As soon as these words came out.



Several people raised their heads. Bai Qionglan, the girl who had screamed the loudest at the beginning, covered her chest and looked at Gu Yan blankly....Good kid.

No one had ever said this to her before.

Several people blushed slightly, and they lowered their heads and looked very embarrassed.

Seeing this, Gu Yan sighed in his heart.

In fact, they didn't have any big problems, but they lacked the right guidance.

If they followed the original plot, most of their endings would be very tragic.

Leng Ling'er's friends include people from big families.

It's just because of the lack of love that this situation has been caused.

"Okay, I'll call my people to take you back."

"Remember, don't skip classes to sing karaoke."

Gu Yan's expression relaxed slightly, and his tone was not as harsh as at the beginning.

"Yeah, thank you..."

"Thank you, Ling'er's brother-in-law"

"Me! Me, me!!"

Bai Qionglan raised her hand, her face slightly red, but she looked at Gu Yan expectantly:"If I get into college, can you, sister Ling'er's brother-in-law, fulfill one of my wishes!""

Alas, he is just a kid after all.

Gu Yan nodded and smiled:"If you want me to be your boyfriend or something, don't say it."

After saying this, Bai Qionglan became a little disappointed. She pouted:"Oh.""

You really want it!

Gu Yan's mouth twitched.

No, how precocious are you?

I never experienced what it was like to be in love when I was in high school!

"Qiong Lan! I told you not to try to get my brother-in-law!"

Leng Ling'er's protective tone also made Gu Yan feel a little funny.

""Okay, okay, Ling'er, you and Lao Gao go back first. I need to deal with the follow-up here first."

Gu Yan patted Leng Ling'er's head and chuckled.

"Ah, you're not going back with me?"

Leng Ling'er was a little worried when she heard that Gu Yan was not going with her.

"Yes, don't worry, leave this to me, you can go to school and do whatever you need to do."

"Besides, I do have something to do with this well as.........."

As Gu Yan spoke, he looked at the man who had just opened the door and walked in........

""Gu Yan! What did you do to my brother?!!"

Shen Wan'er looked for Gu Yan for a whole day, from the company to home. Just when she was about to go back disappointed, she saw Gu Yan's car in front of this KTV.

According to the reply of the panicked front desk clerk, she walked into the private room and found Gu Yan.

However, she also saw her brother lying on the ground.

For a moment, she let out a sharp burst of sound.

Looking at this tall and beautiful woman.

Leng Ling'er couldn't help but hold Gu Yan's hand tightly for a moment, and her eyes became very alert:"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

Shen Wan'er's chest was heaving with anger. She looked around and found that they were all high school girls.

But her brother was lying in the corner in a state of disfigurement. Finally, she set her sights on Gu Yan.

She didn't know what happened.

But she thought that all this was Gu Yan's fault!

"Gu Yan! Okay! You blocked me, so you changed your mind?"

"I can't believe you......."

Before Shen Wan'er finished speaking, she found that Gu Yan was looking at her with an annoyed and cold gaze:"Shut up, stop making so much noise." This cold words made Shen Wan'er stunned for a moment....He is mean to me?

How could it be, why would Gu Yan treat me like this?

Shen Wan'er felt that the world seemed to have changed overnight. Gu

Yan ignored this person who would later become a key figure in his plan.

Instead, he looked at Leng Ling'er and the others and said gently,"You guys go first, I still have some things to deal with here."

Seeing this strange atmosphere, Bai Qionglan knew that she shouldn't stay here any longer.

So they all nodded and walked outside.

"Sister Ling'er, let's go"

""Sister Ling'er, let's go first."

They urged Leng Ling'er to leave first.

But Leng Ling'er didn't want to leave, because when she looked at the woman in front of her, she seemed to have guessed her identity to some extent. What if......What if the other party seduced Gu Yan and made Gu Yan fall in love with her again?

Before this, Leng Ling'er actually hoped that Gu Yan would break up with her sister.

But for some reason, she didn't think so now.


Leng Linger looked at Gu Yan with a worried look.

The latter shook his head and chuckled,"Wait for me to get back."

Leng Linger listened to this simple answer, and for some reason, she felt relieved.

She nodded, and then glared at Shen Waner fiercely, just like when she first met Gu Yan.

Then she let go of Gu Yan's hand and followed the others out of the private room.

At this point.

There were only Gu Yan, Shen Waner, and Shen Tian lying on the ground.

"She called you brother-in-law? Who did you find? Who is that woman?"

Shen Wan'er heard Leng Ling'er's address to Gu Yan just now.

For some reason, she suddenly felt a surge of anger in her heart.

It was as if something that should have belonged to her was taken away by someone else. However

, facing these answers,

Gu Yan's performance made Shen Wan'er feel stunned. As Leng Ling'er and others left the room, Gu Yan's temperament and expression became extremely cold and gloomy. For Leng Qingqiu and for myself, Shen Wan'er must be used. In order to avoid various subsequent death plots, I must


To do this.

Gu Yan walked to the sofa and sat down, leaning his whole body on the sofa. He looked at Shen Wan'er with a look that seemed to ignore everything. He said in a light tone:"You came just in time, so, let's chat."

Shen Wan'er's face twitched. She didn't expect that Gu Yan would actually speak to her in such a tone and expression.

Even her questions were ignored.

For some reason, the other party's behavior made her mood, which had always been leisurely in front of Gu Yan, become very irritable.

Shen Wan'er gritted her teeth, threw her bag on the sofa, and then sat on the other side of the sofa. Gritting her teeth, she said:"Okay, let's chat!"

Gu Yan! Let's see what you are going to say!

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