
It wasn't until she walked out of the Hundred Herb Hall that Yan Ruyue let go of her hand.

At this time, her face was a little red.

It was the first time she had been so intimate with a man.

"You wait a minute, I'll go drive."

Yan Ruyue drove the car, and Su Han got into the co-pilot.

"May I ask for your name?"

"Su Han!"

"How did you tell they had a problem just now? Also know that they are from the opposite hospital?

Yan Ruyue looked sideways at Su Han, her eyes flashing with doubt.

She guessed that she was calculated, but she didn't know who was behind it.

She was very puzzled by Su Han's ability to see it at a glance.

Su Han: "..............................."

Can I tell you that I cut off what the protagonist wants to say?

I saw him show a smile.

"I've been to this hospital before, I know one of the doctors, plus they've been yelling before..."

Yan Ruyue nodded abruptly.

"I also have a doubt, don't you ask for a high level of Chinese medicine? Why just ask me a sentence? "


Yan Ruyue was stunned, and blurted out a sentence:

- "I believe you." "

I couldn't help but think of the scene at that time.

She originally walked in front of Su Han to test his level of Chinese medicine.

But seeing those eyes, the temperament that emanated invisibly, the exit turned into an inquiry.

Somehow -

Su Han is always filled with a special charm that gives people unparalleled trust.


On the other side, the

Yan family, as a family of traditional Chinese medicine,

Old Master Yan is even more respected.

In this inch of land in the city center, occupy a lot of land.

At this time, inside the courtyard of the Yan family.

There are two old men playing chess.

One man had a ruddy face, and although he was old, he was very energetic.

The other person's face was a little pale, and his body seemed to be blown down by a gust of wind.

If the medical community sees these two, I am afraid that it will be shocked.

Both of them are titans in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, and they actually got together.

Snap -

the spirited old man put down the chess pieces and sighed heavily.

"You're still so breathless."

The other old man also put down his temperament and smiled faintly.

"As long as you can hold your breath, you won't have a few years to live."

"Isn't birth, old age, illness and death the norm in the world? Why bother?

"Alas... I am ashamed to be the pillar of the Chinese medicine community, I don't even know the root of your disease, I have searched through ancient books, and I have not found the slightest information about this intractable disease.

"I've been bothering you all these years, if you hadn't found a way to cultivate, I'm afraid I would have been a long time ago..."

"Whatever I say, it's decades of old friendship, and besides, I'm angry."

"Hahaha....... Don't say it, I don't want to be cured of this disease now, I don't have the luxury of curing this disease, I just hope that my granddaughter has a stable home, and it would be better for me to hold my great-grandson before I die.

"You are free, don't say it, I should also go, yesterday someone found the ancient book of the Shennong clan, I will go back and take a look."

"Don't eat before leaving?"

"Forget it, look at your current sick appearance, I will be angry, I will look for it to see if there is any way."

The spirited old man waved his hand and left with the servant.

Watching his friend go away, the weak old man sighed.

Obviously, there is no hope for the other party to find a way.

A disease that even the two worlds of Chinese and Western medicine cannot help.

Who can cure it?


Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye it came to eleven o'clock.

Yan Ruyue's car slowly drove into the house.

Getting down from the car, Yan Ruyue went to open the trunk, took out some gifts, and handed them to Su Han.

"You can give these to my grandfather later."


Su Han naturally agreed.

The two entered the house and came to the courtyard.

I saw the old man staring at the chessboard in a daze.

Seeing that his grandfather was pale and his expression was haggard, Yan Ruyue felt uncomfortable in his heart.

"Grandpa, I'm back."

She suppressed the sadness in her heart, held Su Han's hand intimately, and said to the old man.

Brush -

the old man came back to his senses and looked at Yan Ruyue.

Seeing that the granddaughter was holding a person's hand, it must be the granddaughter's boyfriend, and his eyes looked up.

The face is handsome, the sword eyebrows are starry, and there is confidence between the eyebrows.

The first feeling for the old man was very satisfactory.

"Grandpa, let me introduce you, his name is Su Han, he is my boyfriend."

"Didn't you keep asking me to bring my boyfriend back? Satisfied now, right? Yan

Ruyue changed her usual high and cold aura, turned into a little daughter's posture, and said coquettishly.

"Hello grandpa, I heard Ruyue say that you love tea, so I brought some tea leaves over, and I looked forward to laughing."

Su Han smiled and gave the gift, his posture respectful.

In his heart, he secretly said, anyway, Yan Ruyue will be his woman sooner or later, and it is not a loss to call it now.


Hearing that it was his favorite tea, the old man laughed and was even more satisfied with Su Han.

Yan Ruyue took the tea leaves and put them aside.

"Xiao Han, come and play chess with the old man, Ruyue, you go to make a pot of tea, and take out the bag of tea leaves that I treasure."

Su Han was stunned when he heard this.

Play chess?

He won't.

However, in the face of the old man's request, he still stiffened his head and walked up.

Yan Ruyue glanced at Su Han with some concern, and turned to get the tea.

Sitting on the chair, Su Han began to help pack up the chess pieces.

To talk about chess, backgammon, flying chess or something, Su Han will.

But this Go, he really doesn't understand.

[Ding... Depending on the needs of the task, masters are being arranged for the host. 】


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