At midnight.~~~

Gu Yan was awakened by some slight rubbing sounds.

He opened his eyes dazedly.

"What's that sound?"

Gu Yan stood up from the bed with a headache.

The sound was like flipping a book.

Uh... wait a minute?

Thinking of this, Gu Yan lost all sleepiness and his eyes widened slightly.

No way?

Could it be Qingqiu from our family?

Gu Yan opened his mobile phone and took a look.

It was 2:10 in the morning.

No way, he is not asleep so late, right?

Thinking of this, Gu Yan tiptoed to open the door, and sure enough.

When he opened the door for the first time, he saw a faint light coming out of the crack under the study door in front of him.


Gu Yan sighed lightly, Qingqiu was really trying too hard.

Even though he knew that the other party didn't want to stop for a moment for revenge.

But.....If this goes on, the body will definitely collapse first.

Moreover, Gu Yan said that he would also help Leng Qingqiu find the truth of what happened back then.

Even though it was not written in the original book.

Thinking of this, in order to prevent his good wife from collapsing first, Gu Yan quietly walked downstairs.

Ten minutes later.

In the study.

On Leng Qingqiu's desk was a book emitting black smoke.

She opened her eyes, revealing a pair of eyes engraved with special runes.

Leng Qingqiu seemed to be able to see the contents of the book.

Her fingers turned the pages of the book, and bursts of black smoke floated from the book into Leng Qingqiu's eyes.

Buzz! Buzz!

At this moment, the book flickered slightly.

Leng Qingqiu's expression changed, she closed her eyes, and quickly replaced a normal book on the table.


The book disappeared instantly.



The door of the study was slightly pushed open.

Gu Yan pushed his body against the door and walked in:"Qingqiu, why haven't you slept yet?"

His helpless voice rang into Leng Qingqiu's ears.

Hearing the voice, Leng Qingqiu's heart slowly relaxed. She said in a light tone:"Because I don't want to sleep,"

"Nonsense, I can tell you're tired."

"Look at the dark circles around your eyes, they look like they were smoked."

Gu Yan put the things he had prepared on the table.

Then he looked at Leng Qingqiu, who had dark circles under her eyes, with a distressed look.

Hearing this,

Leng Qingqiu was silent for a while. She couldn't say that she was practicing some evil secret book just now, right?

But even if she did, Gu Yan probably wouldn't believe it. After all, he was just an ordinary person and didn't know the world of warriors.

"So, you didn't sleep either?"

"besides....."What did you make?"

Leng Qingqiu seemed to smell a hint of sweetness and asked curiously.

Gu Yan moved a chair and sat next to Leng Qingqiu.

Then he picked up the bowl on the table, scooped a spoonful with a spoon, and said with a smile:"I made brown sugar ginger water"

"The temperature has dropped significantly recently, and it is early morning, when the yin energy is strong. It would be bad if you catch a cold, Qingqiu."

"Come, I'll feed you something."

Hearing this,

Leng Qingqiu felt a little amused.

Ever since she practiced this evil secret book, her body has long been no longer afraid of the cold.

Or rather, Leng Qingqiu's body temperature has long been different from that of normal people because of practicing this secret book.

Thinking of this, Leng Qingqiu shook her head pretending to be indifferent:"No, I'm not cold." Upon hearing this, Gu Yan put down the spoon and held Leng Qingqiu's small hand. Feeling the coldness of the other's palm, he felt even more distressed:"What nonsense are you talking about, your hands are so cold, and you still say you're not cold?"

As he said, Gu Yan quickly took off his coat and put it on Leng Qingqiu.

Leng Qingqiu pretended to resist, but the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

She felt a little warm in her heart.

She didn't expect Gu Yan to specially cook a bowl of brown sugar ginger water for me.

It's obviously the middle of the night now, and he must be very sleepy himself.

Thinking of this, Leng Qingqiu felt an unknown feeling in her heart, and she said:"Go to bed quickly, I said I'm not cold anymore"

"No, no, I want to sit here and feed you until you finish drinking before I leave."

"It's not good for girls to catch a cold"

"You didn't eat much for dinner."

Gu Yan shook his head, then sat down and scooped a spoonful of brown sugar water and handed it to Leng Qingqiu's mouth.

If Leng Qingqiu had eyes, she would definitely roll her eyes. She snorted lightly:"If I don't think it tastes good, just take it away and go back to sleep."

When Gu Yan heard this, his face lit up, and he slowly fed Leng Qingqiu to drink:"Okay, sure."

Seeing that Leng Qingqiu was frowning as if he was tasting something, Gu Yan asked with some anticipation:"Is it delicious?"

"......Um.......I put too much sugar and turned up the heat too high, so it's just so-so."

Leng Qingqiu said expressionlessly.

??? How is that possible?! My cooking skills are god-level!

【Pure love partner feels happy and delicious, points +1]

Gu Yan was slightly stunned, oh, he understood.

You are playing this trick on me again in love, right?

Good, good, good.

Gu Yan looked at Leng Qingqiu, and then looked at the spoon in his hand.

Then he thought of a good way to play.

On Leng Qingqiu's side, she saw that Gu Yan had no sound, so she knew that the other party was dumbfounded.

She couldn't help but chuckle in her heart, humph, who told you to say that my cooking skills are bad.

Well, it's about time to tell him that I was just joking.

As a result, Leng Qingqiu just opened his mouth:"Gu......"

"? ? Huh? ? How could it be? Let me use this spoon to taste the saltiness!!!"

Gu Yan shouted exaggeratedly.

Now it was Leng Qingqiu's turn to be stunned.

Wait, what did he say? Use a spoon to taste it?

""Wait! Wait!"

Leng Qingqiu stood up quickly and stretched out her hand to stop Gu Yan.

Her face turned red instantly. That spoon! But she had just used it!

As a result, she didn't touch anyone in front of her.

Instead, the sound came from behind, and it was the sound of drinking soup.

"Slurp Slurp~~"

"It tastes sweet and smooth, and there is a hint of unknown sweetness on the spoon. It is perfect with my brown sugar water!!"

""Qingqiu, tell me, how can you think such delicious brown sugar water tastes bad?"

Gu Yan put down the spoon, savored it, and then looked at Leng Qingqiu who turned around with a dazed expression.

"you....."Did you really use the spoon that I drank from?"

Leng Qingqiu's face looked a little strange, and she asked in a tone as if she was suppressing something. Upon hearing what Gu Yan said, he looked at the spoon that he had just sucked, then smiled at Leng Qingqiu and said,"Well, and you licked it very clean! Thank you for the treat!"


Leng Qingqiu's heart was shaking and she felt so shy that she didn't expect that there would be such a perverted person in the world!

"You! You!"

Leng Qingqiu took a deep breath, picked up the crutch beside her, and waved it towards Gu Yan with an embarrassed look on her face:"You saliva-eating perverted sex maniac!"

"Die, pervert! Die! Die!"

Leng Qingqiu never dreamed that she would encounter such a thing.

This completely destroyed the calm state of mind that she had cultivated for many years.

Gu Yan was dumbfounded:"Hiss! Wait! Qingqiu, are you serious?"


"Nonsense! I have nothing to say to you, a perverted pervert! Go to hell!"

"Ah! Murdering my husband!"

"You! What dear husband! Stop yelling! Stop disturbing Ling'er!!"

At this time, in the other room,

Leng Ling'er, who was wearing pajamas, looked at the ceiling with dark circles under her eyes.

She felt like crying when she heard her sister's words.

No, I was woken up a long time ago.

Do you guys play so excitingly late at night?

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