For everything that happened outside, Chu Hao and Dongke did not know, the two of them stood in the void in the distance, not approaching and communicating with anyone.

Chu Hao's strength is in the Dao Realm, and it is also considered top-notch, a Ming Pattern Realm, he actually has the strength to enter the Dao Realm, and this talent is enough to make everyone bother him.

But when he thought of it, he had offended a great emperor, and all the forces that had bothered him were much calmer.

Whoever dares to befriend him will be remembered by a great emperor, and this kind of price is not something that everyone can afford.

Of course, Chu Hao did not care about everyone's alienation from him, he looked at the hill in the distance and sensed the changes in it.

"The mountain seems to be a little strange, a strange aura is rising inside, be careful, I suspect that the bone is about to appear." Chu Hao reminded in a deep voice.

As he reminded Dongke, the hill suddenly clicked and cracked.


The hill cracked like a stone, and countless colored lights shot out from it, and these colored lights carried multicolored Rui qi, as if there were peerless fairy treasures in the cracks.

Before everyone could come back from this immortal treasure's present world, a fragrant fragrance emerged from the cracks in the hill, and when they first smelled it, they felt that the whole body was comfortable, as if they smelled the medicinal aroma of the top imperial medicine.

"The peerless baby is here, rush, grab!"

Smelling this aroma, the monks' eyes were red, bursting out with endless desire, regardless of whether there were treasures in the cracks of the hills, and whether there were dangers and traps inside, in short, these people were confused and frantically rushed towards the cracks in the mountains.

"Calm down!" Chu Hao shouted loudly, stopping Dongke who was rushing forward.

His voice is like a dragon's groan, and like a lion's roar, with a magical rhythm that makes people listen to it and clear their minds.

"What's wrong with me?" Dongke was woken up by him and asked with a somewhat confused expression.

"You were confused by the treasure in this crack and almost rushed up!" Chu Hao pointed to the crack in the hill not far away and said.

Chu Hao has a special physique and will not be confused by this aroma, but Dongke is just an ordinary little genius, he has no treasure in his body, so he is confused.

Dongke looked at the crack that was bubbling with colorful light and rui qi, and opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

At this moment, a mournful scream came from the crack:

"What is this? I don't want a baby, let me out, let me out!

"Help, there's a peerless monster here, I'm going to be eaten!" Ah, my legs, ah, my waist, ah..."

"Don't come in! Don't come in! This is not some fairy treasure, but poison..." These

harsh screams made people's scalps numb, goosebumps all over their bodies, and they couldn't help but shiver.

Dongke shook violently, his face turned a lot whiter, he opened his mouth, bowed to Chu Hao, and thanked Chu Hao for saving his life.

Chu Hao waved his hand, so that he didn't care, looked around, and found that there were many people who were not confused by the aroma just now.

"I've seen Brother Dao!"

A young girl in a palace dress arched her hand at Chu Hao and smiled.

The girl raised her head, and the others bowed their hands to greet each other.

Chu Hao was a ruthless person who even the Yellow Heaven Sect Lord dared to attack, if he didn't die, he would definitely have great achievements in the future.

Although I don't dare to get close to him now, it's okay to say hello slightly and have a familiar face.

Chu Hao returned the salute seriously, not arrogant because of his strength.

He looked at the people who were not confused, and found that these people were all powerful people, and they all had treasures on their bodies that could resist the temptation in the cracks.

After greeting each other, Chu Hao looked at the crack over there and found that the aroma coming out of it was much less, and the temptation was weakened a lot.

He closed his eyes again to perceive the situation inside the crack, and found that the vitality inside began to rise, as if a monster was awakening.

He frowned, looked at the people of other forces, and asked, "Fellow Daoists, what do you think of this crack?"

"I don't know, I don't know much about it!" A gorgeously dressed teenager shook his head.

"What is Brother Dao's opinion? But it doesn't hurt to say! Another youth laughed.

Chu Hao looked at them with confidence, knowing that these people must know some insider information, and they must know something about it.

But these guys just don't want to say it.

He frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and said, "I feel that a monster is about to awaken inside, that monster is very strange, maybe we should stay away from here."

Hearing his words, everyone else laughed and said nothing, did not move away and did not refute it.

Chu Hao saw that they didn't listen to him, and he didn't mind, he turned his mind and prepared to leave here with Dongke.

At this moment, the cracked hill rumbled and fell.


As the hill fell, a blood-colored pillar of flesh protruded from the fallen ruins of the hill.

Slowly, the pillars of meat stretched out one after another, like the tentacles of a monster.

Looking at these tentacles composed of flesh and blood, Chu Hao frowned, thinking of the flesh and blood dam on the river of time.

There are many such arms on that flesh and blood dam, the same disgusting, the same horror.


More than a dozen tentacles pressed on the ground, and with a sharp force, pulled up the things under the mountain.

It was a huge mountain of flesh, standing incomparably tall between heaven and earth, leaving a shadow enough to cover everyone present.

With such a huge mountain of meat, even the people of the big forces who had been prepared for a long time subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of spit, and their figures retreated slightly.

And Chu Hao had long been away from here with Dongke, and he looked at this huge mountain of meat from a distance, felt the momentum above, and frowned.


With a loud noise, there was suddenly a muffled thunder in the sky, and at the top of Roshan Mountain, a dark cloud appeared, and in the dark cloud, there was a blood-colored thunder and lightning flashing.


The blood-colored thunder and lightning descended, slashing on the Roushan Mountain, and the Roushan waved its tentacles, wanting to resist, but it had no effect, and it was impossible to stop the blood-colored thunder and lightning.

Countless blood-colored thunderbolts descended, completely covering the Roushan Mountain and eliminating all the evil spirits on the Roushan Mountain.

In the blink of an eye, Roshan turned into a mountain of blood thunder, and countless thunder and lightning danced wildly on it, destroying everything.

I don't know how long it took, the blood-colored thunder and lightning dissipated, leaving a scorched black bone mountain in place.

This bone mountain should be the bones of that meat mountain, but the flesh and blood of that meat mountain were chopped off, leaving only this charred bone mountain.

Why didn't this bone mountain also be wiped out?

Chu Hao frowned slightly, that kind of blood-colored thunder can destroy everything, and a small bone mountain will naturally be no exception.

At this moment, he suddenly had inspiration and suddenly looked up at the top of the bone mountain, the white on the top of the scorched black mountain.

A touch of white seems to be the whitest in the world.

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