In the afternoon at dusk.

Leng's house.

The study was filled with soft orange-yellow light. The setting sun outside the window gradually set, casting a warm afterglow. The atmosphere in the room was full of tranquility, with only the faint sound of birds singing and the sound of cars passing by in the distance.

Leng Qingqiu lay quietly on a soft sofa bed, her long hair spread on the pillow, exuding a faint fragrance.

As the sun gradually sank, the light in the room gradually softened, projected on her face, outlining her delicate features.

Leng Qingqiu's mouth corners slightly raised, as if she had a beautiful dream.

Hmm... so comfortable....So warm.

I haven't felt this way for a long time.

I even dreamed about my father and mother.....·.

Dreaming ?

Suddenly, Leng Qingqiu frowned slightly...

"No! What time is it now?!"

She sat up straight suddenly and stood up from the sofa bed in a panic.

Leng Qingqiu covered her head, her heart full of regret.

Damn, why did she fall asleep? Why was she so lax? What happened before she fell asleep?

Leng Qingqiu was looking for crutches while recalling the scene before she fell asleep.

Oh, yes, she remembered that Gu Yan was massaging her before.

Unexpectedly, she fell asleep comfortably while being massaged??


"I actually fell asleep until now because of that man's low-level massage technique?"

Leng Qingqiu gritted her teeth and cursed, her cold face full of unwillingness. Combined with the current ambient temperature, she could tell that it was already afternoon.

She actually wasted so much precious time??

And at this moment

"Hey, hey, hey, what kind of low-level massage techniques do men use? Your good husband will be very sad."

"Qingqiu, you can sleep so soundly, doesn't it prove that my massage skills are very high?"

Accompanied by a mocking voice, a crutch fell into Leng Qingqiu's palm.

Hearing the voice of this bastard, Leng Qingqiu's face turned cold, she stood up from the sofa bed holding the crutch tightly.

Then she turned her head to the direction of Gu Yan's voice, and emphasized with a cold face:"Don't be self-indulgent, I didn't fall asleep because of your massage!"

"It’s simply because I was too tired from staying up late!"

"You know what? Your massage skills are really bad!"

Even though she knew in her heart that it was Gu Yan's massage that relaxed her nerves and caused her to fall asleep, she would never admit it!

What if she admitted it?

Seeing that Leng Qingqiu was not hard at all, Gu Yan was also very funny in his heart.

You know, the system was madly reminding him————

【Pure love object feels comfortable】、【The pure love object feels happy】、【The object of pure love is so comfortable that he loses consciousness] and other such prompts.

Of course, in reality, Gu Yan would not be that kind of stupid straight man, so he sighed with a disappointed tone of"it turns out it's not my fault":"So that's how it is, I thought the massage technique I learned specifically for you, Qingqiu, helped you a lot."

Did I say too much?

Leng Qingqiu heard the disappointment in Gu Yan's tone, and for some reason, a trace of reluctance surged in his heart, after all, he lied stubbornly.

In addition, he still had to use the Gu family in the future. That's right, it was only because he needed to use the Gu family that he couldn't let Gu Yan feel desperate and leave.

So she took a deep breath and said,"It's... not that it's completely useless, at least it's a little bit useful."

After thinking about it, Leng Qingqiu turned to Gu Yan and emphasized,"It's really only a little bit, please don't misunderstand anything."

Gu Yan heard it and took the snake stick again. He stretched out his hand and directly held Leng Qingqiu's hand, and said happily:"Really, Qingqiu baby! Then I will give you a massage every day in the future, okay?"

Suddenly feeling her jade hand being grabbed again, coupled with Gu Yan's sudden change of tone, Leng Qingqiu couldn't help but become very embarrassed and annoyed.

"You! Let me go! Who allowed you to keep touching me?"

"Also! Change your disgusting name! It's so disgusting!"

Leng Qingqiu couldn't hold it in any longer. How could the eldest son of the Gu family, who was known as Shen Wan'er's big bootlicker, really be so annoying!

"Yes, yes, Qingqiu, I will call you whatever you want me to call you. After all, we are a family!"

Gu Yan nodded repeatedly

"Bah! Who are you family with?!"

"But didn’t you agree to my proposal?"

"That! That was a child marriage!"

"Doesn’t the meaning of child marriage mean that you and I have been married since we were still babies?"


Leng Qingqiu couldn't see Gu Yan. If she saw him, she might not be able to help but fight with Gu Yan.

This bastard was full of nonsense and never said a serious word. If he didn't want to take advantage of their Gu family, she wouldn't bother to pay attention to him!

How hateful! For the sake of her own revenge plan, it seems that she can only endure for a while.

Thinking of this, Leng Qingqiu took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.

Then she said:"Okay, whatever you say, so can you go back? It's so late."

Just after she finished speaking.

There was a sound of ping-pong downstairs.

Then Leng Ling'er's complaint rang out:"Sister! I'm so mad! The last math test is handed out!! I failed again! Is that teacher targeting me?!"

"And, elder sister! Didn’t Aunt Ya take a leave to rest? Who cooked for us? Why do I smell the fragrance of food in the kitchen?"

Her voice was getting closer and closer until she reached the study.

Leng Ling'er walked in:"Sister....."

The voice stopped abruptly.

Gu Yan waved at the other party:"Welcome back"

"I come back......"No!"

Leng Ling'er answered subconsciously, and shook her head quickly after coming to her senses. She pointed at Gu Yan and said,"You, you, you! Why are you here?!"

"Didn't you promise me that you wouldn't be alone with my elder sister?"

Gu Yan looked surprised when he heard this:"Is it strange for me to go back to my own home to see my wife?"

He then said righteously:"Your condition is nonsense in the first place!! Which law stipulates that I can't be alone with my wife!"


Leng Qingqiu on the side slowly asked a question mark, and she faced Gu Yan expressionlessly.

This man...How shameless!

"look...See my wife..?!"


Leng Ling'er blushed. She looked at Gu Yan, then at Leng Qingqiu, whose hand Gu Yan was holding, and she immediately stammered,"It seems to be the case......"

She seemed very conflicted:"But...but it's not possible. My eldest sister is my family, and you are my sister's husband, so I am your sister-in-law, and we are all family."

Leng Ling'er became more and more confused the more she thought about it:"Ahhh, so annoying!"

She simply stopped thinking about it, pointed at Gu Yan, showing her beautiful fangs and threatened:"Anyway, you leave quickly! Otherwise...I will let you taste the power of my tenth-degree Taekwondo!" As for

Leng Qingqiu, she smiled secretly in her heart, worthy of being Ling'er.

She is still on your sister's side.

Gu Yan shrugged indifferently, but his expression became a little funny:"Do you really want me to leave? It's okay if I leave."

"But can you two cook?"

"I've only done half of this dish."



Leng Qingqiu frowned:"What are you talking about? What cooking?"

She was stunned. Oh, by the way, Sister Ya suddenly stammered last night and said that she would take a leave for a while.

So for now and for a long time in the future, only she and Ling'er are at home.

Leng Ling'er was also stunned:"The smell of food in the kitchen, is it you who cooked it?"

She looked at Gu Yan with some curiosity:"You, a young master, can also cook?"

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