
This sound -

as if it has a special charm, can not help but immerse people.

It's so nice.

Brush brush brush............

The crowd unconsciously looked behind them.

I saw a figure with a handsome face, a perfect figure, and a mature and detached temperament standing at the door.

He is none other than Su Han.

In fact, when Lin Feng came out to treat the patient, he had already come, but he just didn't show up.

He did not choose to cut off the protagonist to save the patient.

This kind of pretending to hit the face, Su Han did not disdain to do.

Wouldn't it be better for the protagonist to accept ridicule and contempt, and he stood up to accept envy and reverence?

In this plot.

Lin Feng was ridiculed, and after curing the patient, he was impressed by everyone.

Then comes the highlight moment.

Lin Feng debunked the truth of the whole matter, and the patient was sent by the opposite hospital in order to frame Baicao Tang.

It was also because of this that he won Yan Ruyue's favor and decided to let him pretend to be his boyfriend.

However, with him now, he will not let that happen.

Su Han said: After the face beating, Lin Feng can go aside, and the matter of pretending will be left to me.

"Wow... I said how the voice is so good, it turns out to be such a handsome little brother.

"Who is he?" Where did the stars come from? Why haven't I seen it before?

"Did he speak to those people just now?" I know those guys, and I have been denigrating Chinese medicine just now, clamoring that the level of the Hundred Herb Hall is not good, and there is a problem when I look at it. "


The women were blinded, their eyes staring at Su Han without blinking, as if they wanted to eat him.

Someone with sharp eyes found a few people who wanted to slip away, looking strange.

Stopped by the public, several people couldn't help but change their faces, and the

first one was a little embarrassed and


"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"

Su Han smiled slightly, and spoke lightly while slowly walking in.

"If I'm not mistaken, you're the doctor opposite, right? The reason why I came here is to watch my competitors get unlucky.

"Or... You arranged all this..."

Boom -

hearing his words, the whole audience was fried.

What did they hear?

Someone arranged all this?

That patient was really going to die.

Who is it?

Who is so shameless and bottomless that he uses a seriously ill patient?

"Nonsense, we didn't arrange it."

When they noticed that the group of people were looking at them, their gazes changed, and several people were anxious.


"You didn't arrange it, so that means you admitted the doctor from the opposite hospital?"

Su Han's tone became weird.

After a pause, he continued:

"This patient first went to your hospital opposite, and if you couldn't cure him, you drove him to Baicao Hall."

"As a result, the best treatment time was missed, if it weren't for this brother's intervention, I'm afraid the patient would have died, right?"

"At that time, you will go out again to publicize it, like the Hundred Herb Hall in the sky, it will be suppressed as you wish..." Brush


When several people heard this, their faces turned slightly white, and cold sweat continued to ooze out of their foreheads.

Although it is to act according to the arrangement above.

But what they did was not glamorous.

If exposed, they will die directly and be removed from the medical community.

In fact -

with their performance at this time, everyone has already seen it.

"Look at their panicked look, this matter is probably true, in order to fight their peers, they even used human lives as bargaining chips."

"It's called Zhongxi Harmony Hospital on the other side, right? I went there before to see a doctor, good guy a cold gave me a few days of infusion, and prescribed me medicine for a few days, which cost thousands of dollars to cure me. "

Selling skins, this matter must be exposed, so that everyone can see their faces, and they all say that the hospital is a holy paradise, and this Nima is darker than the Dragon Gate Inn."



The leader's face became more and more pale.

But still gritted his teeth and refused to admit it.

"These . . . It's all your nonsense, the evidence ... Right...... What about the evidence?

Su Han's eyes were strange.

These people are stupid enough.

Planting and framing do not wipe the butt clean, to ensure that one check is accurate.

Three or two sentences for the protagonist, so that they have nothing to say.

It can only be said that the protagonist's wisdom-lowering aura is too awesome.

But this is convenient for him now.

"Huh....... Evidence? Do you want me to go to your hospital to check the patient's information?

"There is no need to bother so much, now that the patient is awake, he will know as soon as he asks."

Follow Su Han's gaze.

Sure enough, I saw it on the hospital bed.

The patient, who was originally dying, has opened his eyes.

At this time, several people had nothing to say and lowered their heads silently.

"Wow, it's perfect reasoning, the little brother looks serious, really handsome and attractive."

"I really want to thank this handsome guy for letting us recognize the true face of Harmony Hospital and clearing the wrongs of Baicao Tang."


Su Han was handsome, with a detached temperament, and talked eloquently.

It attracted everyone's adoring gaze.

Even the shock caused by Lin Feng's rescue of the patient before was forgotten.

And Lin Feng on the side, when he heard this voice, the whole person felt bad.

It was the owner of this voice who snatched away the woman he fancy.

And next, what Su Han said made him a little confused.

How did he feel that these words were all he was going to say?

Su Han glanced at him and ignored it, and his gaze fell on Yan Ruyue.

And at this time,

Yan Ruyue also kept looking at him.

Suddenly, the four eyes are opposite each other.

What kind of eyes are these?

If the starry sky is boundless, deep and brilliant, it is addictive.

Yan Ruyue couldn't help but look away.

She was also attracted by Su Han's charm before.

In particular, he exudes a confident and mature temperament, which is the type she likes.

Her instincts told her that this was the perfect boyfriend to order online when she returned.

Indeed, both appearance and temperament are in line with her description.

The main thing is that he is not like other men, and he can't take his eyes off her when he sees her.

But that's not enough.

But she also told the old man that her boyfriend is very good at Chinese medicine.

"Do you know Chinese medicine?"

Yan Ruyue came to Su Han and asked.

Su Han smiled lightly and nodded: "Yes!"

"Then let's go."

After speaking

, Yan Ruyue stepped forward, took Su Han's hand,

and walked out.

Su Han

: "........................" Everyone: "..........................." Lin

Feng: "


..." Su Han was a little confused.

And this took him away?

I remember that in the plot of the original book, Yan Ruyue tested Lin Feng's traditional Chinese medicine.

What about him?

Just ask?

So believe in him?

Watching the two snuggled together leave, a group of people petrified on the spot.

"Who can wake me up with a punch, am I hallucinating, Yan Treasurer actually took a man's hand and left."

"It's obvious, the two are dating, they are boyfriend and girlfriend, isn't it normal to hold up?"

"Oh my God, this is a big news, no wonder Yan Treasurer doesn't look at those rich second generations, it turns out that he has such a handsome boyfriend."

"Uh-huh I just saw my male god and left me just like that. "



Lin Feng was in place, his face full of confusion.

This script is not right.

He helped the superb beauty solve the trouble, not to say that he promised to be a person, but also said a word of thanks, right?

That's it....... Took someone else's hand and left?

He wants to correct the name of Chinese medicine, and as a good young man, save lives and help the wounded.

But –

that's not what he wants.

Suddenly, a tingling pain came from Lin Feng's heart, and it was that feeling again.

It's as if I've lost something important.

"It's Su Han's guy, doesn't he have a girlfriend of a superb beauty? How can it be related to this superb beauty? "


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