
"I said, this car is the first thing I fancy."

Seeing that Manager Liu was still gushing for Su Han, Lin Feng's tone became even colder.

"What's it called?" Did you fancy yours first? Did you pay?

Lin Wanqing turned her head, and the eldest lady's temper broke out, and her eyes looked at Lin Feng angrily.

Finally with Su Han, I thought I could spend a good day, who knew that this guy was haunted.

Lin Feng was shocked, and looked at Lin Wanqing blankly, suffocating for a while.

Being scolded by a woman he liked like an enemy, the taste was like piercing him with a knife in his heart.

At this time, Manager Liu also turned his head and smiled awkwardly:

"This gentleman, do you want to choose something else?"

He can still tell which of these two parties is more important than the other.

Not to mention this Su Shao, who has a mysterious origin, is Lin Wanqing, the eldest lady, and it is not something he can offend.

After saying that, Manager Liu ignored Lin Feng, and then introduced Su Han and the two.

Lin Feng's face darkened, what did I tell to choose another one?

Why didn't they choose a new one?

Manager Liu introduced all the performance of this Porsche Super, and Su Han nodded.

It has come to this point, since Lin Wanqing wants to send it, then he is not polite.

At the invitation of the manager, Su Han went to test the car.

Sitting in the car, Su Han felt it slightly, it is worthy of being the protagonist's pretend car, which is very good.

He has learned his driver's license and naturally has no problem driving.

Seeing that Su Han did not refuse, Lin Wanqing smiled brightly.

It seems that today's battle is successful, and it is expected to go straight to the topic in the evening and win third base.

Seeing Su Han sitting in the car, her dashing demeanor made her a little obsessed.

After testing the car, Su Han glanced at Lin Feng, who was secretly gritting his teeth not far away, and a playful look appeared on his face:

"This car is barely good, just it."

Lin Feng vomited blood, his eyes stared at Su Han tightly, and his fists were clenched.

Robbed my woman, and snatched my fancy car, you come to a sentence "barely not bad"?

If it weren't for the fact that this was domestic, or if it weren't for the city, he might have already started to kill people.

But now, he can't.

Kyushu is a forbidden place for mercenaries, not just talk.

What's more, he still came back as a sinner.

Once caught, if he is killed in his identity, he will definitely be repatriated from Kyushu.

Yes -

without a strong background backer, you can only survive.

Even more dare not go too far, so as not to attract the attention of the state.

For this, Su Han also knew this.

This is also the reason why he is not afraid of Lin Feng.

However, seeing Lin Feng's angry scene still made him wary.

It is better to have the power to control everything and not be afraid of everything.

But he is not worried, this is only three orders, and it has already turned him upside down.

Don't worry, no one needs a strong boyfriend in the future.

After the test run, the next step is to complete the formalities.

Under the personal handling of this manager Liu, it was quickly completed.

"Su Han, congratulations, you have your own car."

Lin Wanqing just came back from checkout and said with a grin.

"I'm afraid I owe you more and more."

Su Han also smiled, meaningful.

"It's okay..." Lin

Wanqing blushed a little, and couldn't help but think of the last agreement, how much I owe will be repaid as a boyfriend.


Subsequently, the two drove away from the 4S store.

Manager Liu watched them leave, and only then came to his senses.

I can't help but sigh, it's really a talented woman.

A moment later, he suddenly remembered something and quickly looked at Lin Feng.

Only then did he remember that there was another billionaire here.

"This gentleman, what car are you going to choose?"

"Hmph..." Lin

Feng's face was extremely gloomy, and he left with a cold snort.

"Now this reception is not good, welcome to come back next time."

Manager Liu knew that he was at a loss, and also stepped forward to send it.

But he doesn't regret it.

Shanhai Real Estate is worth tens of billions in the magic city, and it is not something he can offend.

Moreover, looking at Su Han's temperament, it was definitely cultivated by a large family, combined with Miss Lin's attitude.

He was sure that Su Shao had an extraordinary status.


But said that after Su Han and Lin Wanqing left.

Lin Wanqing offered to drive around, so she put her car away and got into Su Han's new car.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Lin Wanqing had the feeling of the hostess of this car, and looked at the environment in the car.

My heart was very happy: I was the first woman to get into Su Han's car.


Seeing her curious look, Su Han asked with some amusement.

"Su Han, you really have vision, the space in the car is just right, all aspects are very good, eight million is worth it."

Lin Wanqing looked sideways at Su Han, her eyes flashing with adoration.

Just now they just walked into the 4S store.

Su Han saw this car at a glance, his vision was simply too unique, and he was worthy of being the man he fancy.

Su Han smiled and said nothing.

According to the setting of the novel, this is the protagonist's pretend car, can it be bad?

"Where to go next?"

Su Han asked with a chuckle.

“emmm....... Go for a stroll around Panlong Mountain in the suburbs, I heard that it is a racing track, and there are many riffraff racing there every night.

Lin Wanqing thought for a moment, and her eyes lit up.


Su Han started, and the black Porsche Super let out a roar and left.

Time passed slowly, and under the guidance of Lin Wanqing, Su Han drove to the suburbs for a walk.

Su Han mastered the driving of this car skillfully.

Next, the two went to dinner.

Lin Wanqing was very happy, and the smile on her face had never faded.

She wished it would be like this every day.

After eating, she rolled her eyes and proposed.

"Su Han, let's go shopping in the city that never sleeps, right?"

She had already thought about it, and she and Su Han would go shopping for a few interesting clothes later to prepare for tonight's event.

Su Han thought about it, this nizi helped him so much, it was nothing to mention shopping.

Just when he wanted to agree, a long-lost system prompt sounded in his mind.

【Ding....... Do you have a new order? 】


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