In the car.

Mei Xue has left.

Gu Yan's expression became extremely calm, and there was a hint of inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

As Leng Qingqiu's most trusted subordinate, Mei Xue knew too many things.

In order not to repeat the plot of the original novel, he must take some preventive measures against the opponent in advance.

But that method is rather cruel.

I hope Miss Mei will not collapse and cry and make a fuss at that time.


Oh, by the way.

Gu Yan suddenly thought of the wound on his neck, so he reached out and touched it, wanting to do a simple treatment.



Gu Yan exclaimed, and he quickly looked up at the rearview mirror.

Just as he felt, the wound on his neck was gone.

Gu Yan was slightly stunned:"What's going on?"

But he soon realized that it was probably related to the [Universe Pure Love Technique] he practiced.

It seems that this technique has many effects that he didn't know about.

But.......From this repair wound

"Hey, could it be that this technique can only strengthen the body?"

Gu Yan sighed. Judging from the scratches he had just received, this technique could not make him invulnerable. And judging from the fact that it could heal his wounds, this technique seemed to be a supplementary treatment technique.

Could it be that?

Gu Yan was somewhat helpless. Could it be that he was born to be a supplementary to Qingqiu?


Gu Yan thought about it and thought, isn't what a good assistant should do?

Yes, that's right.

Let Qingqiu become stronger steadily, and leave the rest to me!

When Gu Yan thought of Leng Qingqiu, he began to feel uncomfortable all over again, as if he was being crawled by ants.


"No, no, I have to go back quickly."

Gu Yan's face showed anticipation. He hadn't seen Qingqiu for a whole day.

It's not too late now, so he should go to Leng's house and have some love time!!..........

At this moment, the cooking aunt of the Leng family had finished cleaning and left.

The two sisters of the Leng family sat together on the sofa in the living room.

"Sister, that bastard Gu actually left me at the school gate for several hours!"

"He finally got here, but the person who came turned out to be his butler!"

"say what.....What is going on? Something happened to his young master!"

Leng Linger complained angrily to the expressionless Leng Qingqiu beside her.

Who in the family understands? I am just talking about a speechless incident.

The bastard said he would pick me up from school.

But on the second day, he left me alone at the school gate!

He was not even there when he came to pick me up!

"Sister, you must have a good talk with your brother-in-law when he comes back!"

Leng Ling'er yelled.

Leng Qingqiu listened to Leng Ling'er's words expressionlessly.

Her hands were tightly clenched. Her heart was not as calm as it seemed.

Gu Yan hadn't come to see me for a whole day, and he didn't even go to pick up Ling'er after school in the afternoon.

What's going on?

What is he doing?

Why hasn't he come back yet?

Oh, by the way, he didn't live in our house, but he stayed here because it was too late before.

So, where did he go? Why didn't he tell me what he was doing?

When Ling'er was picked up after school, was it the housekeeper who came to pick her up? The housekeeper said he was still busy?

What was he busy with? Was it because of the internal affairs of the Gu family?

Didn't she ask Mei Xue to investigate if there was anyone in the Gu family who was unfavorable to Gu Yan?

Why didn't Mei Xue tell me the news?

Leng Qingqiu never thought that Gu Yan would do something to let her down outside.

After all, listening to the affectionate tone of Gu Yan's confession to her before.

It was really hard for her to imagine that Gu Yan would find another woman outside.

And at this moment.

Leng Ling'er happened to tune into the channel of a bloody love drama

【Rousi, I've said long ago that this man's affection for you is just fake.】

【Look, he hasn't come back so late and keeps saying he's busy, but he was still photographed dating another woman!】

【this...I don't believe Jack would do such a thing.】

【Still don't believe it? Look, even though he usually writes poems and sings songs for you, and keeps saying he loves you, men are men, and they will get tired of you once they get you.】

【This photo is the best evidence! He might be checking into a hotel room with some woman right now!】

【I don't believe it!!】

【If you don't believe me, call and ask!!】

【I will fight you! 】

Leng Qingqiu:"?!!"

Leng Qingqiu listened to the voices on the TV program. She was not panicking at first, but now she was a little panicked.

Wait a minute.

Why does the situation on TV sound so familiar? ?

Writing poems and singing songs, and saying she loves me every day.

But now that the relationship has been confirmed, she keeps saying she is very busy.

Ahhh, no way?

It can't be like that?!

Leng Qingqiu began to feel uneasy.

Leng Ling'er was very bored. She sneered at this tasteless program:"What a stupid program." She was about to change the program.



Leng Qingqiu held down the other party's hand that wanted to change the channel:"Wait! Let me listen to how they call!"

Leng Ling'er was confused when she saw this:"Sister? You like this type of TV series?"

She felt like she had discovered a new world.

The sister who usually only reads books and studies is actually interested in TV programs?

Although, the sister can't see the TV screen!

Leng Qingqiu felt embarrassed, but the plot of the TV show was so similar to her current situation that she couldn't help but want to know what the other person was like.

"You don't understand, so don't worry about it."

Leng Qingqiu said coldly.

"Oh...oh oh."

Leng Ling'er was startled, shut her mouth and trembled.

Sorry Ling'er, but I really want to know what happened to Rousi and Jack next.

Leng Qingqiu thought to himself.

The next second.

The sound of answering a phone call came from the room.


【Hmmmm~~ Rousi, what are you doing?】

【Jay.....Jack?? Why does your voice sound a little strange? What are you doing?】

【Me? ? Oh! ~~! I'm not doing anything? Baby, don't think too much】

【So why does your voice sound so tired?】

【I am running. Isn't night running a normal thing? 】

Everything is normal now, but the next second, another voice appeared on the phone.

【Oh Jack! Who are you talking to on the phone?】

【Jack?! How can there be a woman's voice?!】

【Shredded pork! You! Listen to my explanation!】..........

Leng Qingqiu couldn't listen to the following content.

Her body gradually stiffened.....No way?

Leng Qingqiu felt extremely flustered.

Could Gu Yan have done something like this?

No way? No way?!

Ling'er on the side also took this opportunity to say:"Sister, this Jack is really not a human being. He obviously has a beautiful wife at home, but he still goes out to mess around with other women."

"Is it because his wife has difficulty walking that he dislikes her?"

"Fortunately, my brother-in-law is not like this....."Sister?"

Leng Ling'er was talking, and she noticed that her elder sister was a little abnormal.

She slowly lowered her head, and even her expression became strange.

Leng Ling'er's words echoed in Leng Qingqiu's mind.

Flirting with other women~~cheating~~disliking her physical disability~~ ah....I understand.

It turns out that Gu Yan got tired of me after getting me, and went out to find another woman because he disliked me because I was blind.

Mingming, we just confirmed our relationship.

Is that so?...Hehehe!

In that case.....

Then I will.

Just when Leng Qingqiu was thinking about something dangerous.

The next second.

Squeak~~ the door was pushed open.

"Oh, sorry, sorry, I'm back late. I have too many things to do today."

"My friend's mother is in the hospital, and I've been busy there for quite some time!"

Gu Yan's voice came in.

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