In the private room.

Shen Wan'er sat on the sofa with her legs crossed. She looked at Gu Yan opposite her with an angry look.

The other party's eyes were cold and a little annoyed.

Damn, Gu Yan never looked at me like this before.

Next to her, sat Shen Tian, who was beaten by Gu Yan and had a bloody head.

Shen Wan'er never dreamed that Gu Yan would treat her with such a bad attitude. He even hurt her brother.

For some reason, Shen Wan'er felt a little chilled.

She had been so good to Gu Yan, but she didn't expect that he would treat her like this now.

She really misjudged him.

"Gu Yan, what exactly do you want to say?"

"And how do you explain my brother's injury?"

Shen Wan'er suppressed her anger and glared at Gu Yan.

She had sworn in her heart that if Gu Yan didn't apologize at this moment, she would never forgive him in her life.

Gu Yan had never thought about getting involved with Shen Wan'er again.

But with the appearance of Leng Ling'er's plot, he found that it was not enough to just avoid defense.

Only by laying down some means in advance can we prevent the BAD plot that may happen in the future.

With the system, a clear plan appeared in Gu Yan's mind.

It is known that the original male protagonist [Xiao Lin] will meet Shen Wan'er in the subsequent plot and fall in love with each other. It is better to say that he has become the other party's dog than love.

Therefore, Shen Wan'er has become an indispensable part of his plan. Xiao Lin is powerful. Because he is the son of the world, he can upgrade and break through in battle every time.

So as to become stronger and defeat the villain.

This kind of heaven-defying plug-in makes Gu Yan very wise not to provoke casually.

But...It doesn't mean that he will just sit there and wait for death.

After activating the system, there are all kinds of items in the store.

Among them, there is an item that can restrain Xiao Lin and make him lose all his strength.

But the way to use it is extremely difficult.

It can be said that only Shen Wan'er can do this to make Xiao Lin fall into the trap without any preparation.

After thinking about this.

Gu Yan looked at Shen Wan'er and ignored the other party's question.

Instead, he said directly:"Shen Wan'er, I'll be frank with you."

"Your Shen family's pharmaceutical company is finished."

"With your ineffective beauty products"

"I didn't need to tell you why I was able to continue to operate."

"If you don't want your Shen family to declare bankruptcy like this, then........."

Gu Yan's cold voice reached Shen Wan'er's ears.

She frowned, and a burst of anger surged in her chest.

Damn, such a cold attitude, Gu Yan, do you really want to treat me like this?

Shen Wan'er took a deep breath and interrupted Gu Yan before he finished speaking. She shouted angrily:"You are dreaming!"

"I know you do this just to make me your girlfriend!"

"I tell you Gu Yan!"

"Don't even think about it! You are such a despicable person! You actually want to use this method to get me!"

"I tell you! I, Shen Wan'er, also have my own backbone! I can't be your girlfriend just like this!"

Shen Wan'er shouted angrily. What is this person talking about?

Gu Yan slowly put a question mark, he looked at Shen Wan'er. The other party's self-centered words made him see the other party more clearly for a moment.


Shen Waner's side.

Gu Yan's changing expression made Shen Waner, who said this, seem a little happy.

Hehe, man, I got it right, right?

Shen Waner thought she had exposed Gu Yan's trick, so she let the other party......Her defense was broken.

But she really didn't like Gu Yan. So she emphasized it again, but her tone was much gentler:"Gu Yan, I know you like me, but my career is on the rise, and I can't give up my career because of love."

"so......I'm sorry I can't agree to your request now."

Shen Wan'er took a deep breath and said what she thought was perfect.

You have to know that she did not directly reject Gu Yan, but told him that she did not want to fall in love at the moment.

And she also emphasized that she just could not agree to his request now.

What if he agrees in the future? Don't you think so?

This will not hurt Gu Yan's young heart, and it can also maintain her perfect image.

It's simply too perfect. Sometimes Shen Wan'er feels that she is too kind. Even though Gu Yan is so annoying, she is still so patient to explain the reason to him.

And after venting, Shen Wan'er's mood has become incomparably beautiful.

Looking at the silent Gu Yan, she felt even happier in her heart.

Haha, so you played hard to get with me before.

Shen Tian on the side opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But looking at the silent Gu Yan at the moment, he couldn't figure out for a while whether Gu Yan was really playing hard to get.

Also, why do you say that our pharmaceutical company is going to be finished?

On Shen Wan'er's side, she slightly hugged her chest with her hands, crossed her legs, and looked at Gu Yan with proud eyes:"Gu Yan, if you still want to continue talking to me"

"Then I advise you to put away your little tricks, otherwise........."

"Are you stupid?"

Gu Yan slowly interrupted the other party's fantasy.

For a moment, the private room fell silent.

Shen Wan'er's expression froze, her body trembled slightly, and she looked at Gu Yan who said this with disbelief:"You said...What?"

Gu Yan was almost laughing at Shen Wan'er.

Looking at the woman who didn't understand the situation, he couldn't help but clap his hands and said in a mocking tone:"Haha, I have to say that you are really imaginative. It's a pity that you don't become a writer."

Looking at Gu Yan who suddenly laughed.

Shen Wan'er didn't know how to react for a moment.

"You! What are you laughing at?"

Shen Wan'er didn't know why, but Gu Yan's mocking voice made her feel a little embarrassed.

She couldn't help but stand up, pointed at Gu Yan, and shouted:"I asked you what you are laughing at! Did I say anything wrong?!"

Gu Yan put down his hand and looked at Shen Wan'er indifferently.

The latter's body was slightly stiff when he was looked at by the other party.

"I'm laughing at you really Pu Xin"

"what is the reason......."

As Gu Yan spoke, he stood up and looked down at Shen Wan'er, mocking her,"Does it give you the illusion that this top rich second-generation man in Jianghai City standing in front of you would fall in love with a stupid woman like you?"

"Can you be more realistic? You are an idiot who has neither business sense nor emotional intelligence."

"How do you think you can make me like you?"

"Shen Wan'er, stop being so immersed in your own world."

Gu Yan said this, and as Shen Wan'er gradually became stunned, he said something that shocked Shen Wan'er:"I said it clearly."

"Not only is your current company about to go bankrupt, but your brother also owes me more than 20 million. If he can't pay it back, he will go to jail."

Shen Wan'er's face turned pale, and she subconsciously denied:"You are talking nonsense! My company will not go bankrupt! And my brother?"

She took a deep breath and looked at Shen Tian, whose eyes were a little evasive behind her:"Xiaotian? What does Gu Yan mean? When did you owe him money?"

Shen Tian's eyes were evasive. He saw that he couldn't hide the matter, so he had to cry and shout:"Sister! Just obey Mr. Gu!"

"Otherwise! Otherwise, your brother will definitely go to jail! Sister! I don’t want to go to jail!"


As soon as these words came out.

Shen Wan'er's brain became blank and her body began to tremble. She asked with a trembling voice:"You...what did you say?"

"Do you really owe that much money?"

Shen Wan'er was stunned. She originally thought that Gu Yan was just talking nonsense. After all, how could it be so exaggerated? More than 20 million?

However, when Shen Tian said it and did not deny it,

Shen Wan'er realized that Gu Yan was not joking.

"...sister...I don't want to go to jail.....Please beg Young Master Gu!"

Shen Tian has seen the situation clearly and no longer has any hope in his heart.

When he didn't know that Gu Yan was pursuing his sister, he had heard some rumors about Gu Yan.

It was said that he was arrogant and domineering in school and didn't take anyone seriously. It was not until he met Shen Wan'er that he began to pursue her madly, from school to graduation.

The other party also changed from an arrogant and domineering young master to a servile bootlicker.

So this change made Shen Tian look down on Gu Yan even more.

But when the other party stopped pursuing Shen Wan'er, Shen Tian discovered that the other party's current behavior was the normal Gu Yan in the past.

So, if the other party said that he should go to jail, he must do what he said.

"you you...!"

Shen Wan'er pointed at Shen Tian and wanted to say something.

But the information she got was too shocking, so she lost her ability to organize her language for a while.

On one side was her brother and family, and on the other side was Gu Yan, whom she hated and found annoying.

Shen Wan'er fell into a struggle. Her self-esteem naturally did not allow her to compromise with Gu Yan.


She took a deep breath and angrily said to Gu Yan:"My brother owes you money, I will pay you back, is this okay!"

Hearing this.

Gu Yan knew that the other party was just being stubborn, so he nodded expressionlessly:"Send the money to my house within three days."

After that, he walked out without any intention of staying.

When Shen Wan'er saw that Gu Yan was really going to leave, her eyes panicked in an instant.

She felt like she had lost something in her heart.

She subconsciously shouted,"Wait a minute!"

Gu Yan stopped walking when he heard that. He glanced at her and asked,"Why, did you change your mind?"

Shen Wan'er saw that Gu Yan was too lazy to even turn around. She pursed her lips unwillingly and aggrievedly. She looked at Gu Yan with complicated eyes,"You.......Do you really want to treat me like this?"

Gu Yan was actually happy when he heard this.

How did I do that to you?

Let's not talk about the original novel where you destroyed my family.

Now, I won't say that I have other purposes towards you, but it's only natural to ask you to pay back the money, right?

"Stupid, instead of feeling wronged, you might as well think about how to get the money together."

Gu Yan waved his hand and left without looking back. Shen Wan'er was stunned....Scold me again?

With a thud, Shen Wan'er's body softened and she collapsed on the sofa.

She looked at Gu Yan's back as he left.

As she looked at him, her mind began to see the scene of Gu Yan caring about her.

He ran errands for her and did shopping for her, and he loved her so much.

He wanted to treat her well, but now, the figure in her mind began to overlap with the back of this cold and indifferent person who left without even looking back.


Shen Wan'er's eyes were gradually wet with tears.

She gritted her teeth and shouted loudly to the outside:"Gu Yan! You bastard!"...........

Leng's house.

In the study

"What? You mean Gu Yan stayed there with Shen Wan'er?"

Leng Qingqiu raised her voice slightly, and she felt uncomfortable.

She was waiting at home, wondering why Gu Yan hadn't come back yet.

In the end, she finally waited for Ling'er to come back, but she said that Gu Yan was talking to Shen Wan'er.

"No, why should we discuss things in KTV?"

""What were you doing in the KTV?"

Leng Qingqiu suddenly found the loophole in Leng Ling'er's words, so she faced her with a blank expression.

Seeing this, Leng Ling'er lowered her head with a guilty conscience. What she feared most was that her sister would show this expression.

She originally wanted to conceal it, but she had no choice but to explain the whole story.

A few minutes later.

Leng Qingqiu, who understood what happened, became even colder in expression, and her voice was indifferent:"Go down and wait for your brother-in-law to come back."

Leng Qingqiu's words made Leng Ling'er feel strange.

Huh? Why didn't my sister scold me?

Hehe, who cares!

It's okay as long as nothing happens.

""Oh! Okay, sister!"

Leng Ling'er nodded repeatedly, and then ran down.

A hint of expectation appeared on her face. Brother-in-law...ah, when will that bastard Gu come back? I'm so hungry!

After Leng Ling'er left,

Leng Qingqiu's expression became even colder. She clenched her fists tightly.

Endless murderous intent surged in her heart.

Shen family, Shen family, Shen family,

Shen Tian.....

And his gang of bastards....How dare you hurt my sister? For

Leng Qingqiu, Leng Ling'er is her most precious person.

She can't bear anyone to hurt her...........

"No, it can't......"

Leng Qingqiu shook her head, and she pressed her restless chest tightly.

No, the Shen family has Shen Wan'er, the woman Gu Yan once pursued. Killing her brother, I don't know if it will cause any trouble to Gu Yan.

I don't know how Gu Yan will feel.

I can't do that.

It's just that Gu Yan rescued Ling'er and taught that Shen Tian a lesson.

Now he stays there to chat with Shen Wan'er?

I don't know why.

When she thought that Gu Yan was now with the Shen family, she felt uncomfortable.

Leng Qingqiu didn't know what this feeling was.

But she just felt uncomfortable.

She was a little irritated by this thought, and couldn't help but cursed in a low voice:"It's all Gu Yan's fault, you bad guy."

That's right, it was all Gu Yan's fault. If he hadn't insisted on staying there to talk to Shen Wan'er, she wouldn't be so distressed now.

Besides, you clearly confirmed your relationship with you in the morning, but you sneakily stayed in a private room with another woman.

Who knows what will happen!

Leng Qingqiu couldn't help but clench her hands tightly. What if? I mean what if.........

What if Gu Yan and Shen Wan'er rekindled their old love?....Then I....

No, that's not right. It's not that I will be sad or anything like that.

It's just because I think this will disrupt my plans.

Ahhh! So annoying! Gu Yan, please come back soon!!

Just when Leng Qingqiu was upset. In a certain luxury car

"Tsk! Drive faster!"

"Believe it or not, I will deduct your salary!"

Gu Yan looked at the timetable and shouted anxiously at the driver who came to pick him up.

""Eh!! Right! Sorry, Master!! This is already the fastest!"

The driver screamed in fear, and then cried out with tears in his eyes:"Master! This car can only go this fast!"


Gu Yan took a deep breath and leaned back helplessly.

Damn, I missed the best time to eat. Would Qingqiu be starving?

Oh, no, no, I must apologize when I go back. Qingqiu, Qingqiu, your husband has done a lot of hard work for you in secret.

I believe that you will not blame me when you go back....Right?

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