He had seen Qin Yiren use this great teleportation talisman twice. After using it, he could escape tens of thousands of miles away in an instant. It could be called a life-saving artifact. It was said that only the Qin family in the fairyland made this kind of talisman the best.

"Well, let's go find Yaoyao first."

After Lin Xingyun investigated, he found that the other party had no trace or breath, so he had to continue on his way, following the direction of his supreme bone, and went all the way north.

At this time, in a canyon 30,000 miles away in the southeast direction, a piece of space suddenly shattered like glass, and then three figures walked out of it.

Although Bai Wuyou and Cang Luo were both seriously injured just now, Cang Luo even had a sword wound on his chest that was deep enough to see the bone. The sword's way, the killing's way, and a wisp of strange and terrifying gray light were all frantically eroding his flesh and blood and wiping out his vitality!

But at this time, the two princes were still standing still. They took out a lot of rare healing pills and threw them into their mouths. While repairing their wounds, they looked at Qin Ji indifferently.

"Qin Ji of the Qin family? Why do you want to help us?"

Bai Wuyou sat cross-legged and meditated, further recuperating his injuries, and then asked with some caution.

Qin Ji had already prepared his words, and sighed and said with emotion.

"Alas! To be honest, the two princes, that kid from the Lin family has long been enemies with my Qin family. The head of my family has suspected more than once that the late son of God, Qin Yiren, did not die in the wilderness, but was killed by him!"

"Unfortunately, my ability is limited. Now in this world of ten thousand ways, I really can't do anything to him..."

"I can only borrow the divine power of the two princes to see if I can summon other princes of the restricted area to work together to kill that Lin Xingyun in the world of ten thousand ways!"

Chapter 344 Jin Lingtian, Possession

Qin Ji's face was full of passion, and he almost believed it himself!

In fact, he didn't care about Qin Yiren's blood feud at all. He just wanted to use the power of these princes of the restricted area to get rid of Lin Xingyun!

Now that Qin Yiren is dead, the head of the Qin family has no offspring who can be of great use, and his position in the Qin family is quite delicate. He is already the first saint of the Qin family. If he can make great contributions, he is very likely to go further and be designated as the future successor by the head of the family!

Originally, he wanted to trick Qin Diyao back to the Qin family. Then, in order to cover up the crime of the year, the head of the family would definitely kill this rebel, so that he could win the favor of the head of the family.

But after Chu Weiluo's little punch, he knew that his plan would definitely fail!

But he happened to run into Lin Xingyun here.

"It doesn't matter. If I can get rid of the enemy who killed the son for the head of the family, the effect will be much better than tricking Qin Diyao back!"

Qin Ji secretly calculated in his heart, with a sinister smile in his eyes.

Bai Wuyou and Cang Luo were not easy to deal with. Looking at his sanctimonious virtue, they both snorted with contempt.

But at this time, the hatred with Lin Xingyun was the boulder in their hearts. After looking at each other, the two quickly reached an agreement.

"Although it's shameful to find someone to surround and kill him, there's no other way!"

"He's only in the king realm, but he can already defeat you and me. When he becomes a saint in the future, can we still be his opponent!"

"You and I both know that there are still seven treasure mountains in this world of ten thousand ways that have not appeared in the world. That's where the most abundant spiritual jade of the Dao is stored!"

"If we don't kill the kid from the Lin family, we're afraid we won't get anything!"

"Kill! Must kill!"

"But such an act of surrounding and killing is not glorious after all, and Jin Lingtian will definitely not be willing to participate."

"But if he doesn't take action, it's still unknown whether we can take down Lin Xingyun with only the six of us..."

Cang Luo hesitated and looked embarrassed.

Jin Lingtian is one of the seven emperors who came to the border this time. He is from the Tianyuan restricted area as well as him, but the two are completely different and have no friendship.

But compared to him, the other party is now famous and recognized by the world, and is called the first person in the realm of saints in the fairyland by the three thousand Dao states!

It was because Jin Lingtian possessed the Divine King Body, one of the ten great physiques in the Immortal Realm, with unparalleled talent and astonishing combat power. Even the most outstanding figures of the Changsheng Family and the three holy places were beaten to collapse and killed by him!

"Don't worry, Jin Lingtian is very arrogant. As long as the treasure mountain appears, he will definitely fight for it and will definitely clash with the kid from the Lin family!"

"We will add fuel to the flames at that time. I'm not afraid that they won't fight to the death!"


The two of them had decided on the matter, and immediately took out the communication talisman at the same time and began to contact the other four forbidden area emperors, intending to discuss in detail after gathering together!

On the other hand, at this time, 100,000 miles northwest.

A small group of foreign cultivators were searching for the Dao Ze Ling Yu on their way, and suddenly encountered a group of evil black fog.

"Don't panic, it's me."

"Lord Yuan Pi?! Why are you——?!"

The already seriously injured Yuan Pi said in a low voice, and the crowd instantly recognized that this was Yuan Pi, one of the leaders of the Twelve Emperor Clans, and immediately saluted respectfully.

"I have some injuries, and I need someone to help me regulate my breath. Whoever is willing to help, my Yuan Gui clan will definitely reward you handsomely afterwards!"

Yuan Pi ordered in a deep voice, and several people immediately responded actively.

After all, in the foreign land, the Twelve Emperor Clans represent the supreme authority and are the place that everyone yearns for. If you can get the favor of the Emperor Clans and join the Emperor Clans, it will be an unimaginable great fortune!

At this time, a middle-aged female cultivator was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and took the lead to walk out of the team. In an instant, she flew to the front of the black fog, bowed and smiled charmingly.

"I am Wei Mi, and I am willing to do my best to help you! I hope you will not give up, I am——"

"Sir! You——?!"

Before the female cultivator could finish speaking, the black mist suddenly surged up, enveloping her whole body and disappeared!

Then everyone only heard the painful screams of women coming from the black mist, and they all felt chilled in their hearts. They were even glad that they had just moved a beat slower than this woman!

After a stick of incense, the black mist parted a little, and the female cultivator walked out of the mist.

But at this time, her eyes were sinister and menacing, and her aura was completely different from before. Puffs of black mist surged out of her body, and she had been taken away!

"What a bunch of losers. They can't even seize the opportunity, which makes me want to seize a woman first!"

"Forget it, it's not bad to change your body once in a while, you can just be my savior!"

Yuan Pi moved his body, and the phenomenon of thousands of hooks and shackles immediately appeared behind him, instantly blocking all the paths of the small group of foreign monks!

"Sir, spare your life! Spare your life!"

"Lord Yuan Pi! We are willing to surrender and be slaves at all costs!"

Everyone was horrified and hurriedly begged Yuan Pi.

"Bah! What's the point of keeping you as slaves?"

"How can you guys, ten times more powerful, be able to fight against those two women?!"

"A bunch of trash, let's turn it into nourishment to help me!"

Yuan Pi cursed angrily and resentfully, seeming to recall the painful experience of being defeated by Qin Diyao just now!

Then he used all his strength to activate the vision and began to attack and kill the several foreign monks, ruthlessly plundering their spiritual power and physical origin.

But at this moment, an extremely majestic and calm voice sounded from above the sky.

"Yuan Pi, what are you doing?"

Chapter 345: Incite, stand out, lure the enemy

Yuan Pi immediately stopped and looked up, only to see a heroic young man standing proudly, looking down at him with cold eyes and a rather unkind expression.

The other party was wearing a black robe, embroidered with strange magic patterns, his long black hair was hanging freely, his black pupils were deep and dark, as if they could annihilate all light, but there were two narrow blue tears under his eyes, which were extremely evil, and the whole The human spirit is majestic and domineering, like an unparalleled emperor descending into the mortal world!

"Ye Huang?!"

Yuan Pi was suddenly startled, but his thoughts changed and he ignored the foreign monks and immediately explained respectfully to Ye Huang.

"Brother Ye, I have suffered some injuries. I have no choice but to be reborn, and I need to recover from my injuries as soon as possible. I have no choice but to..."

"No need to say anything more."

"This is the main battlefield between us and the Immortal Territory. When the two armies are fighting, you are killing your compatriots. You must not be punished for your crime."

Ye Huang interrupted calmly, his tone full of unquestionable absolute authority!

Then he raised his palm, and a dark blue ball of light appeared in his palm. It obviously contained unspeakable terrifying spiritual power, and the surrounding space began to twist and break!

Yuan Pi saw that the other party was about to attack him, and he had no intention of showing any mercy from the beginning. The power of the light ball made him feel an uncontrollable chill in his back, and he actually felt that a life-and-death crisis was about to come!

After all, the Ye Huang in front of him is not only from the Calamity Imperial Clan, the most powerful among the twelve imperial clans in the foreign land, but also the direct descendant of the great emperor, and is now recognized as the number one saint in the foreign land. Regardless of his status and combat power, he is far ahead. It's a lot more than Yuan Pi, so naturally he doesn't dare to offend him at all!

"Brother Ye, wait a minute! I'm willing to give up my merits!"

"To be honest, I was seriously injured by two monsters from the Immortal Realm!"

"They are all rare freaks in the ages and are extremely difficult to deal with. If they are not eliminated as soon as possible, they will definitely become the pillars of the Immortal Realm in the future and will also be a serious problem for us!"

"In this world of ten thousand worlds, the sky is not responding and the earth is not working. I am afraid that the leaders of the twelve emperor clans must gather together to kill those two women!"

Yuan Pi couldn't care less about his face at this time and hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

But Ye Huang remained cold and calm, but the ball of light in his palm became more and more intense. He seemed unmoved at all and was about to launch an ultimate move to blast Yuan Pi into powder!


Yuan Pi was extremely panicked when he saw this, but he quickly got wise and immediately took out a messenger talisman and controlled the messenger talisman to shout the message to the other imperial clan leaders.

"Everyone! Help your brother! Help your brother!"

"Ye Huang wants to kill me now! Help me dissuade him!"

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