At the dining table.

Leng Ling'er's food was tasteless.


In front of a table, Gu Yan moved a chair and sat next to Leng Qingqiu.

Then he fed Leng Qingqiu mouthful by mouthful with a spoon.

He kept saying all kinds of love words:"Qingqiu, is it delicious?"

Hearing this, Leng Qingqiu said seriously:"It's so-so."

It's delicious, but I just don't want to say it's delicious.

Gu Yan nodded:"Okay, then I'll make it for you next time."

Seeing Gu Yan say this, Leng Qingqiu was unhappy. Does this mean that you know I like to eat it? She emphasized:"So-so can also mean it's not delicious"

"But I see you like it very much"

"Haha, what illusion makes you think I like it very much?"

Hearing this, Gu Yan thought about it, then chuckled and said,"Maybe it's because you always lick your lips after eating?"


Leng Qingqiu was stunned. What is this?

Damn it!

Her ears turned red, and then she stretched out her fist and punched Gu Yan's thigh:"You are so good!"

Seeing this, Gu Yan grabbed the hand that was punching his leg:"Haha, Qingqiu, I love you so much"

"You! Don't say such disgusting things while eating!"

Seeing this scene, Leng Linger gritted her teeth and bit her spoon:"How hateful!...A mere fish"

"Surprisingly...He actually did all these things with my sister in front of me!"

"Damn bastard!"

Leng Linger couldn't accept the current state of herself, especially last night.

She learned the reason why her sister pretended to be so close to Gu Yan.........

All this is for the Leng family.

My elder sister endured humiliation and loved Gu Yan, and then found the opportunity to take away the Gu family.

It made the Leng family return to its peak!

My elder sister is so pitiful! She made such a sacrifice for our Leng family!

Leng Ling'er felt that she was not a real person. She knew that her elder sister hated Gu Yan.

She also knew that the other party endured humiliation and compromised in front of Gu Yan for the sake of the Leng family.

However, she was powerless and could only watch her sister being treated by Gu Yan in this way and that way.

When she thought of this, Leng Ling'er's heart was bleeding.

If she could bear all this for her sister, she would be willing to do it!

"I'm full and going to school!"

Leng Ling'er couldn't stand the sad scene in front of her, so she left the table while suppressing her grief.

When Gu Yan heard this, he turned his head and looked at Leng Ling'er who was leaving with the bowl and chopsticks:"Wait, I'll take you to school later."


Leng Ling'er and Leng Qingqiu were stunned when they heard this.

Especially Leng Ling'er, she was very resistant, and snorted with pride:"I don't want you to take me to school! I want to take my Batianwan to school."


"That little donkey?"

Gu Yan saw a fancy Ghost Fire electric car parked in front of the Leng family's gate.

"What little donkey! That's called Batianwan!"

"I tell you, Batianwan can reach 140 mph!"

Leng Linger said proudly.

"Oh, if you modify an electric car without permission, you will be fined and the illegal tools will be confiscated."

Gu Yan nodded and continued:"I remember there was a traffic policeman enforcing the law at the intersection where you went to school today."

"If you go there, you'll probably run into them."

"If you don't want your Batianwan to be dragged away and dismantled, then I advise you to take my car to school obediently."

Leng Qingqiu nodded after hearing this. She turned to Leng Ling'er and asked expressionlessly:"Ling'er, shouldn't I arrange a driver for you?"

"Why do you sound like you've been riding that illegal electric bike to school recently?"

Leng Ling'er was panicked when she heard her sister's tone.

It's over, it's over, she accidentally let it slip.

In desperation, she had to tell the truth, lowering her head and speaking with as much grievance as she could:"Sister....I just wanted to save some money for my family, so I fired the driver."

Gu Yan, who was listening, leaned over to Leng Qingqiu's ear and reminded him,"Use the remaining money from the firing to modify the Ba Tian Wan."

Leng Ling'er was furious when she heard this, she glared at Gu Yan,"You!!!"

Before she finished speaking, Leng Qingqiu turned to Leng Ling'er and said coldly,"Do you know how dangerous a modified car is?"

"I won't let you drive that car anymore."

Then, she turned to Gu Yan and said,"Let your brother-in-law drive you to and from school in the future."

Leng Qingqiu was really mad at Leng Ling'er.

How could this child be so disobedient?

She hired a driver for her, but the driver fired her.

She even modified an electric car.

She could do such a dangerous thing!

It seemed that she had not disciplined Leng Ling'er enough before, and she had become bad.

What if.......

What if Ling'er made friends with some bad people outside?....

What if Ling'er learns to dye her hair yellow, pierce her ears, and wear some weird clothes?...What if Ling'er learns bad things?

Leng Qingqiu felt a little panicked when she thought of this.

She subconsciously grabbed Gu Yan's hand. Oh, yes, she could let Gu Yan keep an eye on her.

Just when she was about to speak, Gu Yan patted Leng Qingqiu's hand. He glanced at Leng Ling'er, who had dyed yellow hair, pierced ears, and wore strange clothes. Then he comforted Leng Qingqiu,"I will help you watch Ling'er." After hearing what she said, she felt relieved when she saw that Gu Yan understood what she meant.

Then he turned to Leng Ling'er with a stern face and said,"It's settled. You are not allowed to refuse."

Seeing that her sister was really angry, Leng Ling'er gave up resistance and lowered her head and said aggrievedly,"Oh." Gu Yan found it very interesting. Sure enough, if he wanted to deal with this kind of kid, he had to...���Bloodline suppression.

When they got outside,

Leng Ling'er, with her yellow hair swung and a schoolbag on her back, followed Gu Yan with an unhappy look on her face.

A Rolls-Royce stopped at the door.

Lao Gao stood by the car door and opened it, saying respectfully to Gu Yan and Leng Ling'er,"Master, Miss"


Gu Yan nodded.

Then he patted Leng Ling'er who was lowering her head and said,"Let's go. Don't be unhappy."

"I am doing this for your own good, brother-in-law. Modified cars are dangerous."

"Do you want to wait until you get into an accident and have your sister cry all day long?"

Leng Ling'er heard this, she also knew that it was wrong for her to do such a thing without telling her sister.

However, she just didn't want to admit that she was wrong in front of Gu Yan. Thinking of this, she snorted lightly:"I want you to be a widow!"

After that, she slapped her schoolbag on Gu Yan, pretended to be fierce and said:"Help me hold the trash Gu."

The latter smiled helplessly. The other party didn't know that he had no deterrent power at all:"Okay, okay, listen to our Ling'er."

"Bah! What your Ling'er!"

Leng Ling'er's expression was confused, and she got into the car in a panic.

The damn scum Gu Yan kept talking nonsense all day long!

When he got in the car, Gu Yan said to Lao Gao:"Lao Gao, let's go to Jianghai High School."

""Okay, young master."

The car started.

Gu Yan leaned back, closed his eyes, and began to think about the next plot.

He had to confirm one thing first.

That is, according to the original novel, he, Gu Yan, Leng Qingqiu, and Leng Ling'er were all villains.

Perhaps because of the system, Gu Yan remembered all the details of the original plot very clearly, and he could even see that scene in his mind.

And it just so happened that in the original novel, there was such a plot that involved Leng Ling'er and the protagonist group.

And combined with the plot timeline.

It seems that it is almost reaching that plot node.

It was originally just a small storyline that introduced the character image of Shen Wan'er's younger brother Shen Tian.

But unexpectedly, the actual It turns out that the person the author wanted to introduce above was the sister of the biggest boss in the original novel!

And this also led to Leng Ling'er's tragic ending later!

Gu Yan would not let that happen.

On the other side.

Leng Ling'er supported her face with her right hand and leaned on the door sill. Although her eyes were always looking out the window.

But in fact, she was watching Gu Yan with her peripheral vision.

Humph, what a scumbag Gu, he actually closed his eyes and went to sleep so early in the morning. Oh yes, seeing that he came here early in the morning with vegetables in his hands, he probably got up very early.

If it weren't for this car, I would have forgotten that he was a top young master.

I really don't understand why such a young master of the Gu family would be willing to lower his status and come to cook for us.

Could it be that.....explain.......

He really likes my sister?

Leng Ling'er pursed her lips.

Her eyes flickered.

Gu Yan really liked her sister, but according to her sister.

The ultimate goal of herself and others is to take away the Gu family.

But at that time, when Gu Yan learned the truth, what would he feel?

Leng Ling'er couldn't imagine how devastated Gu Yan would be when he learned the truth. No, no, no.

Leng Ling'er took a deep breath, her eyes wandering....Anyway, it was because he insisted on liking my sister, that's right! He deserved to be taken away from the Gu family!

Leng Ling'er secretly hypnotized herself in her heart.

However, the next second

"By the way, Ling'er, do you like motorcycles?"

"If you get admitted to the university this time, how about I, your brother-in-law, give you one?"

"All I ask is that you get into college, get a driver's license, and buy a motorcycle. I, your brother-in-law, will provide all the services."

After thinking about it, Gu Yan decided to improve his sister-in-law's favorability.

Otherwise, she might not tell him about any activities outside.

That would be bad.

When Leng Ling'er heard what Gu Yan said, she was stunned.

How did he know that I liked motorcycles?

"What, you don’t want this reward?"

"Or do you think you can’t get into university?"

Seeing the stunned Leng Ling’er, Gu Yan couldn’t help but ask jokingly.

Leng Ling’er came back to her senses, and she turned her head in panic:"Who! Who can’t get in!"

"I'm just afraid that you won't fulfill your promise to me when the time comes!"

Gu Yan waved his hand:"Brother-in-law, am I someone who lacks that little bit of money?"

"Even if you don't like the ones on the market and want a motorcycle designed by yourself, I, your brother-in-law, can deliver it to you within one day."

Listening to these words,

Leng Ling'er's mind was in great entanglement.

Woo wow wow wow ah!

Sister! Can we find another way to get the Gu family?

This! This makes my conscience uneasy!

Leng Ling'er thought with tears in her eyes.

Time passed slowly.

In less than a moment,

Jianghai High School.

The appearance of a Rolls-Royce attracted countless eyes.

"Wow! Which rich kid transferred here?"

"Oh my God, there are such rich people in our old and shabby place?"

"What's going on? Is it a transfer student?"

Countless students stopped to watch and started talking.



Gu Yan got out of the car. His elegant and easy-going temperament and handsome appearance instantly shocked and cheered a lot of people.

"Wow! So handsome! He is actually a handsome rich second generation guy!"

"Hiss! How could such a male star come to our school?"

"What's going on? Are you going to make a movie?"

"I don't know. Look at that handsome boy with a schoolbag in his hand. Could he be from our school?!"

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Gu Yan walked to the side door again.

Then he opened it and said something with his head down. In less than a moment

, Leng Ling'er got out of the car. She took the schoolbag from Gu Yan's hand with a proud look on her face.

Then she looked at him fiercely and said,"Don't be so ostentatious next time, okay!"

After that, she walked quickly towards the school gate.

Gu Yan looked at the other person's back helplessly and shrugged,"You are obviously very happy, what a dishonest child."

He smiled and waved at the crowd gathered around. He sat back in the car under waves of noise.

And as he sat in the car, the smile on his lips was slightly restrained.

Instead, he showed a hint of coldness.

Well, in the next period of time, I should also kill the future plot in the cradle.

Thinking of it, he said,"Lao Gao, let's go to Xinghui KTV"

"Good Master"..........

On campus,

Leng Ling'er's originally ferocious expression turned into an expression of ecstasy.

Hey~hey~~ hahaha!! So many people are looking at me! It's so impressive!!

Hey!! Hey!!

Leng Ling'er said that she had never felt so good before!

Although many people looked at her when she was riding the Bawangmaru, there was no envious look in their eyes!

But just now at the school gate, there were so many people! They all looked envious of her!

Haha! So cool!

And at this moment, a bunch of trendy girls with backpacks on their backs ran to Leng Ling'er. They all said in unison:"Sister Ling'er! Sister Ling'er! Is that your boyfriend? When did you get a boyfriend?"

"Yes, he is so handsome, and he looks so gentlemanly! He is much better than the boys in our class!"

A girl also said exaggeratedly:"He is simply the prince of my dreams! He drives a luxury car to pick me up, just like a princess!"

Leng Ling'er felt very happy but also very embarrassed, after all, Gu Yan was not her boyfriend.

So, she coughed dryly and said calmly:"He is not my boyfriend, he just insisted on sending me here this morning."

Hearing this.

Several people's eyes were full of envy and eagerness to try:"Sister Ling'er, are you saying that the handsome guy is not your boyfriend?"

"That...So do we have a chance too?"

"Sister Ling'er, don't you like him?"

"Do you think I can do it?"


Linger slowly asked, although Gu Yan was not her boyfriend.

But when will it be your turn?

Moreover, seeing that this group of people were trying to become Gu Yan's girlfriend, Leng Linger felt very uncomfortable.

So she snorted coldly and said:"Don't even think about it, he is my brother-in-law, and he is already married to my sister!"

Hearing this.

Everyone's eyes immediately showed disappointment:"What?...So he's your brother-in-law."

"That’s right, let me tell you, my brother-in-law and my sister are very loving!"

"Don't even think about hitting on him!"

Leng Ling'er warned. These guys, who don't know anything else, get excited when talking about these things!

However, I didn't expect that the scumbag Gu would be so charming.

It seems that I have to keep an eye on him for my sister on weekdays to make sure he doesn't mess around outside!

Leng Ling'er suddenly felt that she had a heavy responsibility on her shoulders!

"By the way, I heard that Xiaowei’s new boyfriend is the owner of a KTV. Should we go there to sing after school today?"

"Xiaowei told me that friends like us can sing for free!"

"She even asked for leave today and went to talk to her boyfriend in advance!"

At this time, a girl suggested

"Okay, okay, Sister Ling'er, are you going?"

"Let's go, let's sing"

"���They said there would be free fruit plates.

Everyone agreed with both hands.

As their eldest sister, Leng Ling'er would naturally agree.

But.....Just before getting off the car, Gu Yan told her that he would pick her up in the afternoon.

What should I do?

Ahhh! Never mind! Just take it one step at a time!

Thinking about it, Leng Linger nodded:"Go!"

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