
Kowloon 4S Shop -

the largest 4S store in Modu, covering the world's major car sales.

Every day, people come here to see the car.

Today is no exception.

People who walk into the store are all dressed in suits and shoes, showing their style, and they are successful people at first glance.

Among them, there was a figure with an ordinary face and a security suit.

That's right, this person is Lin Feng.

Since he was driven out by Li Wanqing, he has been a little unenergetic and out of state.

He was a little disheartened.

Who is Su Han?

A typical scumbag, he already has two superb girlfriends, not to mention, and he is also messing with flowers everywhere.

Obviously, he had advised Lin Wanqing, but she seemed to be possessed by a demon, even if she knew that Su Han had a girlfriend, she still mothed to the fire.

This is people's choice, and he can't help it.

He came to the dealership to buy a scooter.

Originally, it was in the mountain bay, with convenient transportation, and after moving, I had to buy a scooter.

He looked around, looking for a car that would fit him.

The Kowloon 4S store is very large and has a lot of employees, and almost all the customers who come in are received by the welcome lady.

But Lin Feng was an exception, not only did no one receive him, but they all cast contemptuous and disdainful eyes.

The customer was the same, and a look of contempt flashed in his eyes when he looked at Lin Feng.

A security guard even came to see the car, and it is estimated that he was addicted.

They have seen this kind of person a lot.

For these gazes, Lin Feng completely ignored them.

He Lin Feng has acted all his life, why should he care about the opinions of others?

No one bothered, but he felt very clean, so he walked leisurely in the car showroom.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he was greeted by a Porsche.

Speaking of famous cars, his impression of Porsche is not bad, and this Porsche Super is only 100 units released worldwide.

Also very researched about this car, this Porsche Super is a Porsche mid-top version, and the appearance looks better than the average Porsche.

The price is 10 million, which can be said to be excellent value for money.

This made Lin Feng, who was planning to buy a scooter casually, moved.

What man doesn't love cars?

Controlling your car is like taking down a beautiful woman.

Immediately, he walked over.

The model standing in front of this Porsche Super is beautiful, with a good curve and looks like it makes people drool.

It's just that it can't be compared with those heroines.

The reason why Lin Feng chose this car is not without the reason for this beauty.

However, seeing Lin Feng coming, the beautiful car model just glanced at it and stopped paying attention.

Obviously, she didn't believe that Lin Feng could afford this car.

Even there was a look of contempt in her eyes.

She has seen a lot of such people, and most of them walk towards her, either to see the car or to see her figure.


It turned out to be a bit embarrassing.

Lin Feng came over, looked at the car, and felt that it was good, but no one came to ask him about his purchase intentions.


He coughed dryly, trying to get the attention of the beautiful car model.

However, to his disappointment, the car model just put on his signature smile and didn't even look at him.

"I look good at this car, 10 million, can it be cheaper."

Therefore, he could only step forward and ask.

However, the car model still did not respond to him, and his eyes were even more contemptuous.

There are no 10 million, and you still come to buy a car?

At this moment, a fat middle-aged man came over with a woman with heavy makeup in his arms.

"My dear, I think this car is very suitable for your temperament, and you will definitely be very handsome when you drive it."

The woman made a snorting sound, which made goosebumps fall to the ground.

The fat middle-aged man patted her and said with a smile:

"You have the same vision as me, and I also think this car is good."

His eyes looked at the car model without any scruples.

Although the car model was unhappy in his heart, he saw that it was a big customer and stepped forward to inquire.

Directly hang Lin Feng to the other side.

"I saw this car first!"

Lin Feng's heart sank, and his tone became cold.

Hearing the voice, the three looked at him in surprise.

The car model maintained his cultivation and did not speak, and the enchanting woman on the side spoke first.

"What do you say? This car was the first thing you fancy? Don't look in the mirror either, look at your virtue, what kind of bird, can you afford a tire for this car?

Lin Feng's eyes were cold, and the temperature around him cooled down.

Seeing Lin Feng's cold eyes, coupled with the sudden cooling, made the enchanting woman snort.

But soon she came back to her senses, like a fried cat, pointing at Lin Feng and cursing:

"Did I say something wrong? Just like you bear, reincarnate as soon as possible, it's a waste of air to live..." Before

he finished speaking, Lin Feng slapped him over.

He was already extremely upset that Su Han robbed the woman, and now he was scolded by this woman, and he finally couldn't help but make a move.

"What's wrong with Lao Tzu being a security guard? The dog looks at things that are low in people's eyes and says that Lao Tzu has no money? What is it? Keep your dog's eyes wide open.

Lin Feng was angry, and said as he took out a diamond card and smashed it directly on the woman's face.

"Honey, he bullied me..." The

enchanting woman was stunned by a slap, came back to her senses, and looked at the fat middle-aged with tears.

The middle-aged man glanced at the diamond card, he had never seen it, he didn't recognize it.

"Boy, do you know who I am? The woman who dares to touch me..." The

two began to confront each other.

Today, there are many people in the 4S store, and the movement here quickly attracts the attention of the crowd.

"Who is this kid? The woman who dared to hit Hu Hansan, powerful, there is a good show to watch now. "

That guy I noticed just now, walking around in a security suit, how dare he?" When did a little security guard go so crazy?

"What was the card he threw out?" I haven't seen it, but it looks a little delicate.

"Huh........ What is the card he took out by a security guard, I'm afraid it is the one he most pretends to use, alas... What young people now..."




And not far away -

the manager of the 4S store came to inspect the work and happened to see this scene.

His gaze was fixed on the diamond card that had fallen to the ground, and his pupils contracted to the extreme.

This card, he knew, was a diamond card issued by a bank.

There are 5,000 in the world, which means that this person is worth at least ten billion.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly greeted him, picked up the diamond card on the ground and handed it to Lin Feng.

"Sir, I'm sorry, it's the small shop that is not well treated, and I hope to forgive me..."

Seeing this usually high-ranking manager show such a posture, they couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"Groove? What is the origin of this kid? He actually made Manager Liu so respectful.

"No, it's that card, you can see that Manager Liu's hand holding the card is held in both hands."

"Hiss....... Is there something special about this card? "

..........................." In

an instant, everyone's thoughts flew over.

Seeing everyone's doubts, Manager Liu immediately explained the card.

The gaze of the next group of people looking at Lin Feng all changed, and the car model among them also became adoring and flirting.

For a time, the praise and flattery of Lin Feng were endless.

"This gentleman is here to buy a car, so, in order to express the store's apology to Mr. , today I am in charge and give Mr. a minimum discount, no matter which one Mr. fancy, it will be a nine-fold discount."

Manager Liu said politely.

Accepting the adoring gazes around him, Lin Feng's heart became relieved, and then he looked at Manager Liu.

"I took a look, this one is good..." His

gaze fell on the Porsche 9super, his eyes shining, feeling that this car was made for him.

However, after Lin Feng finished speaking, he didn't get a response, and he couldn't help frowning, and turned his head to look at the manager.

But he found that this manager Liu was staring straight in the direction of the door.

Following his line of sight, the figures of Su Han and Lin Wanqing came into view.

Lin Feng's pupils shrank sharply, and his eyes stared at the two.


Sensing these eyes, Su Han raised his eyebrows and quickly saw Lin Feng.

I saw the Porsche Super next to him again.

A smile appeared on his face, and he immediately reached out and grabbed Lin Wanqing's waist and walked towards that side.

Lin Wanqing's body froze, did not resist, and her face turned slightly red.

Quietly glanced at Su Han, and his heart was shy.

This is not okay, the public, what a shame...

Manager Liu, on the other hand, widened his eyes and his face was full of incredulity.

For Lin Wanqing, he naturally knows, the daughter of Shanhai Real Estate, Miss Qianjin.

And now?

This young lady was actually snuggled in the arms of a man, and the bird was clinging to people.

Look at the man again.


This temperament is noble, domineering, and like a spring breeze.

Could it be that the family is even bigger than the Lin family?

Immediately, he did not dare to slacken, and quickly trotted up to greet him.

"Miss Lin came here, she missed the welcome, and I hope for forgiveness..." Being

watched by so many people, Lin Wanqing was a little embarrassed and nodded.

"I'm here to watch the car with my boyfriend."

Saying that, she also leaned towards Su Han's arms.

When Manager Liu heard this, he immediately greeted respectfully, and spoke with some hesitation:

"It turned out to be..."

"Su Han!"

Su Han smiled slightly.

"It turned out to be Su Shao, what car do you want to see, today I am in charge, you choose a car here, all of them will be dealt with at eight folds."

Lin Feng: "........................."What

about your face?

You just told me that nine percent off is the lowest discount, so it's a twenty percent discount...

But at the moment, he was too lazy to find the manager to settle the account, and a pair of eyes stared at Su Han and the two.

Seeing Su Han holding Lin Wanqing, she did not resist at all, but was very cooperative and looked happy.

Lin Feng felt that his heart was stabbed fiercely again, and it hurt his heart.


Su Han's gaze fell on the car next to Lin Feng.

This is Lin Feng's car in the novel, it really looks good, and it should be very pretentious to drive out.

If it weren't for the lack of money in his hands, he really wanted to buy it.

This not only robbed his woman, but also robbed his car.

Just as he was about to go see something else, a voice sounded.

"Tell us about the car."

It was Lin Wanqing in his arms who spoke.

Just now, she had been paying attention to Su Han's expression, and seeing his gaze resting on this car, she immediately spoke.

This time she came out to see the car, she didn't plan to let Su Han pay, she was ready to pay Su Han to buy it.

She doesn't have anything else, just a lot of money.

As long as you can get this perfect boyfriend, what is it to spend some money?

Manager Liu was stunned, and his heart was even more shocked, and his gaze towards Su Han became more and more respectful.

It seems that Miss Lin is going to buy it for this young man.

What is the identity of this Su Shao?

To make this proud Miss Lin lower her posture so much?

"No problem, I have to say, your vision is really good, this Porsche Super is the only one in this store..."

Manager Liu fixed his mind and began to introduce the two.

At this time, Lin Feng also came to his senses.

This is the car he fancy first.

Seeing that his favorite car was given to other men by a woman he liked, Lin Feng was a little angry.

He treated women with pity and cherished jade, and if Lin Wanqing took a fancy to this car himself, he would let it without hesitation.

You can even buy it and give it to her.

But, if you want to give Su Han this car that I fancy, then he won't do it.

"I saw this car first, you guys go see something else."

Lin Feng's face turned green, and his tone became cold.

However, no one paid attention to him.

Still Su Han, seeing that Lin Wanqing wanted to see this car, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He has three million in his card, not that much money.

In case there is no money at checkout by then, then Nima will be embarrassed.

Seeing Lin Feng speak, Su Han borrowed the slope to get off the donkey:

"Since this car has been seen by others, then let's go and see something else."

Lin Wanqing was stunned, as if she had just noticed someone, and she glanced at Lin Feng and ignored it.

She snuggled into Su Han's arms and looked up at Su Han's handsome face slightly:

"Don't worry about him, you have helped me a lot these days, and I have nothing to thank you, just give you this car."

After speaking, he also winked at Su Han.

It was as if to say, "Don't worry about the money, it's wrapped around me."

Su Han: "..............."Thank


You thank me for not only delivering the house but also the car.

I see you're a little dangerous too.

Wait -

this operation, the heroine gives me the protagonist's car?


In order to finish a plot, four thousand chapters are sent, asking for all support!!

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