The huge bone mountain was scorched black, as if a dark giant holding up the sky was overlooking everyone.

At the top of this giant's head, at the top of the Bone Mountain, there is a striking whiteness.

This white on the top of the scorched mountain, the huge contrast makes it particularly conspicuous, making people look at it and can't take their eyes off.

In fact, this white has a special breath, in the perception of everyone, as if it is the treasure of heaven and earth, the heart of ten thousand ways, born divine, destined to be the treasure of everyone's attention.

"Peerless baby, legendary divine bone!" Someone stared at the white color on the top of the mountain, and said with an obsessive look.

All the cultivators were at least in the Inscription Realm, and their eyesight was far beyond ordinary people, and although the bone mountain was very high, everyone could still see what the white color on the top of the mountain was.

It was a white jade-like bone, and it seemed to be inscribed with countless runes, because the distance was too far and the runes were too small, so it was not clear to see.

But everyone present could see that this rune was faintly connected with the ten thousand ways of heaven and earth, and faintly became the center of that avenue.

"This is the bone in that relic master's population, and he comprehended the rune beast skin book from above!" Chu Hao looked at the white divine bone on the top of the mountain and said to himself in his heart.

The rune beast skin book left by the owner of the relic was very flawed and had many mistakes and omissions, and he always wanted to see the source of the rune beast skin book to see how many mysteries the white divine bone in front of him had.


Just as he was thinking about how to get this divine bone, someone took action.

Several cultivators flashed and appeared on the mountainside, they looked at the divine bones on the top of the mountain, and turned around on the mountainside, looking for a way to enter.

Perhaps because of the lessons of the past, these people did not dare to rush straight towards the bone mountain, nor did they dare to fly to the top of the mountain and directly obtain the divine bones, but came to the mountainside and tried to find a safe way to reach the top of the mountain.

But these people searched for a circle, but still did not find it, and finally, someone was impatient, used some defensive treasures, and rushed straight into the bone mountain.


Before approaching the bone mountain, I heard a scream, and the people who were close to the bone mountain suddenly turned red, and huge sarcomas appeared on their bodies, and these sarcomas exploded and exploded into pus and blood.

These pus and blood were very disgusting, and they fell from the monks' bodies in a uproar, and in the blink of an eye, a powerful cultivator became extremely weak, as if the pus and blood just now took away their most important source of life.

"Come back quickly, your defensive treasure can't defend against the erosion of the bone mountain, come back quickly, or you will die!" Seeing this, the monk behind him shouted loudly.

While these monks shouted, they did not stop, and they quickly threw out ropes and other treasures, tied up these contaminated people, and pulled them back.


The person who was pulled back covered the part where the pus and blood burst open, and let out a miserable scream, which made everyone present feel numb in the scalp.

"Save me! Save me! Save me! The eroded monk looked at his companions around him and cried out for help.

"These are some healing treasure medicines, which can heal the injuries of the Venerable Realm, you can deal with it yourself!" Many cultivators showed their faces unbearable, threw out a few bottles of elixirs, and then quickly walked away from these people, for fear of being contaminated with some ominousness.

The injured monk quickly swallowed these pills and quickly sat cross-kneeled to treat his body.

Under the gaze of everyone, some of these injured cultivators stabilized their injuries, while others consumed too much of their origin, and finally vomited a few mouthfuls of blood and fell.

A total of five cultivators approached the Bone Mountain, but two fell, one fell from the Entry Realm to the Inscription Realm, and the remaining two used a lot of precious treasure medicines, barely maintaining their lives and realms.

Many people glanced at the two people with the best ending, and sighed slightly in their hearts, although these two people maintained the realm, but the loss of origin is too heavy, I am afraid that it will be difficult to advance in this life, if there is no big opportunity, maybe this life is to enter the Dao realm.

Looking at the miserable situation of these five people, everyone felt a chill in their hearts, full of fear for this bone mountain.

Chu Hao looked at this towering bone mountain slightly, and sighed slightly in his heart.

Although the Meat Mountain had been destroyed a lot by the power of heaven and earth before, but it did not destroy this Bone Mountain, he originally thought that this Bone Mountain did not have the forbidden pollution power, but now it seems that its pollution is still there, and it is very serious, at least the Dao Realm cannot resist this pollution.

What to do?

This was the thought that came to the minds of everyone present, and everyone's minds raced to try to find a way to get the bone.

At this moment, an Entry Dao Realm soared into the sky and flew towards the top of Bone Mountain.

This is a middle-aged man, his aura is extremely condensed, the realm is faintly the peak of the Dao Realm, and the Dao on his body seems to be completely integrated into his body.

"Beihuang of the Dragon Pavilion! It turned out that he was the first to strike! Someone exclaimed, revealing the identity of the middle-aged man.

Robbery Dragon Pavilion is a force with a quasi-emperor realm, Beihuang is the more famous entry realm of the Robbery Dragon Pavilion, legend has it that he once entered a certain secret realm, obtained a peerless treasure, and inscribed a peerless Dao pattern on his body, some people say that the peerless Dao pattern is comparable to an emperor blood!

Among the many masters present, Bei Huang is also a figure, and now that he has personally made a move, the chance of obtaining the divine bone will be greater than just now.

Under everyone's gaze, this Dao Realm powerhouse flew to the top of the mountain, parallel to the precious divine bone.

He groaned slightly, took out a silver rope from his arms, and then flicked it gently, and the silver rope turned into a small dragon with the size of a finger and flew towards the top of the Bone Mountain.

The little silver dragon twisted its body and shot towards the white bone at the top of the mountain.

The road was unimpeded, seeing that the little dragon was about to reach the white bone, seeing that the rope was about to tie the divine bone, and seeing that the divine bone was about to fall into Beihuang's hands.

Under the bone mountain, seeing this scene, many people felt a trace of regret, thinking why they didn't get it first. There are also people who are running cultivation, ready to snatch the divine bone.

At this moment, everyone saw that the little silver dragon suddenly stopped, and stopped in front of the divine bone, without continuing forward or retreating.

Bei Huang felt a little strange, and injected spiritual power into the rope in his hand, ready to control the rope to obtain the divine bone.

The silver rope began to emit silver light, and the dragon twisted its body slightly, as if to continue forward.

"Senior Brother Beihuang, stop quickly, retreat!" A husky young man's voice sounded, echoing throughout the audience.

When Bei Huang heard this voice, he immediately stopped, and without continuing to inject spiritual power, his peak cultivation of the Entry Dao Realm exploded, and he retreated back at an extremely fast speed.

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