This old man's demeanor was crazy, and his symptoms were similar to those of those monks who had fallen into the enchantment.

However, if he really entered the devil, he would not only attack Chu Hao, but attack indiscriminately.

The enchanted monk was delirious and it was impossible to lock on to an enemy.

Chu Hao felt extremely strange, he frowned and carefully observed the old man.

At this moment, the scarlet in the old man's eyes suddenly faded, and a pair of cloudy old eyes turned pure yellow in an instant, turning into that disgusting yellow.

At the same time, a sly smile suddenly appeared at the corner of the old man's mouth, and a violent fluctuation began to emanate from his body.

"Yellow Heaven Sect Leader?" Chu Hao saw the yellow in his eyes, and suddenly stunned, thinking of the Yellow Heaven Sect Lord who had just disappeared.

But the next moment, he didn't have the heart to pursue it, his face changed, and he immediately noticed this violent fluctuation.

"He was going to blow himself up?" Chu Hao's hair stood on end, and he felt a chill rush straight to the back of his head.

He didn't have time to think about it, and quickly broke out his cultivation, staying as far away from this old man as possible.

"Stay away from him, he's going to blow himself up!" Chu Hao shouted towards Dongke while retreating sharply.

Seeing that the old man was about to explode himself, he didn't care about the others, so he quickly pinched the seal, gathered the power of the spiritual energy and the avenue, and condensed into countless thin spiritual light shields in front of him.


A deafening loud noise came, which shook Chu Hao's head, and the Dao patterns running in his body and the stagnation of the spiritual energy for a moment.

As soon as he came to his senses, a fiery blast wave came.

The terrifying blast wave was terrifying, like an overwhelming wave of fire hitting his body.

Chu Hao was hit by this huge force, and his figure flew backwards uncontrollably. The aura shield he condensed could not withstand this impact, and it shattered countless times.


With a fierce wind blowing in his ears, Chu Hao flew upside down at great speed, flying a long distance, and he felt that the impact was much smaller.

As soon as his mind moved, he mobilized the power of Spiritual Qi and Dao to stabilize his body.

It's finally safe!

Chu Hao looked down at his body, he was not injured, and then looked at the shield in front of him, eighty percent of the shields were broken, and the remaining shields were also dim, looking like they were about to break.

If this self-explosion is a little stronger, then he may have to face this explosion with his flesh, and at that time, he may be injured...

He swallowed his spit, secretly speculating about the possible outcome.


Taking a deep breath and calming himself down, Chu Hao looked up at the center of the explosion.

He found that a huge crater had been blown out of the center of the explosion, surrounded by fine rubble and scorched earth.

At the bottom of the pit, there were still burning flames, and in the void above the deep pit, the power of those avenues became extremely chaotic, and the aura was also restless and could not be calmed.

A self-explosion of an entry into the Dao Realm is not too strong, but this old man who enters the Dao Realm is a cultivator of fire walking, and his self-explosion bursts out far beyond the power of ordinary entering the Dao Realm.


Chu Hao exhaled, swept his gaze, found Dongke, and found that he was holding a metal ball, his body was covered with twisted runes, his clothes were a little embarrassed, and his appearance was a little gray, but overall it was not a big deal.

Other people affected by the self-explosion were not so lucky, many people were blown up to the point that they lacked arms and legs, and some kept spitting black blood, their breath dropped sharply, obviously seriously injured.

Chu Hao then looked at the others who were not affected, and found that the disciples of the Yellow Sky Great Sect had all disappeared, and when he recalled the yellow color in the old man's eyes when he blew himself up just now, the yellow color that was very similar to the Yellow Sky Great Sect.

Did the Yellow Sky Sect Lord do the self-destruction of an unrelated person? And how did he do it? Chu Hao's brows furrowed, thinking to himself.

"What's the matter, how can you fall into the devil well? It also exploded absurdly! What bad luck! Someone scolded depressedly.

Although there were no fatalities, many people were seriously injured and suffered heavy losses.

"Master, are you all right?" Dongke flew in front of Chu Hao and asked respectfully.

"I'm okay!" Chu Hao waved his hand.

He looked around and reminded in a low voice: "I suspect that the self-explosion just now is related to the Yellow Heaven Sect Leader, you will be careful and don't get too close to others!" Dongke

was shocked and looked at the eyes of the others as if he were looking at a walking bomb.

The conversation between Chu Hao and Dongke was not transmitted, and the people in the distance could not hear their conversation clearly, but outside the ancient region, the masters of many forces could hear it clearly.

"This is slander! These two scumbags are slandering our great sect leader! Huang Tian Dajiao, the middle-aged man like a butler, blushed and refuted loudly.

"Slander? The Yellow Sky Sect Lord will also be slandered? Do you really think that others don't know what he does? At this moment, a clear voice came, resounding throughout the audience.

"Who? Who is looking for death! The middle-aged man who looked like a butler turned his head sharply and shouted.

He scanned around and found that the person who said this was a mysterious man wearing a mask, the realm of this mysterious person was unknown, but faintly stronger than him.

Feeling the stronger aura of the mysterious mask man, the middle-aged man with the appearance of a butler lowered his head and retreated unwillingly.

"Hey, when you meet a strong person, you will soften, this boldness is not much worse than the Yellow Heaven Sect Leader!" The mysterious mask man continued to laugh at the Yellow Heavenly Sect Leader.

After the people around listened, they lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

It doesn't matter if Chu Hao, a stunned kid, insults the Yellow Sky Sect Leader, and it's okay for this mysterious mask man to insult the Yellow Sky Sect Leader, but they don't dare to insult the Yellow Sky Sect Leader, in case they are remembered by the people of the Yellow Sky Sect and go back to pray, they will die.

The Great Emperor is not to be humiliated, and once insulted, blood will surely flow into rivers.

Those of them who have small families and powerful people do not dare to act arbitrarily at will.

The mysterious mask man laughed, changed the topic, and said, "Although the Huangtian Sect Lord is as timid as a mouse, he is not an ant in the Ming Pattern Realm who can insult, so he must have secrets!" Maybe it's a peerless treasure, a treasure that needs his doppelganger to get, so he will run away and not let his doppelganger be killed by this Ming Pattern Realm ant..."

"Send a letter back to tell your elders, tell your high-level, in this ancient region, there is a treasure related to the supreme, the Yellow Heaven Sect Lord just wants to get it, for this reason, he is even willing to escape in front of an ant."

After this mysterious mask man finished speaking, he disappeared.

Everyone present looked at each other, not knowing whether to believe the information of this mysterious person, but some of them still faithfully reported to the high-level and told them what happened here.

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