The next day.

Early morning.

Inside the Gu Family compound

"Should I be able to test it here?"

Gu Yan stopped in front of a big tree. He looked at his fist and then at the tree. His eyes were eager to try.

This was the most intuitive way to test whether his [Universe Pure Love Skill] was useful. Sure enough, he had to do it this way.

That's right. After these days of hard work, Gu Yan now had enough points to redeem [Universe Pure Love Skill].

After the redemption last night, he felt that something seemed to have changed in his body. For example, when he woke up this morning, he found that he looked better.

His skin also improved, but he couldn't tell what else was wrong.

It can't be this... The only effect of this method is to strengthen the body, right?

That would be too funny.

With the thought that [it is definitely not just a method for strengthening the body], Gu Yan came to the yard.

He stretched out his hand and placed his palm on the tree and closed his eyes.

According to the system, the operation mode of the Universe Pure Love Technique is automatic operation 24 hours a day.

As long as you do pure love things and stimulate the pure love energy.

Then Gu Yan will continue to become stronger.

Moreover, these pure love things can be inherited.

In other words, the pure love things he did before have created a lot of pure love energy for him, thereby strengthening his body!

So at this moment.......

Destroying such a small tree shouldn't be a problem for him!

The breeze blew, and his clothes fluttered.

Gu Yan felt as if there was a vibrant force surging in his body, enveloping him.

Here it comes! This is it! The effect of the Pure Love Technique!!!

Gu Yan's heart was slightly disturbed. Could it be that something big was coming?


Gu Yan opened his eyes and pressed hard on the tree:"Ha!"

And then!!!!

Nothing happened.

The tree was intact.


Gu Yan slowly asked a question.

He frowned and looked at the tree. What happened?

How could such a small tree be so strong?


He patted the tree hard in disbelief.

As a result, the tree remained the same.

"what happened?"

"Didn't I practice the Universe Pure Love Technique?!"

Is the Universe powerful? Is Pure Love powerful?

Why is there no reaction when the two are combined?

Gu Yan was shocked, and his expression became a little stiff.

What's going on? Why does he feel that his strength doesn't seem to have changed at all?

And at this moment.

The system prompt sound also came.

【Hello, host. As the name suggests, the Universe Pure Love Kungfu is a Kungfu that is performed for pure love.】

【The host's behavior of hitting the tree is not pure love. 】


This question mark does not mean that I have a problem, but that you have a problem

"What kind of a dummy technique is this! My dream of flying and hiding in the ground is gone!"

Gu Yan cursed. He had originally thought that since he had the system, it was like stepping into the world of cultivation.

He could directly exchange it for the techniques of cultivation in the novels.

As the saying goes, all the warriors in the world are learning ancient martial arts, but he is the only one cultivating immortals.

As a result, the system's words directly shattered his beautiful dream.

"Oh, never mind."

"It's good enough to be able to use it to protect Qingqiu."

Gu Yan was not so disappointed, but just changed his mind.


According to the original book, Leng Qingqiu's martial arts skills would have been able to stand at the top of the world in the future.

Such a strong woman, why does she need his protection?

Instead, he has to think of a way to protect himself before Leng Qingqiu fully develops!

Thinking of this, Gu Yan sighed.

Damn, what's going on? I won't become the weakest time traveler in history, right?

This universe pure love technique can only be used to protect the pure love object.

It won't have other effects, right?

Gu Yan shook his head.

But what he didn't notice was.

Or rather, what no one in this world could notice was.

His whole body was wrapped in a layer of pink halo without any dead corners.

It's just that Gu Yan didn't notice this halo, and he didn't know what effect it had.

Inside the house.

Gu Tianming and Su Murong looked at Gu Yan who was hammering a tree in the yard as if they had seen a ghost.

The two looked at each other:"Did this kid see a ghost? Getting up early in the morning to hammer a tree with bare hands?"

"this...What kind of fitness method might it be?".................

Leng's house.

Leng Ling'er was wearing pajamas and brushing her teeth in front of the sink with sleepy eyes.

Because her sister gave her a math cram course last night, she went to bed very late.

"Good morning, Ling'er. Did you stay up late last night? You are already a senior high school student, so don't stay up all night reading romance novels."

Gu Yan passed by Leng Ling'er with a bag of vegetables.

""Oh, brother-in-law, good morning."

Leng Ling'er brushed her teeth and responded subconsciously.

Brush, brush, brush.

But suddenly, her eyes paused, all her sleepiness disappeared, and she looked over there suddenly, just in time to see Gu Yan's back.

""Zha! Zha Yu Gu!"

Leng Ling'er shouted in shock."

If it's not Big Brother, why are you here so early in the morning?"

Leng Ling'er didn't even bother to brush her teeth, and ran all the way to the kitchen.

As soon as she got there, she saw Gu Yan busying himself at the sink.

"Hey! Gu, you bastard! What are you doing!"

Leng Ling'er shouted and came closer.

Gu Yan glanced at Leng Ling'er while washing the preserved eggs.

The other party was wearing a loose pink bunny pajamas, with messy yellow hair scattered on both sides of her cheeks, and her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

It seemed that she didn't want to see him.

This little kid, he was so happy eating last night.

Gu Yan pursed his lips, turned his head and continued to process the ingredients, and said:"Make breakfast, we will have preserved egg and lean meat porridge this morning."

"Wow, for a small fry, you can do anything!"

"I want more shredded pork for my portion."

Leng Ling'er's eyes sparkled when she heard this, and she nodded happily. She was also hungry.....No!

I was clearly going to drive Gu Yan away!

"Got it. Little ghost, hurry up and brush your teeth and wash your face. There is still foam on your mouth. Can you be like a girl?"

Gu Yan said as he took a piece of paper from the side and handed it to Leng Ling'er.

Leng Ling'er looked at the wet tissue handed to her, then looked up at Gu Yan.

She was slightly stunned, then snatched it away, and said in a panic:"Who! Who is Little Ghost! I'm already 18 years old! I'm an adult!"

"Humph! Goodbye, you jerk! Lululu! I'm going to tell my sister!"

Leng Ling'er said as she ran out of the kitchen.

"This kid."

Gu Yan shook his head helplessly.

Suddenly, a scene flashed through his mind.

【The skinny figure fell in a pool of blood, and the woman with a cloth covering her eyes ran over from a distance in fear.】

【"sister.....I'll use my blood to help you......"】

【"actually...I know...This will restore your eyesight....."】

【"sorry...I shouldn't have provoked the other party......sorry....."】

【"Ling Er!!"】


Gu Yan's eyes fixed.

Then he washed the preserved eggs as if nothing had happened.

However, as he was washing, this scene flashed through his mind again.

This was the introduction to Leng Ling'er's personal story in the original book.

There was only this paragraph, but the amount of information was very large.

Obviously, Gu Yan didn't pay much attention to this kind of information when he was reading the book in his previous life.

But for some reason, just now, after he saw Leng Ling'er, this scene flashed through his mind.

What's going on?

Is this a function brought by the system?

If he remembered correctly, this paragraph was indeed the ending of Leng Ling'er.

Bleeding in my heart....Eyes restored....provoke.....

Hiss! Wait a minute!

Gu Yan took a breath, he seemed to know why Leng Qingqiu became the final villain.

It seemed that everything was explained again!

If that was the case, then for a long time to come, he would have to focus on Leng Ling'er.

Not for anything else, but to prevent future tragedies!

He wanted Leng Qingqiu to continue to be the final boss, but he never thought of relying on this method of sacrificing relatives!

"No, I must prevent this tragedy."

Gu Yan's eyes revealed a hint of determination.

He turned to look at the balance of points on the panel, and there were 13 points left.

13 points?....

Gu Yan thought to himself that no matter how many points he had, he couldn't practice other miscellaneous skills.

But he didn't say that he couldn't buy fighting skills.

So just in case

"System, in order to prevent my sister-in-law from following her old path, exchange all my points for fighting skills, combat techniques, and combat experience that will enhance my combat power!"

【In order to save the sister-in-law and prevent the pure love object from breaking down and being sad, this has always been a matter of pure love.】

【You! This system is very satisfied!】

【13 points have been deducted! Successfully exchanged for God-level fighting skills and God-level fighting experience! 】

Gu Yan heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the system's prompt.

With Lao Gao by his side and his own fighting skills, he had more cards up his sleeve and was more confident. It would be easier to deal with some emergencies in the future.

"Okay, now let's cook the porridge.".....................

Time passed by minute by minute.



Leng Qingqiu was flipping through books.


She seemed to hear some noise.

The corners of her mouth slightly raised, but quickly suppressed.

Then she turned her head and looked towards the door of the study, and said calmly:"I don't think I invited you."

Gu Yan heard the words, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, I don't know why, listening to Qingqiu's tone, he was not discouraged.

Instead, he became more addicted, so he walked forward, squatted down and stretched out his hand to help Leng Qingqiu comb her hair:"You didn't invite me, but I remember, I said before I left last night, Qingqiu, you said casually"

"Besides, if I don’t come, who will make breakfast for you two?"

"By the way, Qingqiu, how did you know it was me who came?"

Leng Qingqiu noticed Gu Yan's action, but she did not resist, but said lightly:"Casually can also mean rejection." Although

Leng Qingqiu did not feel disgusted with Gu Yan's arrival, she even felt a little happy.

However, she would not admit that she was looking forward to Gu Yan's coming:"As for how I knew it was yours,"

"This is because blind people have more sensitive senses."

"and...Combining your weight, footsteps and breathing rate from the two times you entered my room, any normal person should be able to figure out that this person is you."

Gu Yan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he praised:"As expected of our Qingqiu, I can only say two words to you."

Leng Qingqiu originally thought that Gu Yan would feel a little embarrassed or didn't know how to continue the conversation.

After all, every time she opened her mouth in the past, the atmosphere would become cold, and she didn't know how to continue the conversation.

"Which two words?"

"Oh shit!"


"A vulgar guy."

Leng Qingqiu turned her head, indicating that she didn't want to pay attention to Gu Yan.

This caused Gu Yan to make a series of strange noises.

However, Leng Qingqiu smiled in her heart.

This guy is different from the others.

Thinking of this, Leng Qingqiu stood up in front of Gu Yan, stretched out her hand to Gu Yan, and said lightly:"Let's go, did you make century egg and lean meat porridge?"

Gu Yan was a little shocked:"You know all this!"

"Well, I can calculate it."


"Well, Ling'er came up and told me"


Gu Yan was shocked twice in a row. No, Leng Qingqiu, you can also make such a joke!

Leng Qingqiu's mouth corners slightly raised. Although he didn't know Gu Yan's expression, he must be very funny. Just when he was about to speak, he heard Gu Yan say:"Then our great wife Qingqiu, do you know what I want to do next?"

Leng Qingqiu was slightly stunned, and his mind began to spin rapidly:"Do..."...doing what....Ah!"

Before she finished her words, she felt her feet leave the ground, and clearly felt her legs and back being lifted up.

She! She was being picked up by Gu Yan!

In a princess hug!

Leng Qingqiu was forced by Gu Yan to lean on his arms, which made Leng Qingqiu's heart beat wildly and her body began to struggle:"What are you doing, hurry up!"...Let me go quickly, what if Ling'er sees us?"

Gu Yan would not let her go, but hugged her tighter, chuckling,"No, Qingqiu, you played a trick on me just now."

"You! How can you be so stingy!"

Leng Qingqiu was furious when he heard this reason, and stretched out his fist to hit Gu Yan's chest:"You guy, let me go!"

"No! I want to hold you to the dinner table!"

"You! Obviously... obviously you also moved the chair and made me fall before..."

"Well... that... that was an accident."

Seeing Leng Qingqiu lowered her head and didn't want to talk anymore, Gu Yan quickly let go of her and began to apologize and coax her:"Qingqiu, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was wrong."

However, the next second,

Leng Qingqiu looked up, a hint of victory appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she stretched out her hand and made a two:"Now it's two to one."

Two to one.

Gu Yan was stunned, then he suddenly realized, he laughed and shook his head:"Hahaha, you...haha...."

Hearing the laughter, Leng Qingqiu couldn't help but laugh:"Now you know the price of bullying me." Hearing this,

Gu Yan took Leng Qingqiu's hand and said with a smile:"I know, I know. I'm afraid of you. Let's go."

Leng Qingqiu pretended to struggle, but in less than half a second, he pretended to be unable to break free and nodded:"Oh."

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