Just when Leng Qingqiu was comforting herself, Gu Yan took her outside the yard.

Although it was already the season of frost, the high sun and the direct sunlight also made Leng Qingqiu feel warm.

Stepping on the lawn in the yard, Leng Qingqiu was a little dazed.

It seemed that she had not left the study for a long time.

Because time was too precious to her, she had no time to rest at all.

And since Gu Yan came, in just a few days, all her plans seemed to be disrupted.

This yard once contained many memories of her and her family.

Gu Yan held Leng Qingqiu's hand and walked through the path in the yard. The sunlight shone on the two of them through all the leaves, forming mottled light and shadow.

Gu Yan felt that Leng Qingqiu seemed to be missing something. He did not disturb her and quietly held Leng Qingqiu's hand.

A fallen leaf fell, Gu Yan reached out and grabbed it. He looked at the surrounding scenery and chuckled:"Qingqiu, your yard is quite beautiful, and the green plants are planted just right."

Hearing this.

Leng Qingqiu, who was still lost in memories, also came back to her senses.

She looked up at the blue sky and white clouds. If she could still see, she believed that the sky at this moment must be very beautiful. She seemed to be recalling something and smiled:"Yes, I know it must be beautiful."

"Because this was my father's favorite yard."

"All the green plants and landscaping here were designed by him."

"After he left, I also took on the responsibility of taking care of this yard." At this point, Leng

Qingqiu's mood also became slightly depressed.....Gu Yan, you really deserve to die.

Gu Yan took a deep breath, not knowing how to comfort her for a moment.

Leng Qingqiu also noticed this, she shook her head and said,"This has nothing to do with you."

"after all....."

She looked at Gu Yan, as if to confirm something, and her tone became a little strange:"My father's death has nothing to do with you." Although it is more or less certain that what happened back then probably has nothing to do with Gu Yan....Who can guarantee that the Gu family is not involved?

Leng Qingqiu was also worried about this, and it was precisely because of this that she always kept a distance from Gu Yan.

Sometimes she also thought that by using Gu Yan, she might be able to confirm whether the Gu family was involved in the incident that year.

Gu Yan heard the abnormality in Leng Qingqiu's tone.

Comparing it with the plot of the original novel, Gu Yan could more or less guess the concerns in Leng Qingqiu's heart.

Because of the incident that year, Leng Qingqiu would not and dared not to trust people like them.

Thinking of this, Gu Yan tightly grasped Leng Qingqiu's hand. He said in a serious tone and solemnly:"Qingqiu, please believe me, I will always protect you, I will always protect you forever."

"I won't let anyone hurt you again."

Leng Qingqiu listened to these words and smiled slightly. She felt a smile in her heart. Protect her?

There are too many things in this world that Gu Yan doesn't know, the ancient martial arts world, warriors.

Those beings can block bullets with their flesh.

Gu Yan is an ordinary person, how could he really go to the end with her?

It's just...

The other party's tone was very serious, which made Leng Qingqiu....She didn't think about it anymore, but smiled and said,"Protection is not just about words, but your determination to protect me is good."


Leng Qingqiu thought for a moment, she reached out her hand and touched Gu Yan's cheek, a smile on her lips:"Anyway, thank you."


As the autumn wind blew, the rustling sound of the leaves accompanied the conversation between the two, as if it was a moving piece of music composed for them by nature.

Time in the yard seemed to stand still at this moment.

Gu Yan felt the cold palm on his cheek and Leng Qingqiu's smiling face, and was stunned for a moment.

Plop! Plop!

Even though Leng Qingqiu had put down his hand and turned his back.


Gu Yan reached out his hand and touched his beating heart....this.......


I seem to be in love.

This time it's true, I seem to have fallen in love with Leng Qingqiu.

Leng Qingqiu, who turned her back, had a slightly hot face.

Hiss... Damn it...

Why did I say that kind of thing.

So embarrassing, how could I say such petty words.

It's really hateful, it's all Gu Yan's fault for talking nonsense.

No, no, I have to go back to the study.

Leng Qingqiu was just thinking about asking Gu Yan to take her back to the study.

Gu Yan's voice came over:"Qingqiu! I have an inspiration again!"

"Inspiration? What inspiration?"

Leng Qingqiu was stunned and asked in confusion.

"I just made up a new song in my mind! Qingqiu, do you want to listen to it?"

Gu Yan's words made Leng Qingqiu feel a little curious.

Made another song?

Just now?

Although I have heard Gu Yan's"Confession Balloon" before, it was also composed by Gu Yan many years ago.

And now, with only a few minutes, how could Gu Yan make a decent song?

Leng Qingqiu naturally didn't believe it, but the other party was interested.

He didn't have the heart to interrupt the other party, so he nodded and said:"Then you sing."

"However, after singing, I will go back to the study to read."

Hearing this,

Gu Yan nodded and chuckled,"Okay."

Leng Qingqiu also listened to it as a way to deal with it as soon as possible.

The next second, a song that made her heart tremble sounded.

"I heard the raindrops falling on the green grass"

"I heard the bell ringing in the distance"

"But I didn't hear your voice"

"serious...Call my name"

"When I fell in love with you, I didn't understand feelings"

"It's only when we part that we feel it's unforgettable....."

The melody of the song is gentle and melodious, giving people a warm and relaxing feeling. Leng Qingqiu seemed to feel like she was enjoying a cup of warm tea, with a touch of tranquility.

What is this feeling?

Leng Qingqiu covered his chest. This song seems to be the same as the confession balloon, both of which are songs about love between men and women.

Compared with the confession balloon, this song is more like wanting people to cherish the happiness in front of them.

"listen well..."

Leng Qingqiu murmured to herself. She couldn't help but relax her mind and listened quietly to Gu Yan's singing...........

The song has reached its climax

"You are the luck that I want to keep."

"It turns out that we were so close to love"........

"I'm so lucky to meet you"

"But I have lost the right to shed tears for you...."........

The song ended.

Gu Yan walked forward and held Leng Qingqiu's hand, with a gentle expression and a gentle voice, saying:"Qingqiu, I love you, I don't want to leave you.""

"I don't want you to leave me either. Please let me protect you forever, okay?"

Leng Qingqiu was still immersed in the song just now. When she heard Gu Yan's words, she came back to her senses.

Leng Qingqiu raised her head and looked at Gu Yan. Although she couldn't see his face, Leng Qingqiu could feel his love for her.

It was a pure and passionate love....Never mind.

Leng Qingqiu sighed and replied calmly:"Don't"


Gu Yan was dumbfounded. Just when he was about to struggle, he heard Leng Qingqiu say calmly,"You are so weak, let me protect you."

"If you are my man, you may die very quickly."

Leng Qingqiu was not joking when she said this. After all, she was the controller of [Night]. She also bore a deep hatred.

Her life was destined to be a thorny road with no turning back!

Gu Yan, on the other hand, did not feel second-rate when he heard Leng Qingqiu's words. Instead, he felt very happy.

Because, what the other party said meant that....

"clear...Qingqiu, what do you mean by that?"

Gu Yan swallowed his saliva, hesitant and unbelieving.


Do I need to tell this guy?

Leng Qingqiu frowned slightly, shook off Gu Yan's hand and turned to walk into the house:"I don't know! You guess it yourself!"

"Hey! Qingqiu! I was wrong! Qingqiu!"

Gu Yan hurriedly ran over to her.

Leng Qingqiu looked disgusted, but she didn't refuse.

She sighed in her heart.

Forget it, just treat it as a little compensation for Gu Yan for using the Gu family behind him...............

Tianye Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.

This is a pharmaceutical technology company founded by the Shen family.

The main product is skin care cosmetics.

In the president's office.

Shen Wan'er has been very unhappy recently.

She frowned and looked at a series of data on the computer screen.

Opposite her, personal secretary Zhang Qing lowered her head nervously:"President Shen....I don’t know what happened, but all the companies that had previously cooperated with us canceled their orders and withdrew their investment."

"Now our company's production workshop has been suspended"

"The batches of raw materials purchased previously had to be kept in a warehouse."

"but...But the final payment date is approaching."

"if...If you don’t find a partner....."

Shen Wan'er became more and more annoyed as she listened.

She grabbed her hair tightly and looked at the data on the computer with uncertain eyes.

How could this happen?

Why did it happen?

Zhang Qing's words pierced her heart like silver needles.

All the previous partners cancelled their orders. Because they were old customers and had a trusting relationship, there were no relevant compensation clauses such as liquidated damages in the contract.

And the final payment for a large number of materials they purchased was about to be paid, but....

Now that all orders have been cancelled, there is no way they have enough money in their company account to pay the balance.

Without orders, they are even less likely to have new funds coming in.

And the income from their own stores is just a drop in the bucket.

In the past, their company's biggest source of income was the order contracts signed with other companies.

"What should I do?"

Shen Wan'er murmured to herself, her eyes filled with anxiety.

Moreover, it was almost the end of the month, but the employees' salaries for this month had not been paid out yet.

Could it be that......Is she going to be unable to survive this disaster?

Zhang Qing looked at the painful Shen Wan'er with an indignant expression on her face:"Boss Shen, those business owners are so abominable."

"They all canceled their orders as if they had made an appointment."

"Obviously....They were so kind to us before."

Zhang Qing���She had seen the fickleness of the world. Although she didn't know what happened, she could feel that this was the so-called business battle without friends....

Shen Wan'er recalled this sentence in her mind, and suddenly, her expression froze.

Then she showed a hint of shock.

Wait a minute... She seemed to know something.

If these people suddenly agreed to cancel the order together, then there was only one reason.

Shen Wan'er's face turned a little ugly.

Her fists clenched and creaked.

"Good, good, good you, Gu Yan...."

"You are so cruel, aren't you?"

Shen Wan'er cursed in a low voice with gritted teeth.

She raised her head and looked at Zhang Qing:"You go down first, I have other ways."

The latter was stunned, then nodded:"Okay, Mr. Shen."

For a moment, Shen Wan'er was the only one left in the office.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

Then she took out her mobile phone.

Opened the address book and flipped to a person.

It showed

【[Gu Yan]

Shen Wan'er looked at the two words"Gu Yan" and her expression became very ugly.

Damn it!...I clearly said before that I would not call him again.

But I didn't expect that he would do this to attract my attention?

Shen Wan'er's expression became very angry.

Gu Yan, you are so cruel.

Thinking of this, Shen Wan'er called again.

In her opinion, Gu Yan turned off his phone and did not answer her call before, just to attract her attention.

Until���All orders from other companies were cancelled.

Shen Wan'er had probably guessed what the other party wanted to do.

The other party just wanted to threaten her with this.

And now, his goal has been achieved. If she calls this time, Shen Wan'er is sure that the other party will answer.........

What Shen Wan'er didn't expect was that as she dialed the phone, she heard.....

【Sorry, the number you dialed is turned off. 】!!

Shen Wan'er's face froze, and she looked at the phone in disbelief. It was this number, right?

How could it be?

If Gu Yan turned off his phone before, it shouldn't be turned off now, right?

Could it be that.....

Shen Wan'er thought of a possibility, but it was impossible.

In her opinion, Gu Yan would never do that to her.

"No, no."

Shen Wan'er showed a trace of panic on her face for the first time.

She quickly opened Gu Yan's chat window on her phone.

The chat record on it was still on the day when Gu Yan asked her out to confess his love many days ago.

With a nervous and uneasy mood, Shen Wan'er sent a message to

""Gu Yan, are you there?"

However, a scene that made Shen Wan'er stagnate happened.

When she sent the message

, a pop-up appeared behind her message..........Red exclamation mark

"he...Blocked me?"

Shen Wan'er murmured to herself, her eyes becoming a little dull.

She suddenly felt a little cold all over, and an inexplicable feeling surged in her heart.......Feeling of grievance

"Why, why would Gu Yan block me?"

"Why is this happening?"

"No...No, I must go and ask him in person!"

Shen Wan'er's tone became a little flustered and hurried. She quickly picked up the car keys on the table. She hurriedly put on the brand bag that Gu Yan gave her and rushed out of the office.

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