"Huh? Cang Luo?"

"What's the matter? Why are you so embarrassed?"

Bai Wuyou stopped, glanced at him casually, and asked indifferently.

"Ashamed! I asked Brother Bai to help me kill this kid. I will definitely reward him generously in the future!"

Cang Luo couldn't care anymore at this time and immediately sent a message to Bai Wuyou for help.

"Hmph! You can't even defeat a princely state, so you still have the nerve to ask me for help?"

"I have to go find that little bitch named Qin, so I won't accompany you!"

Bai Wuyou had a look of disdain on his face and flapped his bone wings to leave.

After entering the Wandao World, the space was turbulent and changing. He also lost Qin Diyao's whereabouts for a while, so he had to search for the other party's traces while searching for the Daoze Lingyu.

"Bai Wuyou! You————!"

Seeing how unjust the other party was, Cang Luo was about to curse, but suddenly stopped the fragrance he was about to say.

Because he suddenly discovered that Lin Xingyun had stepped up through the sky with fairy light at some point, and stood in front of Bai Wuyou with a sword!

"You just said, who are you going to find?"

Lin Xingyun held the Daluo Dao Sword horizontally in front of him and asked in a calm tone.

"What are you doing? You————"

Bai Wuyou frowned, flapped his bone wings, and drew two strong winds towards the princely ant in front of him, intending to kill him directly!

Chapter 342 Watch out in the next life, crush!


But Bai Wuyou soon discovered that the opponent did not dodge or evade. After a layer of dark yellow armor appeared around his body, he walked towards him in the air!

The Gangfeng attacks he made were like scraping, and could not cause any harm to it!

"I'm asking you, who did you say you were going to find just now?"

Lin Xingyun held his sword forward and asked with a faint smile on his lips.

Bai Wuyou didn't answer, his face became much gloomier, and his magic power surged out. He had restrained his contempt and began to truly prepare to face the enemy.

"That's all, you don't want to say it, and you don't force it."

"Just be more careful in the next life."

Lin Xingyun shook his head slightly, and his whole body was already bursting with green gold sword light that shone in the sky and the earth!

Using the body to transform into a sword, the Transparent Sword Heart, the Double Eye Opening Technique, and the Flying Immortal Tribulation Light were all used together to enhance his cultivation and combat power, making his whole aura suddenly rise several notches, as if he had turned into a peerless fairy sword. In an instant, he attacked and killed Bai Wuyou!

"What a fast sword!"

Bai Wuyou was inexplicably surprised, but he didn't sit still and wait for death. A pair of bone wings immediately moved to block, and the two of them fought hard in the air!


The sound of the two collisions was sharp and melodious. The Great Luo Dao Sword and the Blood Killing Sword were like dividing gold and breaking jade. After drawing sparks all over the sky, they cut off the pair of bone wings. The sword energy continued to surge, causing two swords to appear on Bai Wuyou's chest. A deep bloodstain!

The look of horror in Bai Wuyou's eyes became more and more intense, as if he didn't expect that the ant in front of him could easily break through his defense and even cause himself to be injured!

He immediately retreated violently, and a pair of bone whips appeared in each palm of his hands. The cold blood lingered on them, and he had obviously drank the blood of a strong man!

Then he came forward with a whip and faced Lin Xingyun in a full-scale attack. The fighting was like lightning and flint, and thousands of rounds had passed in the blink of an eye!

But it is obvious that Bai Wuyou is gradually falling behind, and his body is constantly being attacked by the flying sword energy, and is almost covered with bruises!


The next moment, the two swords clashed, and Lin Xingyun just passed by with one sword, slashing Bai Wuyou away again!

"Destruction Divine Light!"

At the same time, his double eyes bloomed with divine power, and two beams of light burst out, as if they could penetrate and destroy everything in the world!

"Bone Sacrifice Throne!"

Bai Wuyou immediately shouted and manifested a thousand-foot-tall white bone throne in front of him like a mountain for defense!

The two sides collided suddenly, but after being blocked for a while, the two divine lights still penetrated the throne's resistance and blasted Bai Wuyou to pieces again!

At this time, Cang Luo also flew forward at the right time and persuaded Bai Wuyou with a solemn expression.

"Brother Bai, do you know that what I said is true?"

"Let's join forces to fight against the enemy! Otherwise, I'm afraid you and I will fall into the hands of this guy today!"

Blood spilled from the corner of Bai Wuyou's mouth, and his internal organs surged with spiritual energy.

But when he heard what Cang Luo said, he became even more angry!

As the emperor's son, he was born only a few years ago, but he was actually reduced to besieging the enemy with others, and the opponent was a level lower than himself!

Don’t you want to lose face? !

"Go away! Tianyuan's face has been completely embarrassed by you!"

"Bone Dragon Transformation!"

He shouted violently, and thousands of pale bones immediately emerged from his body to wrap him up. Rays of frightening white light illuminated the heaven and earth, turning into white light balls, and at the same time, his spiritual energy was also raised several levels again!


The next moment, a gigantic-foot-long white-bone double-winged dragon broke through the light mass, roared, vibrated its wings to the sky, and pounced on Lin Xingyun!

Lin Xingyun also became interested when he saw this, and immediately the same divine form flashed, and the ten evil auras billowing out of his body like thick smoke, covering his whole body!


A moment later, a Kunpeng divine form with wings that could cover the nine heavens appeared again, roaring proudly as it attacked and killed the giant white-bone dragon!

The two are like two ancient beasts, each bursting out with mighty power that destroys the heaven and earth, soaring between heaven and earth, constantly attacking and killing each other!

But in only about a quarter of an hour, Kunpeng's divine form suddenly slapped a pair of giant wings, knocking the white-bone dragon that had broken countless bones to the ground with one blow!

The huge bone dragon fell like a meteorite, hitting the mountains and immediately setting off endless smoke and dust. The mountains instantly turned into dust and were blown away, and a bottomless pit instantly appeared on the ground!

At this time, most of the bones around the white-bone dragon had been broken and cracked. Bai Wuyou in the dragon's body could no longer contain his injuries and spit out a mouthful of blood. His breath was much weaker!

On the other side of the sky, Cang Luo couldn't help but shed a few drops of cold sweat as he looked at this scene.

The opponent had just slaughtered his group of followers and seriously injured himself, and now he still had the energy to defeat Bai Wuyou, the leader among the emperor's sons.

This kind of combat power can no longer be speculated and described using common sense!

At this moment, he didn't dare to have much arrogance in his heart, and there was only one sentence left in his heart.

A dead Taoist friend will not die a poor Taoist!

Immediately, when Lin Xingyun was about to swoop down and bombard Bai Wuyou, he waved his hand and hit the folding fan, billowing green smoke erupted and enveloped him, and he was about to help him escape!

Chapter 343 Qin Ji, Great Teleportation Talisman

But just when Cang Luo wanted to run away, a petite figure shining with fairy light actually flew out of the divine form of Kunpeng swooping down from the sky.

Flying Immortal Qin Di Yao embraced the Great Luo Dao Sword, and with the spirit of contempt for the common people, he crossed the sky and approached Cang Luo in an instant. Then he drew a shocking sword light, and with one sword slashed Cang Luo off the ground before he could escape!


On the other hand, Kunpeng's divine form also slammed into the already dilapidated white bone dragon, shattering all the pale bones that were as hard as divine iron into pieces!


Bai Wuyou was also completely shaken and flew out of the dragon's body. He appeared and coughed up blood. Then he was flapped by Kunpeng's wings and flew out like a cannonball, right in front of Cang Luo who had just been beheaded. Colliding, the precious blood of the two emperors spilled into the sky again!


"Brother Bai, do you have any backup plans?"

"Shut up!"

After the two of them stabilized themselves quite awkwardly, Cang Luo coughed up blood and asked hesitantly, but Bai Wuyou snapped him back.

However, under the current situation, the two of them, as top geniuses, had a tacit understanding. They began to mobilize all their spiritual power and Taoist magical powers to prepare for the huge Kunpeng that was once again flying in the nine heavens and about to slay him!

At this moment, a melodious and majestic Qilin cry was heard, followed by the shadow of a black jade Qilin passing through the air. Its movement speed was also very fast, and it landed on Bai Wuyou and Cang Luo in an instant. Behind him, he transformed into a heroic middle-aged man.

"Ah you are?"

Bai Wuyou and Cang Luo glanced at the same time, realizing that although this man's cultivation and combat power were good, he was still not a threat to the two of them, and they did not feel the murderous intention in the other person, so they couldn't help but ask in confusion at the same time.

"The two emperors are polite, I am Qin Ji."

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, please move away!"

Qin Ji Yinqin cupped his hands and smiled, then took out a purple talisman full of spiritual energy and threw it out in the air. A vortex of space instantly appeared, completely covering the three of them, and then disappeared on the spot!

The next moment, the divine form of Kunpeng flew across the sky, raising thousands of hurricane sand and stones with its wings, but it flew into the air and failed to directly interrupt the three of them.

"That talisman is the Great Moving Talisman specially made by the Qin family. Is that person also from the Qin family?"

Lin Xingyun immediately released Kunpeng's divine form, and quickly gathered his breath with the immortal light all over his body. At the same time, he took back the Feixian Divine Fetus, the two swords and the sword box, and thought to himself.

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