Leng's home, study.

Leng Qingqiu should have been alone there, but now there was a blindfolded woman kneeling on one knee.

The blindfolded woman was wearing an elegant red robe, with long hair falling to her waist like a waterfall.

Her skin was as white as snow, and her body was slender and elegant, showing an unusual temperament.

"Master, according to the investigation, one of the murderers has been found."

The blindfolded woman said respectfully.

Hearing this, Leng Qingqiu suddenly stopped what she was doing, and a cold look flashed across her brows.

She suddenly raised her head and stood up, with a hint of impatient murderous intent in her heart.

The book in her hand was slammed shut by him, making a dull sound.

She looked at the blindfolded woman, and her tone revealed a deep murderous intent:"Tell me, who is it?"

Leng Qingqiu's heart was filled with murderous intent and impatience.

Five years have passed, and the truth of the massacre that year has finally made some progress.

Although it is only one of the people who participated in the massacre, it at least means that she is one step closer to finding the real murderer!

The blindfolded woman immediately lowered her head and replied:"It is a member of an organization called [Death], whose name is Lin Feng"

"Who is Lin Feng? What kind of force is [Death]?"

Leng Qingqiu took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

The blindfolded woman knew the importance of the matter, so she had already investigated everything:"Reporting to the master, when we investigated Lin Feng, he already had a family, and he himself was a small employee in the Wanli Group in Jianghai City."

"The"Death God" is a famous assassination organization in the foreign ancient martial arts world."

"The members of the organization are all warriors, and they are very powerful. It is understood that they mainly make profits by receiving assassination information from the dark web.

""Okay, okay!"

Leng Qingqiu pushed the desk open, her shawl fluttering around his body like a shadow in the dark.

She walked quickly to the window, and the curtains were opened with a click. The cold wind outside rushed into the room, and the air in the study was instantly frozen.

Leng Qingqiu breathed in the cold air, forcing her murderous heart to slowly cool down.

Hahahaha, the Grim Reaper.

What a Grim Reaper.

Assassination organization.

Lin Feng.....

Leng Qingqiu held the curtain tightly. I can't believe it.

You participated in the massacre that almost wiped out my Leng family.

And now you have leisurely left the organization and returned to China, married and had children, and lived an ordinary life

?.....How dare you do that?!

You deprive others of their lives, but you yourself are living a carefree life?!

"Mei Xue."

Leng Qingqiu's voice was low and full of murderous intent:"Find Lin Feng and get all the useful information from him, no matter what method you use."

"Whether it's threatening his family or threatening his friends"

"I want.......All the information he knows!"

Leng Qingqiu's tone revealed a chilling indifference, which made the whole study room feel terrified.

Mei Xue swallowed, cold sweat dripping down her face. She quickly lowered her head and responded,"Yes!" As soon as the words fell.


Black shadows began to emerge on the ground under her feet, and Mei Xue slowly sank into the shadows.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Leng Qingqiu finally woke up from the murderous intent.

She let go of the curtains and took a deep breath.

Her heart gradually became calm and sad.

Haha, I didn't expect it.

The murderer back then is free and easy.

Dad, Mom, Grandpa and Grandma.

Qingqiu, I swear, I will find the truth for you and avenge you!

Just relying on...This is the dagger that cut my eye.

Leng Qingqiu just thought.


A dagger slowly emerged from her palm.

The blade of the dagger was as deep as the night, and the dark luster revealed a terrifying chill.

There were many obscure ancient Chinese characters on the dagger.

This was the dagger that Leng Qingqiu used to cut her own eye.

However, at the moment of cutting.

A memory flooded into Leng Qingqiu's mind.


This is the name of this dagger, and also the name of an ancient book.

That ancient book is in Leng Qingqiu's mind, which not only makes her memory stronger, but also makes her comprehension ability stronger.

Moreover, it also lets her know that there is actually an existence called [Ancient Martial Arts World] in this world.

Thinking of this, Leng Qingqiu slowly stroked her eyes.

She opened her eyes slightly, and it was different from what ordinary people imagine a blind person to look like.

There was actually a strange talisman printed on each of Leng Qingqiu's pupils!

It seemed as if Leng Qingqiu's vision was deliberately sealed.

According to the memory in Leng Qingqiu's mind, the ability of this ancient book in her mind is very strange.

Absorb the night, understand the night, and become the night.

Only by enduring the darkness for five years can one be invincible in the world at the moment when the light is finally restored.

"Five years?...."

Leng Qingqiu murmured to herself and closed her eyes. According to the ancient books, she only needed to endure five years of darkness.

Then, at the moment when her eyesight was finally restored, she would be able to break through the critical point of the human body and become an invincible existence.

Before that, she had always been an ordinary person.

But fortunately, the memories in her mind gave her a lot of help.

It also allowed her to inherit a force called [Night].

This force does not recognize people, but only daggers.

Whoever gets the dagger is the master of this force.

Over the years, Leng Qingqiu has been able to collect useful information one after another thanks to the organization [Night].


Leng Qingqiu put away the dagger and breathed a sigh of relief. He was a little too excited to hear this news from Mei Xue.

Leng Qingqiu, you will have to deal with more enemies in the future.

You must be more stable.���, be more steady.


Leng Qingqiu was looking for her walking stick. If she calculated the time correctly, it should be noon now.

Ling'er was not here, so she would just get something to eat.

And at this moment.

Instead of finding her walking stick, a strong, warm hand held her.

Then the voice that startled Leng Qingqiu appeared:"Qingqiu, what are you thinking about?"

"Why do you look like you're standing in front of the window in a daze?"

Gu Yan held Leng Qingqiu's hand with some doubt.

When he came over just now, he found that Leng Qingqiu had been standing in front of the window. He glanced at the window.

The curtains were drawn open, and the cold wind kept blowing in.

""Hiss, it's so cold, Qingqiu, your hands are frozen." Gu

Yan said as he stepped forward to close the window.

Leng Qingqiu was silent....When did he come?

What did he hear? Did he see anything?

Leng Qingqiu was a little confused. The dagger was her biggest secret and the biggest reliance for finding the murderer.

She didn't dare to bet whether Gu Yan saw her dagger and pretended not to see it. She also didn't dare to bet whether the Gu family was involved in that incident.

If...If Gu Yan.....

Leng Qingqiu's breathing rate changed slightly, and she was in a dilemma.

Even though she was just an ordinary person, the power of the dagger was devastating.

It only took a breath to........

"Qingqiu, what are you thinking about?"

Gu Yan put the back of his hand on Leng Qingqiu's forehead with some surprise. He felt the temperature and said,"You don't have a fever."

At such a close distance, he was sure to kill her with one blow....

Then let Mei Xue clean up the body....

I...I'm gonna do that.....All hidden dangers must be eliminated....

Leng Qingqiu raised her hand slightly.

Gu Yan saw it, nodded, and smiled gently:"Are you worried about Ling'er? Don't worry, she's fine."

"I sent her to school safely."

That's right, not only did he send her back to school, but he also reversed the future BAD plot in advance.

You are such a kind person, Gu Yan

"By the way, Qingqiu, are you hungry? What do you want to eat for lunch today?"

Gu Yan's chattering words reached Leng Qingqiu's ears.

I don't know why.

Why...Why can't I do it?.....


At this point.

She gave up.

She lowered her head slightly and put down her hands.

Something was wrong with her emotions.

Gu Yan finally noticed that something was wrong with the other person and panicked.

Damn, no way, what did I do wrong?

What happened to my pure love object?

"you.....Do you know that you are annoying?"

Leng Qingqiu raised her head and said indifferently with a blank expression.

Hearing this

, Gu Yan was happy. He grabbed Leng Qingqiu's hand and rubbed it, saying,"Nonsense, Qingqiu, you are so cute and beautiful, I wish I could stay by your side and bother you every day."

"Let me tell you, I am not that annoyed with my own father, but I am so annoyed with you."

"You may be the only one in the world who has this treatment, so you can be happy!"

【Touch the pure love object, points +1】

【Pure love object's mood improves, points +3]

Hearing what Gu Yan said, Leng Qingqiu laughed in her heart. This bastard, everyone knows that he and his father can't say more than three sentences a day. He almost broke off the father-son relationship with his father because of Shen Wan'er.

But on the surface, Leng Qingqiu still snorted lightly, she raised her head slightly:"Who cares about you"

"I don't care about anything. I only care about Qingqiu."

"Haha, smooth talk"

"Oh? Qingqiu, how do you know that your husband's mouth is oily and his tongue is slippery? How about we suck it?........"

"? Get out!"

Gu Yan saw Leng Qingqiu frowned, he couldn't help but chuckle, his heart was even more excited.

Damn, I wouldn't have awakened some strange habit, he smiled and said:"Stop joking, what do you want to eat at noon today? No bragging, I will do anything."

Leng Qingqiu felt hungry when he heard it, but he couldn't let go of his face, so he said:"I don't want to eat, I was going to eat something casually to deal with it, you, Master Gu, should not cook for me like a servant."

As soon as these words came out, Gu Yan understood them immediately, he waved his hand:"Hey Qingqiu, how can you just deal with it casually, it's really bad for your health"

"How about this, let's keep it simple and just cook two dishes."

Leng Qingqiu heard this, although she agreed in her heart, but she still said lightly:"It's up to you."

After lunch.

Leng Qingqiu sat on the sofa in a daze.

The sound of washing dishes from Gu Yan's kitchen echoed in her ears.

The TV was playing Ling'er's favorite gangster cartoon.

For some reason.

At this moment, her mood was very peaceful and harmonious.

Why do I have such a feeling?

I shouldn't have such a feeling.

The dark organization [Night] gave me armed forces and a huge intelligence network.

And if I take over the Gu family, I will have sufficient funds and superficial social status.

The combination of the two will definitely help me find the real culprit behind the scenes.


Why , at this moment, I feel so peaceful and calm.....I want to stay in this state forever.

Leng Qingqiu took a deep breath and turned off the TV.

She freed herself from the comfortable state just now.

No, absolutely not.

I must not have such a complacent idea.

One of the murderers has been found. What I have to do next is to continue according to the plan.

The murderer must be found, and the Gu family must also be seized. I must start from both ends.

I must not be serious.

""Qingqiu, the weather is so nice today, do you want to go out for a walk?"

Gu Yan wiped his hands, sat on the sofa very skillfully and squeezed next to Leng Qingqiu.

He stretched out a hand and naturally placed it on Leng Qingqiu's shoulder.

Feeling Gu Yan's action, Leng Qingqiu frowned slightly, shook the shoulder that Gu Yan was holding, and wanted to shake off Gu Yan's hand.

But Gu Yan's hand was like taffy, and he couldn't shake it off.

Helplessly, Leng Qingqiu didn't want to care anymore. She shook her head and said lightly:"No, I won't go."

���Time is running out, and you still want me to go out and waste time, what a joke.

Gu Yan was not discouraged, he smiled happily and said:"Good wife, no matter how hard you work, you must know how to balance work and rest."

"Besides, if you stay at home all the time, your skin will get moldy."

"Why don't we just stay in the yard and bask in the sun?"

"In case you get osteoporosis when you get old, you don’t want to become like that, right?"

"In my opinion, Qingqiu, you are just too shy, so you don't want to go out, right?"

"Don't be shy, you have a good husband like me to accompany you, just go out and sunbathe.........."

Leng Qingqiu felt as if there was a bee buzzing around her ears.

She covered her ears and shouted,"Stop, stop, stop! Go, go, go!"

But as soon as she finished shouting, she regretted it in her heart and quickly said,"Wait........."

But before he finished speaking

, he was pulled up by Gu Yan, and his slightly happy voice reached Leng Qingqiu's ears:"Haha! That's great, Qingqiu! Let's go to the yard to bask in the sun!"

Leng Qingqiu heard Gu Yan's happy voice, and she wanted to refuse firmly, but for some reason she shut her mouth again.

She thought to herself, forget it.

Anyway, I'm going to take away the other party's Gu family later, so before that, let's make this dog man happy.

That's right, this is not because she agreed to see the other party happy.

It's just a little compensation for the other party to take away the Gu family later.

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