Wei Hengwen never thought that his clever Third Junior Sister would actually eat pig intestines.

And after seeing him, the Third Junior Sister swallowed the remaining meat without any image, as if she was afraid that he would snatch it.

Wei Hengwen's CPU crashed directly.

On the contrary, Zheng Liang reacted faster, staring at the pot of braised meat with interest and asking:

"Third Junior Sister, how come there is braised meat? Who made it? It smells so good!"

Zheng Liang has eaten a lot of delicious food, but few of them made him salivate just by smelling it.

However, Ruan Man had no intention of answering him, and she rushed to the pot and continued to fish.

What if I don't take it now and someone takes it later?

Zhu Fan scratched his head and looked at the two unfamiliar brothers in front of him.

They were wearing the same clothes as Ruan Man, so did they also mean that these two people were direct disciples?

Zheng Liang saw that Ruan Man was only focused on eating, and was very curious about what it tasted like.

Seeing that there was another disciple standing next to him, he turned his head and asked Zhu Fan:

"Junior brother, is this the braised meat you made?"

Zhu Fan replied with a"yes", and continued to fool people with the same nonsense he had made up before.

After listening to what Zhu Fan said about the new refining method, Zheng Liang would be lying if he said he was not confused.

After all, if a teenage high school student said he had figured out quantum mechanics, anyone would be stunned.

But doubts aside, it didn't affect eating.

Thinking of what Zhu Fan said that every disciple could get their own share, Zheng Liang immediately smiled and reached out to serve himself some meat.

Zheng Liang, who loves to eat, also carries tableware with him, but compared to Ruan Man's bowl, the exquisite and beautiful silver bowl in Zheng Liang's hand looks so small and exquisite..

Zheng Liang picked up a piece of pig ear. Although the shape was a bit strange, the aroma directly and domineeringly snatched the control of his hands, and he couldn't wait to stuff the meat into his mouth. The salty and rich taste of the braised meat instantly activated the taste buds and whetted the appetite. The cartilage has a crisp taste. Every time you chew it, the crisp sound forms a melody that complements the delicious taste, which greatly enhances the sense of satisfaction.

Zheng Liang instantly turned into Ruan Man and began to feast like crazy.

Wei Hengwen, who watched the whole process:... ?

He seemed to have lost the ability to recognize his junior brothers and sisters for a moment.

""Would this senior brother like to have one too?"

Zhu Fan looked at Wei Hengwen who was standing there at a loss.

Wei Hengwen hesitated for a moment as he looked at his junior brothers and sisters who looked like they were possessed by starving ghosts.

He was afraid that he would become like that.

But the taste was really tempting, and Wei Hengwen's hands seemed to be out of control as he took Zhu Fan's small bowl.

Wei Hengwen, who had been fasting for more than ten years, had never thought that one day he would be eating pig tails in the wild.

However, with just one bite, he understood why his junior brothers and sisters looked like that.

The pig tails full of collagen absorbed enough marinade, and the soft and tender meat was very delicious. It was soft and rich, as if it melted in the mouth, and the taste impacted the entire oral cavity.

For a moment, the three brothers and sisters seemed to be copied and pasted, and began to show off their food like crazy.

After a while, several footsteps were heard, and the disciples who had finished the melee finally arrived.

When I raised my eyes, I saw three people squatting in front of the pot.

Damn, it’s another direct disciple!

How much meat will be missing!

Looking at the three people who were already wolfing down, the disciples’ eyes were red.

When they saw the other people coming, the three brothers and sisters also fixed their eyes and looked serious.

Someone is here to grab the food. (>д<)!!!

This was the first time that Zheng Liang disliked his beautiful, intricately carved silver bowl.

He looked at his junior sister's bowl, and then at his own. What could it hold? It was so small!

Thinking of what Junior Brother Zhu had said about each person's share, and then looking at the number of people rushing over...

No, by the time they get here, there will probably be no meat left!

Zheng Liang reacted quickly and licked the bottom of the bowl clean without hesitation. Then he took out a few exquisite and beautiful silver plates from his storage ring, and without saying a word, he put a fire on them and melted the plates and bowls into a ball of silver.

The tableware carefully carved by the master jeweler: The tableware has become a tragedy_(xз」∠)_Then

Zheng Liang followed suit and molded the silver ball into a large basin.

Zhu Fan watched helplessly as the silver tableware with beautiful patterns that looked like a work of art turned into a crooked, bumpy, concave object in a few breaths.

Yes, it was so ugly that it couldn't even be called a basin. If you said it was a basin, other basins would probably be so angry that they would beat it to pieces.

The contrast between the before and after was too tragic, and it made people sigh that beautiful things were born to be destroyed?

Before Zhu Fan covered his eyes, the eldest senior brother Wei Hengwen also took action. The chief disciple was different. He didn't need any external objects. He summoned a pile of clay with his bare hands, and then he dug it out with his hands and burned it with fire, and a huge pottery bowl was made.

If it wasn't for the fact that this thing was still too ugly to look at, Zhu Fan would have applauded on the spot.

What's wrong with you three? Has the aesthetic taste of immortal cultivators reached this level?!

The artistic attainments of Xuanfa Peak are even more advanced than the acting skills of the young actors. After watching them, people would like to replace their eyes.

Zhu Fan was suspicious. Could it be that the skill of pinching ugly basins was also inherited from their master?

The leader of Xuanfa Peak, who was far away, sneezed, not knowing that his reputation was damaged.

Zheng Liang and Wei Hengwen were very satisfied with their utensils. They turned into a huge mouth of the abyss with the full stewed meat in their hands.

The disciples who came saw the meat in the basins of the three people, and their hearts ached. They rushed to the pot without hesitation to get their share, leaving no way for the disciples behind.

After getting rid of the formation, the disciples of Yin Xiu continued to rely on the means of destroying others' acceleration buffs to rush ahead. At this time, they were holding the stewed meat with tears in their eyes.

The disciples of Xianzhen Peak also did not disappoint those who worked hard. Although they were beaten black and blue, they also relied on dirty means to get a place in the front row.

The other disciples were so angry about the two old men that their teeth itched. If they hadn't had a little bit of rationality to maintain the friendship between the same disciples, the disciples of these two peaks would have passed the first seven days of mourning in a few days.

However, compared with the two old men, many disciples were more concerned about another thing at this time - there are new disciples coming!

They run fast and eat a lot!

It was already difficult to race with others, but not only did the inner disciples come to grab the spots, but recently there were also several disciples who came!

If this goes on, what can we do?

Will we still be able to grab the front row in the future...

Everyone is now full of a sense of crisis.

At this moment, the few disciples who didn't get a number have exchanged glances and are ready to discuss countermeasures.

Before leaving, those disciples looked fiercely at the two old men from Xianzhen Peak and Huanyin Peak, as if they wanted to remember their voices and smiles firmly...

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