Of course it wouldn't happen before, but.....

Don’t I have a system?

Gu Yan grabbed Leng Qingqiu’s hand, who looked disgusted. The latter resisted a little, but when he saw that he couldn’t break free, he gave up. He said with emotion:"I learned this system specifically for Qingqiu."

"I've thought about this scene a long time ago."

"I cook for you at home, and I massage your back when you come back from work."

"On weekends, we drink tea and enjoy the flowers in the yard. If we have nothing to do, we can have a barbecue outdoors."


Leng Ling'er couldn't stand it anymore, she forcefully separated Gu Yan's hands from Leng Qingqiu's, then glared at Gu Yan and complained,"Hey! What you're saying is that you're the househusband and let my sister go out to work and earn money!"

"Are you a man?"

Leng Qingqiu also found it a little funny. This guy, how come he is different from other men.

Other men say they will support you for life in order to improve others' favorability, but why is it the other way around when it comes to Gu Yan?

When Gu Yan heard this, he curled his lips and looked at Leng Ling'er as if he was an idiot:"Aren't you talking nonsense? My Qingqiu is talented. If a stupid person like me goes out to make money, I might lose everything in the Gu family."

"Then of course my Qingqiu has to take charge."

Leng Linger was speechless after hearing these words. He was clearly praising my sister, but why was I so angry?

And what about my Qingqiu? You two just established a relationship on the second day, okay? Don't act like you are so familiar with each other, okay?

Leng Qingqiu was also amused by Gu Yan's words, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly, but when she thought about what would happen if Gu Yan, that bastard, saw it, she suppressed the corners of her mouth that had been raised.

【[Pure love partner feels happy, points +1]

Hearing the prompt sound in his mind, Gu Yan also smiled in his heart.

Not bad, not bad, if this trend continues, his favorability with Leng Qingqiu will definitely increase rapidly!

Thinking of this, he coughed lightly:"Okay, it's getting late, I'll continue to cook."

"Qingqiu, read a book first. I'll call you when I'm ready."

As he said that, he took Leng Qingqiu's hand and gently led her to the desk.

Leng Qingqiu was obviously not used to being treated like this, so she frowned slightly and said in a resistant tone:"I can walk by myself."

Hearing this, Gu Yan certainly would not miss this opportunity to touch her body with a formal reason, so he said righteously:"No, it's fine if I'm not here, but now that I'm here, I can't let anything happen to you, Qingqiu."

"It would be terrible if you fell down like yesterday, Qingqiu!"

"You! How dare you talk about yesterday! Let go!"

Leng Qingqiu was furious, and the embarrassing scene of yesterday came to his mind again, this bastard!!

Gu Yan also led Leng Qingqiu to the desk while arguing with Leng Qingqiu, and then reluctantly let go of her hand and said:"Okay, okay, I let go, then I'll go down first." After that, he left the study room without waiting for Leng Qingqiu's reaction.

This bastard!

Leng Qingqiu's chest rose and fell, how could there be such an irritating bastard!

Such an annoying man! But....

The other party is now cooking for us downstairs. He is obviously the eldest son of the Gu family, but he cooks for us personally.....

Leng Qingqiu had an indescribable feeling in her heart.

He gave her a massage, helped her sit at the desk, and lowered his status to cook for the two sisters...... this this this...

Hiss, stop thinking about it, Leng Qingqiu took a deep breath and let her mood gradually calm down. Gu Yan took the initiative to do all this, she didn't ask him to do it.

That's right...I can't have that ridiculous feeling of gratitude.

Feelings are the biggest stumbling block on my road to revenge.

Leng Ling'er saw her elder sister seemed to be thinking about something and looked very painful, and her expression was a little indignant.

Damn scumbag Gu, it's because of your appearance that my sister is so miserable.

I'm so angry! Although you and my sister were childhood sweethearts, although you are nominally my brother-in-law, although it's true.... cocoa...


Leng Ling'er was about to say something, but was interrupted by Leng Qingqiu:"Ling'er, go to the kitchen and help Gu Yan, so that he won't think that we in the Leng family are all lazy people."

Leng Ling'er was stunned, then opened her mouth slightly:"Ah?"............ kitchen

"So, this is how you help me?"

Gu Yan looked speechlessly at Leng Ling'er, who was stirring egg shells and egg liquid in a bowl with red eyes and lifeless eyes.

Leng Ling'er got angry when she heard this.


Leng Ling'er sniffed her nose and glared at Gu Yan fiercely:"It's all because of you! Because of guys like you, my sister...my sister has changed!!"

She burst into tears when she said this, and then angrily stretched out her pink fist and hit Gu Yan's chest:"You actually asked me to help a man like you!!"

"I'll beat you to death, I'll beat you to death....."Woo!"

The voice stopped abruptly.

Leng Ling'er stopped crying, and her eyes widened slightly, because it seemed that Gu Yan had stuffed something into her mouth.

It was hot and a little big, and she chewed it subconsciously.

In an instant, an unexpected delicious feeling burst out from her taste buds and filled her mouth.

Leng Ling'er's eyes lit up, and she looked up at Gu Yan in disbelief, and asked while eating:"This...what's this? It's delicious!"

Gu Yan took the chopsticks out of Leng Ling'er's mouth, rinsed them with cold water, and replied without looking back:"Spicy rabbit meat"

"Oh, it's rabbit meat."

Leng Linger nodded, then���...

"rabbit...Rabbit meat?!!"

Leng Ling'er was shocked. She looked to the side in disbelief, only to see a cooked and plated spicy rabbit lying there quietly.

Her eyes went dark and she almost fainted.

Gu Yan, who was washing the dishes, showed a nasty smile to Leng Ling'er with his back.

Haha, you little brat, now you know how powerful you are.

Time passed slowly.

Leng Ling'er seemed to be sad and guilty for eating the rabbit cooked by Gu Yan, so Gu Yan did not let her continue to help.

Instead, he asked her to stay in the living room and watch cartoons.

Leng Ling'er was wearing white socks and sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed, watching the gangster cartoons on TV programs sullenly.

She was holding a huge white rabbit doll and muttering,"Bastard, bad guy, trash, scum, rabbits are so cute, and you actually eat rabbits!"

Leng Ling'er once again refreshed her perception of Gu Yan.

At this time, a voice came from upstairs.

"I can walk by myself, don't hold me up all the time"

"No, going downstairs is no small matter. If I could, I would like to carry you down."

"Hug? I'm not a child anymore! Gu Yan, don't be so exaggerated!"

"Unmarried women are all children"


Leng Qingqiu was supported by Gu Yan as she walked down the stairs. She could even feel Gu Yan's warm breath and the faint fragrance on his body.

He was obviously a man, how could he smell so good?

No, no, they actually said that women before marriage are children.

This, this, this... is really outrageous. I am the actual person behind the Leng family, and they actually treat me like a child!

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