Xiwei looked at the little maid in her arms at a loss.

He smelled like sweat now, but he couldn't bear to push away when he saw Loli like this.

He could only smile helplessly, put his hand on Loli's back, pat her back gently like coaxing a cat, and said:

"Lori, why don't you wait until I finish taking a shower before hugging me? I'm covered in sweat now..."

However, the little maid seemed not to hear his words and was unmoved. Instead, she held his waist tighter and tighter, as if she wanted to completely rub herself in.

After a while, maybe he had had enough hugs, or maybe he felt that he couldn't influence Xiwei like this.

Loli took the initiative to let go of her hand. She opened her big blurred eyes and murmured in a daze: "Master smells so good and makes you feel so warm. I really want to hug you all the time..."

"Well... Loli couldn't help it anymore." After saying that, Loli buried herself in Xiwei's arms again, sniffed and rubbed hard, and let out a satisfied hum.

"It smells good? Does it make you feel warm?" Xiwei touched Loli's face and asked doubtfully.

Loli didn't look up. She hid herself in Xiwei's arms and didn't want to leave for a moment. She responded in a muffled voice:

"Yes Master, just like the wind blowing in the fields when my mother held me outside and counted the stars when I was a child."

Xiwei was stunned when he heard this, and made a bold guess in his mind - could it be the source of the wilderness?

Can Lori feel the breath of the wild?

In order to verify his thoughts, Xiwei asked Loli if she had ever heard about demi-humans awakening their bloodline power.

Loli tilted her head and thought seriously, a trace of reminiscence and sadness flashed in her eyes.

After a moment, she organized her words and said to Xiwei: "When Loli was a child, she heard her father say that Asians were also a very powerful race more than ten years ago."

"Although we have no way to cultivate fighting spirit, nor do we have any magical talents, we can awaken the power hidden in our blood through natural perception."

"It's just that the conditions for awakening this power are very demanding. It not only requires talent, but also requires one's own perception to resonate with the power in the blood."

"Some people were lucky enough to awaken to the power of water under a waterfall. Some people encountered a tornado and realized the power of wind in the tornado. There are also people who work with the herd of beasts every day and realized the power of wild beasts."

"We don't know what is hidden in our bloodline, so we can only try one by one, but only a few people can succeed. But once they succeed, some of them will become strong men like the master as soon as they wake up."

Loli spoke unhurriedly, and finally her eyes rested on Xiwei's face. A blush rose on her pretty face, and she was buried in Xiwei's arms.

Xiwei didn't notice the girl's little movements. He was completely focused on sorting out the information Loli had said, thoughtfully.

He realized two things from it.

First, the waterfalls, tornadoes, and herds of animals described by Loli are all very unique natural scenery. It is normal for Breath of the Wild to exist in these places.

Second, he finally determined that the Holy Blood Ceremony of the Templars uses the power of demihuman blood. No wonder the Templar turned into a werewolf in the end that day. It is very likely that this was an awakening to the power of beasts. .

Now Xiwei is the source of the wilderness, and theoretically all kinds of breath of the wilderness exist in him.

As long as they are talented enough, any demi-human can find in him the breath of the wild that resonates with their own bloodline.

So when Loli said she felt warm, it probably resonated with some kind of wilderness breath in his body.

In other words, Loli has the possibility of awakening her bloodline ability!

Xiwei was pleasantly surprised by this. He quickly helped Loli in his arms and asked in the girl's confused eyes:

"Lori, do you still remember how your people understand nature?"

Loli didn't understand why Xiwei asked that, but she nodded obediently and replied:

"Lori remembers that this is the innate ability of us demi-humans, and it is the memory engraved in the blood. During the realization, if we have empathy with nature, we will see scenes related to the power of our blood, and then we can continue Look for similar scenes, and you will be able to awaken after experiencing them many times.”

At this point, Luo Li shook her head a little depressed, and continued: "From birth to now, when Luo Li was wandering around with her brother, she would occasionally see the natural scenery and feel it, but in the end, she failed. He probably doesn’t have any talent.”

Xiwei took the girl's hand, squeezed it comfortingly, and said with a smile:

"Maybe it's not because you have no talent, but because you haven't found a feeling that resonates with your blood. Why don't you feel the scent of me that makes you feel so fragrant and warm now."

Xiwei smiled mysteriously and added: "Maybe there will be a surprise."

Loli looked at her master in confusion, but still obeyed and folded her hands in front of her chest, using her natural ability to sense his aura.

A familiar, warm feeling began to wrap around her body, gradually enveloping her whole body.

At this moment, soft white light emerged from the girl's body.

She saw it.

I saw a silent wheat field, with insects chirping and birds chirping, and all things growing; I saw the spring breeze blowing and growing wild grass with its reincarnation in the new year; I saw the setting sun setting off the setting sun, green pines standing on the cliffs, and wild geese falling on the flat sand thousands of miles away.

She saw life.

[Brothers, take a look at the ad and send me love, and you can also give me flowers~]

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