The next morning,

Leng Qingqiu ate her breakfast in small bites with a cold face.

She said that she didn't want to pay attention to Gu Yan, the big pervert.

Gu Yan also lowered his head in embarrassment:"Ahem, Qingqiu, don't be angry, I was too confused last night, so I did that."

It would have been better if she didn't say it. As soon as she said it, Leng Qingqiu got angry again. She raised her head to face Gu Yan and sneered:"Haha...""



"Shut up, I don't want to talk to you now!"


Leng Ling'er was eating breakfast, her eyes flickering between Gu Yan and Leng Qingqiu.

She was sweating coldly on her back. Wait, what did these two do last night?

No way?! Could it be that something like the one in the romance novels she read really happened?!

No way, if something like that really happened between her sister and Gu Yan, then what status would she still have in this family!!

"No! You pervert, Gu!"

Leng Ling'er blushed and shouted at Gu Yan, who looked confused.

Then she picked up the bowl and chopsticks and ran to the kitchen.


What is this kid talking about?

"Hey! Little ghost, please make your point clear!"

Gu Yan stood up quickly. This is not a good thing to say.



"What did you do to Ling'er?"

Sure enough, Leng Qingqiu's cold words pierced Gu Yan's ears.

His face froze and he laughed:"Well, do you believe me when I say I know nothing?"

"Hehe, considering what you did last night, I really don’t know whether I should trust you or not."

Leng Qingqiu naturally knew that Gu Yan would not do anything to Leng Linger, but she just wanted to tease Gu Yan.

Humph! Who made him tease her all the time?

"Please really believe me!"

Gu Yan sighed helplessly, and suddenly.

He seemed to have seen something, and he let out a light exclamation and moved closer to Leng Qingqiu.

Feeling the familiar smell coming towards her, Leng Qingqiu's heart was confused, and she asked with a cold face:"What do you want to do?"

Although her face was cold, a hint of panic was still revealed in her tone.

However, Gu Yan, who discovered the magical thing, did not notice it, but asked curiously:"Qingqiu, are you using any skin care products recently?"

"Skin care products? I never use those things."

Leng Qingqiu thought Gu Yan was going to ask something, but it was just like that.

"Oh, that’s strange. You had very dark circles under your eyes last night, but how come they are gone this morning?"

"Besides, your skin condition has improved recently, it feels better than when I first met you."

Gu Yan was somewhat puzzled by his discovery. No way, a beauty can become more beautiful day by day?

What kind of physique is this, the dark circles under the eyes can automatically disappear overnight?

When Leng Qingqiu heard what Gu Yan said, she also shouted in her heart,"Oh no!

" She had those dark circles under her eyes because she was practicing evil magic last night.

But Gu Yan didn't know that.

She quickly turned her head away and stood up, saying in a panic:"No.....I don't know, don't get so close to me."

Leng Qingqiu tried not to let Gu Yan see her face when she spoke. She said,"Aren't you going to send Ling'er to school? Go quickly."

"Uh, I haven't finished eating yet......"

"Eat, eat, eat. If I can't kill you, I'll go back to the study first."

Leng Qingqiu said casually, then under Gu Yan's strange gaze, he accurately picked up the cane and walked upstairs.

Uh.....Qingqiu could go upstairs by herself before?

Gu Yan was a little surprised. Yes, this was her home, so it was normal for her to go up and down the stairs by herself.

No wonder Qingqiu always said that she could walk. The feeling was real.

Gu Yan shook his head and let go of the strange feeling in his heart.

But while he was eating, an idea popped up in his mind.

That is......

The original novel does not explain how Leng Qingqiu became a grandmaster. The only time she appeared was when Leng Ling'er died.

That time, all readers did not know that she would be the final villain.

Leng Ling'er saw her sister leaving, so she trotted to Gu Yan's side.

"Hey! Gu, what were you doing with my sister last night?"

Gu Yan was interrupted by Leng Ling'er's voice. He turned around and looked at her.

Seeing that Leng Ling'er looked a little nervous, he casually replied,"It's just a matter between lovers. Children, don't worry about it."

As soon as these words came out.


Leng Ling'er's brain crashed. She bit her lips tightly and looked at Gu Yan with tears in her eyes:"You! You two......I'm really doing something that will give birth to a baby!! Woohoo!"


"No! What are you thinking about, little brat!"

Gu Yan was speechless for a moment. Are all children so precocious these days?

"what is that?"

"I'm impressed. I made a bowl of brown sugar water......."

At this time.



Leng Qingqiu closed the door and leaned against it.

She covered her chest and panted slightly.

Her hands were tightly clenched together, and her expression became a little painful.

No...I have to be more careful.

If Gu Yan finds out my secret,.......

Leng Qingqiu didn't know what to do. [Night] was her biggest secret, but Gu Yan....

It must be said that she seemed to have some feelings for Gu Yan, but he was just an ordinary person after all.

She couldn't involve him. Five years ago, the forces were too numerous and too powerful.

Gu Yan was just an ordinary person. If he stepped into it, he would be dead.

Moreover, she must not let him know her secret.

She must not....

If Gu Yan really discovered her secret, she didn't know what she would do to him. She also didn't know what kind of expression Gu Yan would give her after he found out.

"Please.....Don't find out."

Leng Qingqiu muttered to himself with a sad expression. What no one noticed was that Mei Xue's figure appeared on the roof of the Leng family's house. She slowly took off the cloth covering her eyes and opened a pair of eyes without whites, which were completely black. She looked at Gu Yan and Leng Ling'er who had walked out of the house and were preparing to go to school. When she felt that there was no energy fluctuation on Gu Yan's body, she muttered to herself:"What?

...Just an ordinary person."

Although she said so, her hands tightly grasped the cloth strip, and she looked at Gu Yan without any emotion in her eyes.

But...How could such a man make his master so distressed


Mei Xue covered her chest with her hands, her expression became extremely sad.

Even I could feel the sadness in the master's heart.

Just because of this man? Afraid that he would discover our secret?

Mei Xue couldn't help but feel a little irritated.

Why would the master marry this man, and why would he let her secretly investigate and eliminate the factors that were unfavorable to this man.

This man.....What secret is this?

Mei Xue thought of this, she covered herself with the cloth again, and her body gradually sank into the shadows.

No matter what, if I find out that this man has betrayed and deceived his master.

Then.....I will risk my life to get rid of him at all costs.............

Jianghai High School

"Goodbye brother-in-law!"

"Study hard."

Gu Yan looked helplessly at Leng Ling'er, who called him brother-in-law in front of friends.

This little brat, hey, there's nothing he can do about her.

Gu Yan shook his head and rolled up the car window.

His expression gradually became subtle:"Lao Gao, let's go to Jianghai Hospital."

""Okay, young master."

Lao Gao nodded. According to what Gu Yan said, Xiao Lin really went out to look for a job this morning.

And he saw the security recruitment notice of Shen Wan'er's pharmaceutical company.

Even though the other company was about to go bankrupt, the world's correction force still allowed Xiao Lin to enter Shen Wan'er's company as a security guard.

After driving on the road for a while,

Lao Gao whispered:"Young Master...Someone is following us"

"and...He is a very powerful person."

As a master, one of the few masters in the world, Lao Gao can naturally detect some subtle auras.

Even if the other party hides very secretly, Lao Gao can still feel it.

When Gu Yan heard it, he nodded indifferently:"Well, I know, don't worry about her."

Lao Gao was slightly stunned when he heard it.

He looked at Gu Yan's nonchalant expression through the rearview mirror.

Then he retracted his gaze, feeling a little surprised.

Master....Can you feel it?

Even I can only slightly sense that hidden aura, but the young master actually said that he knew it?

Young Master......Not an ordinary person? ?

Lao Gao felt that he had been a bodyguard for nothing. When did the young master have this ability?

Gu Yan had already felt this breath when he was at Leng's house.

It was a cold but familiar breath.

Perhaps it was because he practiced the [Universe Pure Love Technique].

So not only his own physique became stronger and stronger, but his own perception ability also became stronger and stronger.

Of course, the other party was not an enemy.

Just by looking at the original work.

Gu Yan could guess the identity of the other party.

It was probably Mei Xue, a subordinate of Leng Qingqiu.

She was a member of the ancient martial arts organization [Night].

The other party had a ghostly complexion, extraordinary skills, and the skills she was good at could help her escape into the shadows.

In the original work, she had always been Leng Qingqiu's capable general, and of course the ending was also tragic.

First, the younger brother he had been looking for was killed.

Then the protagonist Xiao Lin found a way to restrain the shadow technique and then killed him.

But what Gu Yan didn't expect was that the other party was actually by Leng Qingqiu's side now.

It was said in the original work that when the dagger appeared, the world would be dark. All the staff at night only recognize the dagger.....Night?

Oh, wait a minute.

Gu Yan was suddenly stunned as he was thinking.

He thought of Leng Qingqiu's recent state.

Dark circles, night, dagger, Mei Xue.


No way! ? No way?!

Gu Yan took a deep breath.

The original book did not say how Leng Qingqiu practiced.

So Gu Yan always thought that Leng Qingqiu was very weak now.


So it seems that

Leng Qingqiu has already inherited the Night Organization?!

So, the other party has already started practicing?!

Gu Yan suddenly realized.

Thinking of Leng Qingqiu's evasive look, he felt a little amused.

Haha, that's it.

Gu Yan's eyes became gentle.

Although there was no evidence, for some reason, he could guess Leng Qingqiu's thoughts to some extent.

The other party probably didn't want to involve him in the Leng family's extermination.

She thought, she could find the real culprit secretly and eliminate the other party by herself.


Gu Yan smiled softly and closed his eyes.....I should speed up the process so that both of us can live a good and happy life.

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