Xiwei looked at the little maid with a shiny body, and was full of surprise. He felt a gentle and vital force from the girl's body.

It seems that this is the hidden ability in Loli's bloodline.

Xiwei touched his chin, thoughtfully, and felt that it should be a recovery ability.

So, he is about to have a personal wet nurse?

Xiwei imagined for a moment the situation when he was playing Wushuang in the group of players and his health was almost running out. A cute little maid behind him raised her hand and directly filled it up for him.

Thinking about it, he showed a cruel smile.

As time passed, the fluorescence on Loli's body gradually weakened and disappeared, and Xiwei knew that this realization had come to an end.

After a moment, Loli opened her big light red eyes. She looked at Xiwei blankly, as if she was looking at an incomprehensible existence.

"Master, master... you?"

"Ahem - now let me introduce myself again. My full name is Xi-Wei Golden Lion, the Source of the Wilderness. And what you just felt is the power of the Breath of the Wild." Xiwei looked solemn and serious , and after speaking, he winked at the little maid in his arms.

Loli smiled, blushing, and threw herself into Xiwei's arms again, burying her little face in it.

She didn't understand why she could feel the power of nature from her master, nor did she understand how her body was changing. She only knew that her master was her master. As long as she could follow her master, she could hold him so unscrupulously. Master, this is enough.

"Master...Master, Loli is a little sleepy. She suddenly feels so tired. She really wants to...hoo...hoo..."

Before the little maid in her arms could finish her words, her body softened and she fell into a drowsy sleep.

Xiwei felt nervous and thought something was wrong with Loli.

He quickly and carefully felt the condition of the girl's body with a trace of fighting spirit, and found that she was just a little tired, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

He speculated that Loli's use of her natural skills to comprehend Breath of the Wild was also relatively labor-intensive.

In addition, the breath of the wild in him is different from those natural features. His is the most original essence without any need to be refined. That's why Loli feels so tired because it was too much given at one time.

Xiwei gently placed Loli on his bed and covered her with a quilt. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he found that the girl's hand was still tightly grasping his pants.

The key is, he still can't talk about it...

Xiwei didn't dare to use too much force for fear of waking up Loli, so she could only take off her trousers.

"Lord Lord! Lord Lord..."

Goodbye came to the door of Xiwei's room with a roar.

Then he raised his eyes and saw Xi Wei, who was only wearing a pair of underwear, and then saw the little maid lying on the bed. In an instant, she was like a duck being strangled by the throat.

It’s over, my pants and socks have to be washed for a year!


Xiwei gave Goodbye a vicious look and signaled him to be silent, then pointed at his desk and waved to Goodbye.

"what's up?"

Xiwei sat on the chair and stared coldly at the sweating Goodbye next to him, as if he could make you look good just by telling him something.

"Lord, a farmer discovered iron ore!"

Goodbye tried his best to calm down, but he soon became excited again.

Since coming to Winter City, he has completely regarded himself as a member of the lord, and the interests of the lord are his interests.

The more he learned, the more anxious he felt for the Eagle Territory and worried for the lord.

The Eagle leads the poor. Not to mention the small population, there are no special products. How many gold coins can you get by relying solely on that little barley and sour beer?

How could he not be excited now that an iron mine was placed in front of him?

"Iron ore discovered?!"

Xiwei was pleasantly surprised. This iron ore is a good thing. Many excellent forging materials are made of iron mixed with other metals.

Not only can it be used to make armor, weapons, and arrows, but it can also be used to make siege weapons.

As the most widely used metal in the Kane continent, having enough iron ore is equivalent to having war potential.

Why Xiwei didn't expand his army was not because of insufficient equipment.

The most important thing is that iron ore is valuable. Even if Xiwei now has more than 10,000 gold coins, all this money can be spent in the construction of territory in minutes.

"Where is the iron mine located and how far is it from Winter City?"

This is the issue that Xiwei is most concerned about right now.

Just when Xiwei asked, Gudebai hesitated. He hesitated and didn't know what to say.

"Does your tongue burn your mouth? Tell me!"

"This... Well, Lord, that iron mine is not far from us, but it is not within the territory of the Eagle Territory. It is at the junction of the Eagle Territory and the Buton Territory."

"And..." Goodbye added awkwardly: "And it's closer to Butun Territory. It is said that they also already know the news about the iron ore."

Xiwei frowned when he heard this. Buton Territory is a viscounty territory of the Andorra Empire. The rules of this country are different from those of the Cologne Empire. Buton Territory is protected by the county above it.

The current relationship between the Andorra Empire and the Cologne Empire is probably a situation of "no big friction, but a lot of small frictions".

According to the rules, this kind of iron ore located in the junction area should belong to the side closer to the iron ore.

But Xiwei didn't intend to abide by this rule.

He looked at the border map on the table for a while, was silent for a moment, then added a stroke on the map, then grinned at Goodbye and said:

"Now this iron mine belongs to us. Give this map to Viscount Bouton. If he doesn't agree..."

Xiwei paused for a moment, a hint of ruthlessness flashed in his blue eyes, and then said coldly:

"Then let's go to war!"

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