Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 506: Xiao Hao confessed! Mom! I am eighteen years old! (Subscribe!)

Facing his mother's question, Manhao could only look at Mu Yun.

How could Mu Yun, who had just been asked Xiao Keng to take care of her, wouldn't it be a good thing?

Although he took advantage of this matter, but let a little kid pit it, Mu Yun was more or less unhappy in his heart.

Thinking of this, Mu Yun looked directly at Xiao Ruoran when he had a good look in his eyes.

Xiao Ruoran can naturally find a good situation.

"Xiaohao, just say what you have, what are you looking at Mu Yun for!"

"Is there anything you can't tell me?

There is no way to ask for help in Mu Yun, Xiao Ruoran is asking again, looking back at Mu Yun again.

"Uncle, if you don't help me, I have to say!"

Xiao Hao's small threatening eyes made Mu Yun feel speechless.

This was obviously her business, she didn't know how to talk to Xiao Ruoran.

Now it looks like she didn't let him talk. Mu Yun didn't bother to talk to her anymore and didn't even say anything.

In this situation, Xiao suddenly turned off, and she looked at Mu Yun pitifully, as if seeking help.

Seeing this, Xiao Ruoran was even more puzzled. Where did Xiao Haoyi's child have so many secrets, it seemed that he felt embarrassed to tell himself.

But how did she seem to have told Mu Yun, thinking of this, Xiao Ruoran looked at Mu Yun.

Suddenly, she wanted to make contact with Mu Yun's eyes, Xiao Ruoran thought about the matter with Mu Yun today, her eyes flashed away.

"Xiaohao, mom will give you another chance. If you don't tell me, I won't ask, but since you can tell you the story, Uncle Mu, I can't say "One Zero Seven" from today. I'll leave for you Uncle Mu!"

"I don't care if I don't have your daughter!"

Xiao Ruoran's words made Mu Yun look at her speechlessly.

Let alone Mu Yun, Xiao Hao also felt speechless for a while.

Xiao Ruoran said this, if she is really a five-year-old child, it is easy to be frightened, but she is

After Xiao Ruoran finished speaking, she suddenly felt crazy when she saw the two of them looking at her with the same eyes.

Is this Man Man his own daughter or Mu Yun's daughter?

Helping Mu Yun pit himself, now the expressions of the two are magically consistent.

Xiao Ruoran didn't think there was anything wrong with what she said.

This situation made her absolutely Mu Yun really fits well with Man Hao, but she is more like a stranger with her mother.

"Hey, Xiao Ruoran got up from the chair and walked upstairs without saying a word.

But there was no two steps, and it seemed that something was involved, and her pace slowed down.

While on the stairs, Xiao Ruoran looked back at Mu Yun and said.

"Mu Yun, help me take the little milk away when you leave, I don't want her anymore!"

Leaving a word, Xiao Ruoran disappeared at the top of the stairs in an instant.

Naturally, she was joking, and Mu Yun would take it seriously.

This kind of low-level agitation, let alone Mu Yun, even this 18-year-old girl will not be fooled.

Seeing Xiao Ruoran disappear, Haohao didn't even chase after him.

Walked to Mu Yun and sat down, looking at Mu Yun speechlessly.

"Uncle, do you really want me to tell my mom?"Mu Yun puffed up when he heard the words.

"Just say what you like and ask me what I do. Now Sister Ran is my own. It doesn't matter what you think you want to say."

Mu Yun's casual attitude made Xiao Hao feel uncomfortable. Mu Yun's expression and tone didn't matter at all.

It's not like a big event at all.

But this matter is so embarrassing for Xiao, how she should explain to Xiao Ruoran, how to explain this matter, she seems embarrassed.

Xiao Ruoran is now twenty-eight years old and Xiao is five years old. Being a mother and daughter is very nourishing.

She wanted to tell Xiao Ruoran that she was eighteen years old in her heart, and the difference between the two was only ten years old. It is hard to say whether Xiao Ruoran will be awkward.

She is a twenty-eight-year-old woman who has an eighteen-year-old daughter. This is incredible.

Is it possible that she will become sisters with Xiao Ruoran after she confessed?

So it doesn't matter Mu Yun, but she can't.

It's just Mu Yun's attitude that makes Xiao Hao feel helpless.

She leaned in Mu Yun's direction.

"Uncle, help me!"

Mu Yun puffed up when he heard the words.

"Do you want to be too beautiful? I want me to help you if you are so cheating?"

"Let's talk! Is this something your thoughts or Ling'er's consumption? Don't lie, but I will go back to Ling'er to verify!

Xiao Ruoran was not there, facing Mu Yun's question, she said with a full mouth.

"I mentioned this to Aunt Ling'er, and the plan was arranged by Aunt Ling'er. You said that I, a child, understand this kind of thing, uncle, it's really not me, you think, if it's me, where can I get it? Did something knock you down?"

Mu Yun had his own guess about this matter, and he said so well. Mu Yun suddenly thought about why Zhao Linger did this. Mu Yun didn't understand, but he could ask Zhao Linger later.

I asked if Zhao Linger would be busy with herself.

"Uncle, how are you, can you help me?"

Being completely interrupted by his thoughts, Mu Yun shook his head and said.

"I can't help you. The expression on your face just now is obvious. Or you can think of a lie to see if you can lie to Sister Ran, or you can confess to yourself. Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with me. I can't help you much.

"Okay, that's it, I'm also tired, you think slowly, I'll go first."

After speaking, Mu Yun disappeared instantly and returned to Xiao Ruoran's house.

When Mu Yun said to leave first, Xiao Hao was shocked.

But when she wanted to stop, Mu Yun's figure had disappeared, and she wanted to follow a teleport to find it, but she didn't know where Mu Yun would teleport.

It is impossible for him to stay in Let alone.

Besides, there was Xiao Ruoran upstairs waiting for her to explain. She really left. Xiao Ruoran was afraid that she would be mad.

What she said later was angry, and neither Mu Yun nor Xiao Hao took her words seriously.

Thinking of this, Man's heart suddenly felt inside the house for a while.

How should I explain this to Xiao Ruoran?

If the rebirth wasn't for her personal experience, she would say that she would not believe it when she heard others say it.

What's more, it was Xiao Ruoran. Man Hao didn't know how to explain it, and he was afraid to explain Xiao Ruoran's disbelief. So Man Hao was in a mess. But Mu Yun, a bastard who didn't help himself, just disappeared.

Mu Yun is always able to help myself cushion.

Now that Mu Yun is not with her, is it so straightforward?

She felt bitter, but she didn't expect the result when she did it.

Faced with Xiao Ruoran, she couldn't make a choice.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Hao finally turned his eyes to the second floor, and he still had to face what he should face.

"You are finally willing to come up! Why don't you go with your Uncle Mu?"

Xiao Ruoran was in a bad mood lying on the bed.

Especially when I think of my daughter's secret, I don't know it, but Mu Yun knows it.

And obviously I knew it very early, that Man Hao had such a good relationship with Mu Yun, maybe from then on, Mu Yun already knew Xiao Yu's secret.

How could this make Xiao Ruoran feel good in her heart.

Besides, at this time, Wan Hao didn't seem to want to confess her secret to herself. Xiao Ruoran felt even more uncomfortable thinking about it.

Hearing Xiao Ruoran's words so well, he just rushed into Xiao Ruoran's arms.

Holding Xiao Ruoran, she said in a low voice.

"Mom, it's not that I don't tell you, but I don't know how to tell you!"

"When you tell others about this, they are skeptical at best, or look at me with strange eyes, but I'm afraid that if I tell you this, we won't even be able to do it with mothers and daughters."

Xiao Ruoran looked at the fullness of her arms in amazement.

Mother and daughter can't do it?

Thinking of this, Xiao Ruoran was suddenly startled.

Did Xiao Yu know that?

Impossible, I never mentioned it to her at all, how could she know it.

If it is said that this matter was investigated by Mu Yun, it is impossible. What did Mu Yun investigate this matter for no reason?

Besides, even if he wanted to tell Man about this matter, wouldn't he tell himself?

This is not like Mu Yun's person.

But apart from this, Xiao Ruoran couldn't remember what else could affect the mother-daughter relationship between her and Xiao Yu.

The more I thought about Xiao Ruoran's heart, the more confused.

Man Hao seemed to perceive Xiao Ruoran's emotions, and she hugged Xiao Ruoran tightly.

"Mom, don't think about it. I am not your biological daughter. I have known it since I came back."

"This matter will not affect our relationship. You will always be my dearest mother..."

Already known?

Xiao Ruoran looked at Xiao Hao again in astonishment. It was so good that she was not her own daughter. Did she already know?

Xiao Ruoran couldn't help but puzzled, she raised her head to look at Xiao Hao and said.

"Xiaohao, tell me, what's the matter?"

"Did Mu Yun tell you this?"

Xiao Ruoran could only think of Mu Yun, after all, how could she know if she was able to rely on her own abilities.

But Xiao Hao shook his head sharply after hearing Xiao Ruoran's words.

"Mom, no. Although Uncle Mu knew that I was not your biological daughter for a long time, he didn't tell this."

"This is related to what I want to tell you, but I don't know how to tell you about it. This thing can be said to be amazing, even more amazing than the gene fortification liquid given to you, so I don't know. How can you explain it more."

Xiao Ruoran is confused, Mu Yun knows, but it's not what Mu Yun told him, what's the situation?

Xiao Ruoran looked at Xiao Hao and frowned slightly.

"Little good, tell me!"

"I must know about this. I want to know what can affect the relationship between our mother and daughter."

Hearing what Xiao Ruoran said, he raised his head.

Hesitation flashed in his eyes, and the whole person looked very tangled.

Xiao Ruoran didn't bother Xiao Hao. She knew that the meeting was good enough to talk about, but she was still entangled in her heart. At this time, it's best to let her figure it out.

Even if she refuses to say, she can still ask Mu Yun later.

In the end, he must have a good expression, gritted his teeth, and said to Xiao Ruoran.

"Mom, I am eighteen years old!"

Xiao Ruoran looked at Xiao Hao dumbfounded.

18 years old?

She doesn't think that Xiao Hao is joking with her, there is no need for this, but why does Xiao Hao say that?

Xiao Ruoran kept looking well.

No matter how she looked at it, she couldn't see that there was so much joking in it.

But what is going on?

Under Xiao Ruoran's gaze, Wan Hao could only explain his rebirth to Xiao Ruoran. Xiao Ruoran was dumbfounded.

After finishing talking, Xiao Ruoran's expression remained unchanged, and the whole person showed the same stunned signs.

After Xiao Hao finished speaking, the whole person stopped talking, and it was rare to wait quietly for Xiao Ruoran's trial.

But after waiting for a long time, Xiao Ruoran hadn't spoken all the time, and the whole person looked at him in amazement.

It seemed to be watching, and it didn't seem to be watching, anyway, it was so good that Xiao Ruoran's eyes didn't see the half of the focal length.


He tried to call Xiao Ruoran, but Xiao Ruoran did not respond to her.

Xiao Hao didn't know whether he should continue to shout, or wait for 3.3, Xiao Ruoran wanted to understand.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Hao just leaned on Xiao Ruoran's side quietly, waiting for Xiao Ruoran to recover by himself.

Time passed slowly, not knowing how long it had passed, Xiao suddenly heard Xiao Ruoran's voice.

"Xiaohao, are you really coming back ten years later?"

Xiao Yan raised his head and looked at Xiao Ruoran and said.

"Mom, really, if it weren't for this, why wouldn't I be able to say it? I'm just worried that after you know it, you won't think of me as your daughter again."

"Mom, you believe me, even if I come back more than ten years later, I will still be your daughter.

"It's like you go back to when you were a child now, and your memories are still there, aren't grandpa and them your mom and dad?"

Xiao Hao's words really asked Xiao Ruoran.

Even if she did go back to the past, Xiao Ruoran naturally understood that her father was still her father, and this couldn't be changed.

But now Xiao Hao not only went back to the past, but also knew that if she didn't talk about her Xiao Ruoran's own things, the two things could be the same.

Thinking of this Xiao Ruoran sighed and looked at Xiao Hao again.

"Xiao Hao, can you tell mom why you came back?"

"And what happened later?"

Xiao Haoran didn't refuse Xiao Ruoran's words. Since she had already said everything, she naturally had nothing to say about the rest.

Besides, Ye Feng's bastard has been killed by her beast. I'm afraid that the graveyard grass doesn't know how high it is, so naturally there is nothing to worry about.

The trajectory of life has changed, and she is now relieved!

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