Three days later, Xiwei led the soldiers and finally returned to Winter City.

He looked at the familiar city and streets, and felt that even the smell of horse manure floating in the air was particularly fresh.

"Sure enough, I am still comfortable in my own territory." Xi Wei couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He glanced at the soldiers behind him and found that most of them looked comfortable and relaxed, and he probably felt the same way as him.

The group slowly returned to Winter Castle, and Xiwei saw a figure sitting on a small stool from a distance.

She contrasted well with the tall soldiers guarding the castle next to her, making her look even more petite and cute in comparison.

This figure is clearly his little maid Loli.

Xiwei saw a middle-aged woman with kind features standing behind Loli. That was Mrs. Chris.

"What are these two people guarding at the door for?" Xiwei was a little confused and rode his horse to the front of the team.

Luo Li dragged her cheeks, her two little ears drooped, and she was in a daze moodily.

Suddenly, a group of figures on war horses appeared in her field of vision. They bypassed the moat outside the castle and came to the castle's drawbridge.

The knight walking at the front was wearing gorgeous dragon crystal armor, stained with dried and black blood.

He was riding a tall dragon-blood horse, with a majestic figure, and his golden hair shone slowly in the afternoon sun.


Lori rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

She just murmured quietly at first, but as the figure got closer, her eyes became brighter.

The furry ears stood up, and Loli could hardly restrain the longing and excitement in her heart, and shouted loudly: "Master!"

Loli shouted as she jumped up to Xi Wei who had dismounted.

Her big eyes were slightly narrowed, with a happy smile on her lips.

She wanted to reach out and hug the man in front of her, but due to her identity and the fact that there were so many soldiers watching around her, one of her hands retracted.

In the end, he just pinched a corner of Xi Wei's cloak.

Loli stared at Xi Wei who was holding the war horse, carefully looking at him for any injuries.

At this time, Mrs. Chris also came forward. She glanced at Loli lovingly, and said to Xiwei with a smile:

"Master Xiwei, little Loli will sit here and wait for you after class every day. She won't go back until the castle bell rings in the evening. She won't listen to any advice."

Mrs. Chris's words made Loli's pretty face turn red, but she still looked up at Xiwei, holding his cloak stubbornly in her hand, as if Xiwei would disappear from her eyes in the next second.

"Really? I didn't expect that when I went out to fight, my little maid would still be thinking about me in the castle."

Hearing this, Xiwei felt warm in his heart. He looked at the little maid with sparkling eyes softly. In her expectant look, he gently put his big hand on her head and stroked her gently.

Loli stood on tiptoes, squinting her eyes, looking very happy and enjoying herself, with a cute curve at the corner of her mouth.

Some of the knights around were counting the bricks on the castle, and some were chatting with their horses. They seemed peaceful, but in fact, each one was suffering more than the others.

Xiwei quickly noticed the resentful atmosphere around him. He pinched Loli's little cheek, then turned to the knights around him and said, "Okay, everyone, please stop standing here. It's very hot."

"Everyone has a day off today. You don't have to come to the castle to watch at night."

After the explanation, Xiwei took out a bag of gold coins from the carriage and handed it to Clemont, and solemnly ordered: "Distribute these gold coins to the families of the dead soldiers, and ask them to go to the Government Affairs Office to receive pensions every month from now on." gold."

"By the way," Xiwei added: "Check their family information and be sure to prevent the pension from being collected on behalf of others or falsely."

Then Xiwei called Goodbye over again and arranged for him to lead the servants of the castle to sort out the supplies obtained from the Black River Territory and store them in the castle's warehouse into categories.

After all the matters were dealt with, Xiwei took the little maid back to her room.

He hasn't showered in several days. Although he has fewer impurities in his body than ordinary people due to his fighting spirit training, it doesn't mean he won't sweat.

He felt sticky all over and couldn't wait to take a good bath.

But when he just took off the armor, only the lining was left on his body.

The little maid who was standing aside and being obedient suddenly threw herself into his arms like a baby bird returning to its nest.

Lori has been waiting for this for a long, long time.

She stretched out her soft little hands and hugged Xiwei's waist tightly. She buried her pink face on Xiwei's chest and rubbed her face, mumbling indistinctly.


"really miss you……"

Loli smelled the familiar scent of Xiwei's body and felt her whole body go limp. A blush slowly crawled from her neck to her face.

She actually deliberately played a trick and waited until Xi Wei took off his armor before rushing over and hugging him, because only in this way could she fully feel the warmth of her master and his generous chest.

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