
Wang Yulan's home.

In the living room, Xiao Lin was lying on the sofa with his legs crossed, a silly smile on his face.

Shen Wan'er is so beautiful......I didn't expect my boss to be so pretty.

She smiled at me today. The girls in this city are just different........

By the way, why hasn't the beautiful sister come back yet?

At this time.

Xiao Lin seemed to sense something, his face lit up, and he hurried to the window to look outside.

However, what he didn't expect was that his beautiful sister actually got out of a luxury car that looked very expensive.

And, she was helped out of the car by a man.

Xiao Lin looked at this scene, and for some reason, he felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly stained with feces.

He subconsciously clenched his fists, staring at Gu Yan's face.

In his opinion, the beautiful sister was the one he liked, and she should be with him.

Who is that man?

So what if he has some money?

Xiao Lin looked at Gu Yan with great displeasure.

I don't know if it was a coincidence.

The man who Xiao Lin felt inexplicably disgusted suddenly raised his head and looked at him.

And smiled slightly.


Xiao Lin frowned.

He looked at Gu Yan, feeling very uncomfortable, as the other party seemed to be much more handsome than him........

Looks like he has money.

Damn, but judging from the other person's aura, he is just an ordinary person.

Haha, just an ordinary person.

After Xiao Lin sensed that Gu Yan was just an ordinary person, he suddenly felt a little funny about himself just now.

Just an ordinary person, how can he compare with a genius like me?

The old men on the mountain also said that my talent is unique in the world.

I will inherit the position of the master of the Dragon King Palace in the future.

How can a man who is a little handsome and has some money compete with me for a beautiful sister?


Gu Yan helped Wang Yulan get out of the car intimately:"Sister Yulan, remember to go to bed early and drink some hot water when you go back."

Wang Yulan nodded when she heard it, and felt extremely warm in her heart.

She seemed to have not felt such a warm feeling for a long time.

Wang Yulan couldn't help but look at Gu Yan seriously, as if to remember the other person's appearance in her mind.

But seeing that the other person's expression gradually became a little confused, Wang Yulan quickly turned her head away, her face flushed slightly, and she whispered:"That....Thank you for today."

For some reason, Wang Yulan felt her heart beating very fast.

"It's okay. I should say that I arrived in time."

Gu Yan shook his head and smiled.

"OK, you.....Drive slower on your way back........"

Wang Yulan pursed her lips and said with concern.

When she saw Gu Yan's smiling expression, her face turned red and she hurriedly walked towards home:"See you next time anyway!"

"See you tomorrow."

Gu Yan waved his hand.

His expression was still full of smiles.

At this time,

Gu Yan raised his head and saw the original hero Xiao Lin who had turned around and was about to go back to the living room.

Haha, Xiao Lin.

This is our first meeting.

Look forward to it, you will have a new life different from the original.

Gu Yan smiled lightly, and then got back in the car.

He took out his mobile phone and made a call:"Hello, the money has been deposited into your account."

"Hehe, thank you, Master. If you have such good things next time, please continue to look for us."

"Well, the performance was good. I will call you next time if I have the chance."

After hanging up the phone,

Gu Yan's expression became extremely calm. Is she the second female lead in the original novel?......

Favorability is so easy to improve, what a fool.

But if you calculate the time, the thing in the original book should happen.

Then, it will be time for me to completely conquer Wang Yulan.

It's just that I'm just using her.

Gu Yan looked at himself through the reflection in the glass.

I don't know why, but I don't seem to have any guilt at all when doing this kind of thing. I obviously don't like those women, but for the sake of my plan, I have to show that I care and protect them.

Obviously.......The time I spend with Qingqiu is not enough

"Qingqiu....I miss you so much......."

Gu Yan sighed.

The next second.


A dagger emitting black smoke was placed on Gu Yan's neck.

An extremely cold and murderous voice also pierced Gu Yan's ears:"Shut up!"

Mei Xue, who had been following Gu Yan for a day, had already resisted killing Gu Yan.

But in the end, the other party was shameless and was talking to other women outside, while saying that he missed Leng Qingqiu.

Isn't this.......Two-timing?! Isn't this a betrayal of her master?!

Mei Xue said that she must kill this man who seduced her master!

"........" hehe....Finally got out.

Gu Yan was not panicked at all because of the dagger against his neck.

Instead, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

On the other side.

When Wang Yulan came home with a strange mood

"" Beautiful sister, who is that man?"

Xiao Lin's voice with a hint of jealousy reached her ears.

Wang Yulan was stunned. She raised her head and saw Xiao Lin standing at the entrance with an unhappy look on his face. She shook her head and chuckled,"He is a student of my mother's."

"I just happened to come to visit my mother today."

Wang Yulan did not tell Xiao Lin that she was almost killed by the gang of thugs.

Firstly, she was afraid of causing panic in Xiao Lin.

Secondly, there was no need to tell others about such a thing.

"Oh? Then you have nothing to do with him, beautiful sister?"

"It's better not to have one. That man doesn't look like a good person."

""Beautiful sister, you are so beautiful, he must have a purpose for approaching you!"

Xiao Lin saw that Wang Yulan answered very casually, as if she really had nothing to do with that man.

His mood couldn't help but improve, and he also thought that Wang Yulan must be very tired of that kind of man.

It was just that he kept pestering her, so she had to let him send her home.

Hearing Xiao Lin's question, Wang Yulan was stunned.

She looked at the other party's suspicious eyes, as if she was saying that she had done something to let him down.

Especially the other party's slanderous words against Gu Yan........

She couldn't help but frowned, and her tone slightly increased:"Xiao Lin, what are you talking about?"

"Gu Yan is my mother's student, what is the relationship between him and me?"

"besides....Gu Yan is a good person, a very good person"

"I hope Xiao Lin, you will not slander others behind their backs in the future."

Wang Yulan thought of Gu Yan's heartfelt words to her mother in the ward.

She also thought of Gu Yan's choice to save her regardless of his own safety.

For a moment, she felt extremely disappointed with Xiao Lin.

She shook her head, walked back to the bedroom with a disappointed look on her face, passing by Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin was stunned when he saw the beautiful sister who suddenly became indifferent.

I....Did I say something wrong?

Xiao Lin stared at the closed door in a daze.

Hey, hey, hey, that man really makes me feel uncomfortable!

My feeling is definitely not wrong!

That man is definitely not a good person.

Xiao Lin's expression became a little sad, and his mood couldn't help but become a little depressed.

Oh, I am hated by the beautiful sister.

Damn it, it's all because of that rich man.

Xiao Lin naturally would not blame Wang Yulan, so he put all the blame on Gu Yan.

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