Inside the house.

Gu Yan opened the file and looked up the information about Xiao Lin.

The first line read

【There are 33 people named Xiao Lin in the city, and there is only one Xiao Lin who came to Jianghai City in the past week.】

【Xiao Lin (32) [Expand】

【Xiao Lin (1) [Expand]

Gu Yan took a quick look at the other 32 Xiao Lins and found that none of them met the requirements of the original male protagonist.

Then, he clicked on a single Xiao Lin. What came into view was a portrait.

The picture showed a young man, whose appearance could only be described as average.

But his eyes revealed a determined and passionate look.

The following was the other party's information.

【Xiao Lin, male, 24 years old, arrived in Jianghai City by boat at 18:10 today】

【This person was born in Jianghai Hospital. His parents died when he was 5 years old and he has lived in an orphanage ever since.】

【Until the age of 14, Xiao Lin disappeared from the orphanage and all the information about him was lost.

This is the only information.

However, a smile appeared on Gu Yan's lips.

He closed the file, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

The less information there is, the more it shows that there is something wrong with this person.

If he was not sure whether this person was Xiao Lin before, then he can be sure now.

In the original book, Xiao Lin was captured by the master of the Dragon King Palace at the age of 14 and taken to Dragon King Mountain to practice.

So this person must be Xiao Lin!

Thinking of this, Gu Yan sent a message to Lao Gao:"Help me keep an eye on Xiao Lin who just came today."

"Tell me where he is now."

A few minutes later, buzz buzz~

Lao Gao called.

Gu Yan answered.

The next second, the other party's voice came over.

"Master, this Xiao Lin just arrived in Jianghai City today and rescued a woman who was harassed by gangsters."

"When the woman heard that Xiao Lin had just arrived and had not found a place to live, she lent her attic to Xiao Lin."

"The address is 7-602 in Yulin Community."

Gu Yan was suddenly enlightened when he heard this.

In the original novel, when Xiao Lin first appeared, he saved the second female lead in the novel. The other party wanted to repay the protagonist after being saved, so she let Xiao Lin live in her house.

If Gu Yan remembered correctly, the next day, Xiao Lin was going out to find a job, and then he happened to see the security recruitment notice of Shen Waner's company.

Then, the gears of fate began to turn.

Of course, Gu Yan was also a little surprised at Lao Gao's efficiency:"You are not personally monitoring that Xiao Lin, are you?"

At the other end.

Lao Gao stood on a tree, holding a telescope in his hand and looking towards Yulin Community. He answered the phone with his right hand:"Yes, Master."

"I have people keeping an eye on the other 32 Xiao Lins."

"Only Xiao Lin, whose information has been missing for more than ten years, I think there is something strange about him. He may be the one you are looking for, so I have been following him since he came."

Hearing this, Gu Yan replied:"The rest of the people are not needed, you just need to keep an eye on Xiao Lin now."


At this point, Gu Yan's tone was somewhat serious:"Old Gao, you must remember....."

"If you are discovered, you must run! Run as fast as you can!"

Old Gao heard the solemnity in Gu Yan's voice, although he did not think that the young man he was monitoring could pose any threat to him.

But since the young master reminded him, he would naturally remember it in his heart:"Okay, young master."


The phone was turned off.

Gu Yan put away his phone and lay on the bed. He began to think in his mind.

In the original book, the rescued female landlord was also one of the protagonist Xiao Lin's harem group. Because of the other party's heroic rescue.

So he had a good impression of Xiao Lin at the beginning, but......

To say that the two of them completely opened their hearts to each other, we have to talk about a key plot later.

Gu Yan's expression became a little subtle.

In addition to Shen Wan'er, Xiao Lin also has many female harems, but the person he loves the most is Shen Wan'er.

However, the strength of this group of female harems in the later period is also very strong.

It can be said that if it were not for this group of people, then in the original book, Leng Qingqiu would never have died with Xiao Lin because of exhaustion.

Thinking of this.

Gu Yan's eyes flashed with a slight cold light, and he stretched out his hand and slowly clenched it towards the void.

The heroines provided a lot of help to Xiao Lin, and there were many life-and-death moments, and the heroines resolved the crisis for Xiao Lin.


Preventing these female protagonists from getting involved with Xiao Lin is actually a way to weaken the other party's combat power.

Not to mention that he also has Shen Wan'er's hidden chess move.

With layer upon layer of means, Gu Yan doesn't believe that he won't survive to the end!

"Good! Sleep!"..............

Yulin Community.

A man with thick eyebrows, a hot-blooded face and tattered clothes was lying on a mattress in the attic.

He crossed his legs and rested his head on his hands.

He looked around curiously and grinned:"Hey, beautiful sister is so nice to me. She even found a place for me to live.""

"The master is right, women in the city are just good!"

"Oh, by the way, I think I have a marriage contract, it seems to be from the eldest daughter of the Bai family?"

"No, no, I already have a beautiful sister."

Just as he said this, a pleasant voice came from downstairs:"Xiao Lin, are you cold? Do you want another quilt?"

Hearing this,

Xiao Lin showed a pig-like face and shouted:"It's okay! I have just the right one! Beautiful sister, go to sleep!"

"Okay, you should go to bed early too."

After seeing no movement downstairs,

Xiao Lin wiped the tip of his nose with his hand, then laughed cheerfully and said,"Living together with a beautiful sister is just like a dream!"

"For the past ten years, I have been living on that broken mountain, and every day I have seen those old men and women with ugly faces. Today, I can finally enjoy my life!"

"But I can't keep bothering beautiful sister, I'll go out and find a job tomorrow!"

After saying that, Xiao Lin also closed his eyes happily.


A woman in pajamas sat at the table.

The yellow light from the table lamp in the corner of the bedroom reflected on the woman's sad face.

She held one hospital bill after another in her hand.

She was 26 years old, her eyes revealed fatigue and helplessness, and her long hair hung messily on her shoulders.

Under the light, her outline looked particularly tired.

The room was filled with a quiet atmosphere, with only the sound of flipping bills and the woman's thoughtful sigh. Some medical reports, drug instructions, and some folded papers were scattered on the table.


Wang Yulan's brows were tightly knitted together, her eyes revealing anxiety and uneasiness.

She closed her eyes and lay on the table, tears gradually appearing in the corners of her eyes.

She was too tired. Her father passed away early in his life, and her mother was seriously injured in a car accident half a year ago and was in the hospital.

The daily medical expenses almost overwhelmed her.

Every day she was busy making money and paying back debts, and it seemed that almost nothing good happened.

Oh, no, there was one today.

Wang Yulan raised her head, with a hint of tenderness in her eyes.

Today, she had just returned home from visiting her mother in the hospital, and was harassed by gangsters.

Just when she was scared, Xiao Lin rescued her.

The other party's frankness made her feel a little good about him, so she offered help to the other party when she heard that the other party had no place to live when he first arrived.

It's just that......

Even if a good thing happened in her life, it still couldn't solve her current problem.

That was a huge hospital bill.

If she still couldn't pay it back,.......

So, her mother......


Wang Yulan murmured to herself, and before she knew it, she closed her eyes again, lying on the table and slowly fell asleep.

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