help you!"

"Humph! It's cheaper for you!"

Xiao Hao seemed very upset, looked at Mu Yun on the table and muttered a few words, and then began to do things.

Holding a person in one hand, and leaving the two of them in Xiao Ruoran's room, Xiao Hao locked the doors and left the room instantly.

Zhao Linger, who was working on records, saw Xiao Hao appear in front of her, unscathed, she looked at Xiao Hao and asked.

"Xiaohao, did you do it right?"

Xiao Hao nodded towards Zhao Ling'er.

"Aunt Ling'er, okay, uncle really did the same as you said, wanting to turn back and staring at me!"

"Hehe! In the end it was not a hit!"

Seeing a smile on his face, Zhao Linger shook his head and said.

"Xiaohao, you are happy when you do this. I see if you are happy or not when things are over!"

"But it's not surprising that Brother Yun will have problems with that character, but I didn't expect you to actually put him down, so you are not afraid that he will wake up and look for you?"

Xiao Hao smiled after hearing the words.

"Aunt Ling'er, I'm not afraid. He is taking advantage of it. I helped him so much. He is still looking for me. If it is a big deal, I will hide with you and not go back. I see what he can do."

Zhao Linger didn't care about Xiao Ting at all, she looked at Xiao Hao with a smile and said.

"Xiao Bad, don't forget to gather tomorrow night for something, how long you can hide, and after this, I'm afraid Brother Yun won't trouble you, but sister won't be able to spare you!"

"Have you forgotten that Sister Ran has already taken the gene fortification liquid?"

Man Hao Wenyan's face suddenly stiffened, she really forgot about it, and she didn't pay much attention to Mu Yun when she came over with the gene enhancement liquid today. this.

She also didn't think that Xiao Ruoran had taken the gene fortification liquid.

When I think about it, Xiao Hao seems to recall the pain that I haven't felt after crossing.

The disobedience before the crossing reminded Xiao Ruoran of the pain of pumping his hips, and he was still a little scared.

Ling'er "Auntie, what should I do then? How about I go get my uncle back now?"

Zhao Linger knocked on the nipple.

"Have you thought about it, this meeting is probably already started, you catch it, what about the rest?"

"You can wait with peace of mind, the big deal is to take a meal, are you still afraid?

"Don't forget, this is what you asked for. What you say is that you can only have a common language after turning your mother into your own person. I support your ideas very much and I have everything prepared for you."

"Of course, you must bear the consequences yourself, right?"

"Okay, you have to rest and find a place to rest by yourself, I have to do it!"

"Friendly reminder, in about four hours, you may face men's singles or women's singles, but I think that with Brother Yun's temperament, mixed doubles is more likely.

"If you want to find a place to hide, you'd better think about it during this period of time, or you'll get caught, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave.

After Zhao Ling'er finished speaking, he was full of words.

Ling'er "Auntie! It's a big deal, I teleport to another place, why can't I leave!"

Zhao Ling'er was full of laughter upon hearing the words.

"Xiaohao, don't forget how your supernatural power came from. Brother Yun can give it to you, and naturally it can be deprived of it. I think he should not be so lucky now.

"If I can teach you a lesson, I think Brother Yun shouldn't mind wasting this bit of luck.

"Okay, I've told you everything that should be said, you can find a place to hide!"

After Zhao Linger finished speaking, it suddenly dawned on him.

When she did things with interest, she didn't think too much about the consequences. In her opinion, Mu Yun must have taken a big advantage, so she shouldn't do anything to her.

Ask for flowers...

But now listening to Zhao Linger's words, Xiao Hao is still a little worried.

Time passed by, and it had disappeared again in Zhao Linger's office.

Xiao Ruoran's home was constantly tumbling.

I don't know how long it took, Mu Yun suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Ruoran beside him.

Sure enough, this little bastard was completely pitted!

Where is her sacrifice, it is clear that the two of them pit together.

Xiao Ruoran hadn't woken up yet, but from Mu Yun's perception, she knew that she was just closing her eyes and she was already awake.

Maybe I don't know how to face this scene.

When Mu Yun held her by his hand, Mu Yun could feel her nervousness.

But Mu Yun didn't do anything, just lay quietly.

Then, then fell asleep.

Do you really think the two are not tired?

At the moment when the sky lighted up and the sun shone in, Xiao Ruoran frowned and wanted to do it.

"Sister, let's take a break again, Xiaohao, that bastard is not at home now, and you won't find her when you get up, it's better to take a break!"


Shocked by Mu Yun's voice, Xiao Ruoran suddenly hid in the bed again.

Several hours passed, Xiao Ruoran rolled his eyes at Mu Yun.

Leaning on Mu Yun's shoulder, Man Ruoran said.

"Mu Yun, you said this was really something Xiaohao did?


"Isn't it impossible? Xiaohao is so old, how could he do such a thing?"

"I feel that you are more likely to do this thing!"


Mu Yun pumped straight down, and said disdainfully.

"Sister, I really don't use this method. Let her explain to you the little things. We didn't tell you many things because you didn't know it at that time and there was no need to contact them."

"But this is the situation now. When Xiaohao comes back, you can ask her yourself."

"I think this should be more than Xiaohao, Ling'er should be mixed in, otherwise Xiaohao will not be able to get things that even I have been recruited."

Xiao Ruoran raised her head and looked at Mu Yun in amazement.

"Mu Yun, are you kidding me?"

"You said this was something Xiaohao did. I don't believe it, but it's still a bit possible. But you said Linger gave these things to Xiaoyu and asked Xiaoyu to cheat my mother. Isn't this too bullshit?"

"Do you think I'm stupid to cheat?"

Xiao Ruoran's reaction made Mu Yun laugh.

"Sister Ran, I said that you can just ask Xiaohao if you want to go. I believe you will believe it after she tells you. If you don't believe what I'm talking about now, what am I going to say?"


"do not want!"

"You can't have the final say on this matter!"

When Xiao Hao lowered his head and stood in front of the two of them, Xiao Ruoran wanted to catch her and beat her.

She finally knows what a pit mom is!

Everyone loves to cheat fathers, my own daughter has to cheat her mother, she is cheated by Xiao Hao, but she is unclear!

It feels like the whole person is going to fall apart.

But looking at Man, Man Ruoran didn't know how to speak.

Isn't this the youngest daughter of her family? How to understand these things and do such things really makes Xiao Ruoran not know how to explain to her.

Mu Yun looked at the two people in front of him silently.

He could only look at Xiao Hao and said.

"Xiaohao, you can do it, this is not the same as what you said, are you really funny?"

"Tell me, who owns that thing? Even I wrote to myself. I don't believe that Elder Xiao can take out this thing. Let's talk! Did Ling'er give it to you!"

When asked by Mu Yun, Man Hao nodded without concealing it.

This shocked Xiao Ruoran who was sitting next to Mu Yun a little dumbfounded.

Is it true that Zhao Linger gave things to the little milk to harm her boyfriend, and hers?

Could it be that Zhao Linger taught her daughter badly?

No wonder Xiao Ruoran thinks so, her daughter has always been very well-behaved and obedient in her eyes.

Yesterday, I wanted to change my personality, and did that kind of deceptive thing to her.Isn't this bad for being taught?

Thinking of this, Man Ruoran looked at Xiao Hao.

"Xiaohao, you have nothing to say to mom: big

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