In the evening, in a convenience store in Jianghai City

""Hey Yulan, did you encounter anything happy today?"

A middle-aged woman looked at Wang Yulan, who was tidying the shelves, with some curiosity.

This girl came to work for her half a year ago.

She liked her kind and hardworking personality.

As she got to know her for half a year, she also knew about her family situation.

Although Wang Yulan tried her best to show an optimistic look before, the tiredness and sadness in her eyes would still be revealed inadvertently.

But when she came to work this afternoon, for some reason, the sadness she had before disappeared.

Instead, she looked........Hope was rekindled.

When Wang Yulan heard this, she smiled and replied while tidying up the shelves:"Hey, store manager, did you find out?"

"Yes, a lot of things happened today."

Wang Yulan turned around and showed a long-lost smile on her face.

"I see."

The store manager was not the type to ask questions, she was also happy that the poor girl had something to be happy about.

At least, she finally showed a happy mood.

"How about this, you can leave work early today."

The store manager sat on the chair and looked at the other person softly:"Go see your mother early now.""

"My daughter is actually the same age as you, but she has not been home because of work. When I see you, I feel like I see my own daughter."

Wang Yulan was stunned, and her heart was moved. She smiled and said,"Thank you, manager!"

At this time.

Outside the convenience store.

In a van, several men were observing the situation of the convenience store through the car window glass.

Ding Dong~

"Goodbye, store manager!"

Wang Yulan came out and said goodbye to the inside.

Then, she walked towards the direction of the hospital with a happy mood:"Hehe....."

Seeing this scene, the people in the van exchanged glances quickly, and then covered the lower half of their faces with cloth.


The van started, and quietly followed without Wang Yulan knowing.

Time passed by.

The sky gradually darkened.

Wang Yulan walked on a path she had been walking on before without noticing.

"Unexpectedly, not only did my mother's students come to visit her today"

"There was even a kind person who paid for our medical expenses."

When Wang Yulan thought of this, she looked relaxed and happy. When her mother woke up, Wang Yulan felt that she must find the kind person who paid off their debts and repay him.


Wang Yulan looked at the path she had been walking on with some surprise.

This was a park path leading to Jianghai Hospital.

There should be many passers-by walking here every night.

But for some reason, there was no one around here today, and it was very quiet.......

"It's better not to think too much."

Wang Yulan shook her head, she tightened her coat, and then quickened her pace to walk forward.

However, what she didn't expect was.

Click, click.

Several figures stepped on the branches and walked out from behind the big tree.

With the help of the street lights, Wang Yulan saw that the lower half of the other party's face was covered with a black cloth.

Masked man?

Why did he suddenly come out from there?

Wang Yulan's expression changed, and she felt a little uneasy.

But she didn't think much about it.

After all, this is a society ruled by law, and Wang Yulan believes that she has never offended anyone on weekdays.

She hoped that the person the other party was looking for was not her.

Just thinking so.

Wang Yulan's body stopped honestly and turned around to go back.


What she didn't expect was that when she turned around, there were several masked men behind her, where there was no one at first!

Wang Yulan's face turned pale.

Are they here to find me?

She looked around, suppressed the fear in her heart, and slowly moved to the side. She asked in a calm voice,"You......who are you?"

"What do you want to do?"

Wang Yulan felt that this was a society ruled by law, and these people should not be so bold as to do anything to her in broad daylight.

The next second, the masked man in the lead said something that made her pale.

"Humph! What do you want to do?!"

"That day, the man next to you injured my brothers! Their ribs were all broken, and they are still lying in the ICU! What do you think I want to do now?!!"

While speaking, the masked man pulled out a fruit knife from his waist.

His eyes were fixed on Wang Yulan.

When Wang Yulan heard it, she immediately realized that it was when she had just met Xiao Lin.

She was harassed by gangsters, and Xiao Lin happened to help her.

But she didn't expect that.

It's only been two days, and the gangsters brought people to block her!

Especially the shiny fruit knife in the hand of the leader.

It made Wang Yulan's heart extremely frightened. She retreated to the woods next to her, and said tremblingly:"It was obviously your people who harassed and teased me that day"

"Xiao Lin was just doing what was right........."

Before he finished speaking, the leader shouted,"Shut up! Who cares!"!!

Wang Yulan was frightened, she didn't dare to mention what happened that day.

Instead, she said in a fearful voice,"You! Aren't you afraid of the police?"

"Do you know what kind of legal judgment you will face for doing such a thing?!"

Wang Yulan never thought that the park path she had always walked on would become the best place for the other party to ambush her.

"Hum, the whole park is full of dense trees"

"No one will find you even if we kill you and dump your body!"

The leader said as he called on the others to walk towards Wang Yulan:"Come on!"

Seeing this scene.

Wang Yulan didn't know where the courage came from. She gritted her teeth and ran into the depths of the woods without thinking.

No! No, I can't die now!

Wang Yulan ran away desperately with a pale face.

She could see that this group of people were masked and chose to attack at dark, so they must be determined to kill her.

Moreover, before killing her, she was not sure whether the other party would do anything else.

"Why...Why is this happening?"

Wang Yulan felt a bloody taste in her mouth after running for a while.

Years of working late at night and malnutrition had already reduced her physical fitness to the limit.

She ran breathlessly. She didn't care if there was a road ahead. In her opinion, as long as she ran into the woods, the group of people would not be able to find her immediately.

Then, as long as she found an enemy and called the police, she would be safe!

Wang Yulan quickly sorted out her thoughts in her mind, and the panic in her heart gradually decreased a lot.

That's right, as long as she ran to a slightly hidden enemy! After calling the police, she would be safe!

At this time, at the entrance of the park, some park staff were apologizing for blocking the entrance.

"Sorry, sorry, the park is temporarily repairing and replacing equipment today. It will be fine tomorrow. Please understand."

"Also, please do not go near the park, because the power needs to be turned off to replace the equipment, so the park and nearby signal base stations are temporarily closed."

Although the sudden notice of closing the road at night to replace the equipment made everyone feel a little puzzled.

But after all, this place is a public area, and they naturally understand it. However

, some sharp-eyed people pointed at a person who walked in without any hindrance with some confusion:"Hey! Why can that person go in!"

Hearing this.

The staff took a look, then laughed awkwardly:"That person.....It was the park's builder."

You must be kidding. He is the eldest son of the Gu family. This park was built with his money.

In fact, this place is the private property of the Gu family, but it is only used to serve the people.

Besides, the road closure today was requested by the young master of the Gu family. How could I dare to say anything more?............

Wang Yulan ran breathlessly behind a big tree.

She poked her head out and looked behind her quietly. Seeing no one, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"call....Did you get rid of it?"

"You have to call the police quickly......."

Wang Yulan took a deep breath, then took out her cell phone and called the police......

A scene that stunned her happened.

【There is no signal in your service area.]


Wang Yulan's mind went blank.

You know, the official special number can be dialed even if your phone has no signal.

If you can't dial, it only means that there is no signal base station near you, and you are in a completely uninhabited area.

"How....How could this happen?"

Wang Yulan's face turned pale, and fear was evident in her voice.

What should I do now?

Just when I thought of this.


"I found you."

A fruit knife stabbed into the tree that Wang Yulan was leaning against.


Wang Yulan felt cold all over. She listened to the voice and looked at the fruit knife next to her face.

My phone doesn't work. The person who wants to kill me has found me?!


Wang Yulan screamed in despair.

She was so scared that she wanted to run away again.

But unfortunately, the masked man grabbed her arm:"Want to escape?"

"Let me go! Let me go!"

"Don't kill me!"

When Wang Yulan saw the person grabbing her arm, she screamed in fear.

My mother is still in the hospital, I can't die!

I don't want to die, I can't die now!

Wang Yulan struggled desperately.

But more and more masked people gathered around.

They directly pressed her shoulders and subdued her to the ground.

"Is it useful to run so fast?"

The masked man in the lead pulled out a fruit knife from the tree, and then put the tip of the knife against Wang Yulan's face.

Looking at the fruit knife in front of her, which could take her life if it pierced her forehead, her expression was desperate:"Don't...don't kill me"

"Haha, be more careful in your next life and don't provoke people you shouldn't provoke!"

But the masked man pretended not to see it and mocked.

Then, he held the fruit knife, looked fierce, and stabbed it towards Wang Yulan's face.


Wang Yulan closed her eyes in fear.

No way...I'm not really going to die like this?

If I die, what will my mother do?

Why is this happening? I've never done anything wrong. Why do you treat me like this?......Finally, life has become a little brighter....Why......

Just as Wang Yulan closed her eyes and quietly waited for death, a cold and angry voice appeared in Wang Yulan's ears.

"Let her go!!"

As this voice appeared, the masked people began to curse and fight.

This lasted for less than a few minutes.

"You! Remember this! I will definitely come back to find you!!"

The masked man's panicked voice sounded.

Then there were sounds of people running away.

【What happened?】

Wang Yulan, who had just closed her eyes out of fear, was confused and worried.

She didn't feel any pain, so shouldn't she have been stabbed to death?

No sense of pain........Are you still alive?

"Sister Yulan, are you okay?"

At this time, a worried and familiar voice sounded.

This voice is......

Wang Yulan opened her eyes blankly.

When she saw the man squatting in front of her and looking at her with caring eyes, she was stunned.

"Gu....Gu Yan?"

"Why are you here?"

Wang Yulan stared at Gu Yan blankly, her voice somewhat unbelievable.

Hearing this, Gu Yan nodded with a worried expression:"It's me. When I was returning from visiting Teacher Wang, I suddenly heard a scream coming from the woods."

"So I hurried over here"

"Did you beat away all those bad guys?"

"Yes, I have practiced before, and I can barely deal with a few small���Mixed."

As soon as these words came out,

Wang Yulan's heart relaxed, tears welled up in her eyes, and she suddenly threw herself into Gu Yan's arms:"Wow wow wow wow!! I'm so scared!"

"I'm so scared!"

"Obviously, life is getting better.......I am scared....."

"Gu Yan, Gu Yan, it's a good thing you came.....Ugh!......"

Gu Yan comforted Wang Yulan who was lying in his arms:"It's okay, it's okay."

As he comforted her, his expression gradually calmed down, and he asked in an inexplicable tone:"Sister Yulan, who are these people, and why did they come to you?"

Wang Yulan recovered her mood and choked up and said:"It happened before......."

In less than a moment, after hearing what happened, Gu Yan said angrily:"This is too much! Sister Yulan, don't worry, I will call the police later!"

"We must catch this group of people!"

Looking at Gu Yan like this, Wang Yulan felt full of security for some reason, and she nodded:"Thank you, Gu Yan."

Half an hour later.

After visiting Wang Yulan's mother.

Gu Yan suggested sending Wang Yulan home.

Because she had just been surrounded by gangsters, the frightened Wang Yulan naturally agreed.

Sitting in the back seat of the luxury car, Wang Yulan seemed a little cramped.

She had never ridden in such an expensive car in her life.

At the same time, she felt an inexplicable inferiority in her heart.

Gu Yan seemed to have discovered this and comforted her:"Don't be nervous, Sister Yulan, you are Teacher Wang's daughter, so you are my sister."

"If you have any difficulties, you can come to me"

"You should take a nap first, I will call you when we get there."

Wang Yulan listened to Gu Yan's gentle words, and the tension in her heart was slightly relieved.

She nodded gratefully to Gu Yan who was driving in front:"Yes."

After that, she couldn't help but close her eyes and fell asleep because she was too tired.

Gu Yan, after seeing Wang Yulan with her eyes closed, his worried and gentle expression slowly disappeared.

A dangerous arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Haha, the plan is really going well.

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