Gu Yan originally thought that at this time, the door of the Leng family should have been closed.

Unexpectedly, it was still open. How lucky!

And even luckier!

Gu Yan saw Leng Qingqiu sitting on the sofa in the living room at a glance.

His eyes lit up and he ran over. He squeezed next to Leng Qingqiu very skillfully, then pulled the other's arm and put his face close to him:"Qingqiu, my dear Qingqiu~~"

"I miss you so much~~ You don't know how tired I am today!"

Qingqiu, I have sacrificed too much for you.

It makes me feel so uncomfortable to put on a smiling face in front of others!

However, this may be the sense of family responsibility that a mature man should have!

Gu Yan felt that he was really great.

Although he had used his brain a lot today and was exhausted physically and mentally, as soon as he got home and touched Leng Qingqiu.

Then he smelled the scent on the other person's body and felt.......I will be so happy that I can't help myself~!

Leng Ling'er looked at Gu Yan who suddenly rushed over and hugged her elder sister with disgust.

She yelled:"You stinky fish Gu! You still remember to come back!"

"You actually made me wait for you at the school gate for so long today!"

"So you went to hang out with your friend? Tell me! Who is that friend? A man or a woman?"

Leng Linger looked at Gu Yan angrily.

If Gu Yan didn’t give her an explanation today, she said she would whisper in Leng Qingqiu’s ear!

Gu Yan felt a little guilty that he forgot to pick up Leng Linger today, so he coughed and said,"Oh, sorry, sorry, I’m too busy today."

"Next time, brother-in-law will treat you to McDonald's and milk tea, okay?"

Leng Ling'er was still angry, but when she heard this, her eyes lit up:"Really?!"

"Long live! Brother-in-law , you are the best!"

After saying that, he happily stayed aside and watched TV.........

Gu Yan looked at Leng Ling'er's changed expression, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

It's just that he has been here for so long.

He reacted as if Qingqiu had not spoken all the time.

Thinking about it, he lowered his head and looked at Leng Qingqiu:"Qingqiu, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy that I'm here?"

Gu Yan looked at Leng Qingqiu with a strange expression.

The other party seemed to be in a state between normal and abnormal.

In short, it made Gu Yan feel very strange that something seemed to have happened to the other party.

Leng Qingqiu's mind was full of the plot in the TV series just now.

What about being too busy and too tired, what about a friend's mother's hospital.

All! They are all lying to me!

Thinking of this, Leng Qingqiu had a cold face, shook off Gu Yan's hand that was hugging her arm, and said coldly:"Go away."

Gu Yan:? ? ?


Gu Yan slowly typed three question marks, and he looked at Leng Qingqiu in front of him with a shocked face, who turned his head away and didn't want to look at him.

What is the other party doing?! Angry!

Gu Yan understood in his heart immediately, it must be because he didn't come here all day today! So Leng Qingqiu was angry!

It was reasonable for him to be angry. Who wouldn't come for a day after confirming their relationship?!


Although I don't know if Leng Qingqiu was angry with him for this specific reason, anyway!

""Qingqiu! I'm sorry for you!"

Gu Yan took the lead in activating his passive skill - Apology.

Leng Qingqiu wanted to hear Gu Yan's explanation.

But now, when she heard the other party's apology, she instantly felt sad and wronged.


Gu Yan really did something to let her down.

She secretly asked Mei Xue to help Gu Yan clear the factors that were unfavorable to him, but in the end.......

Is it all my own wishful thinking?

Leng Qingqiu thought she finally had a crush on a man, but now.........

She found that outsiders are outsiders after all, and these outsiders will only betray her.

Leng Qingqiu, Leng Qingqiu, you really can't be like a normal girl.

In this life, you can only take the path of revenge.

Leng Qingqiu thought of this, she suppressed the sadness in her heart, took a deep breath and said,"You don't need to say anything more. Since you did it, there is nothing to say between us."

"No! I want to say it!"

Gu Yan shook his head and pressed on Leng Qingqiu's shoulder.

Leng Qingqiu felt extremely sad.....Are you going to humiliate me again?

She turned to Gu Yan angrily and shouted,"I don't want to listen!"

"You have to listen!"

"I do not want!"

"you must!"

"Why should I!"

"Because! I like you! So I have to apologize to you!!"

"You!? You still have the nerve to say this at this point?!"

"Yes! That's why I want to say it!"

Gu Yan and Leng Qingqiu's voices were getting louder and louder.

Leng Ling'er on the side didn't dare to stay here any longer.

She looked at the two people who seemed to be about to quarrel, and swallowed her saliva for a moment.

This! Is this a quarrel between husband and wife!

No, no, I'm just a senior high school student, can I really watch this?

Leng Ling'er covered her eyes with her hands, but couldn't help peeking through her fingers.

I saw.

Gu Yan took a deep breath and said to Leng Qingqiu sincerely:"Qingqiu, I'm sorry, I have a female friend named Wang Yulan"

"Her mother was in a car accident and was hospitalized. She happened to be in Jianghai Hospital, which my family owned."

"I have to go visit her out of both emotion and reason. She has suffered a lot. Her father died when she was young, and her mother was in a car accident half a year ago and has become a vegetable in the hospital."

"She had to work several jobs a day and borrowed money from relatives and friends to allow her mother to continue receiving treatment."

"I just found out about this yesterday. I don't want to hide it from you, Qingqiu."

"I paid off her debts because she couldn't afford to pay the millions of medical bills."

"But her mother is a very good teacher, I don't want.....Just watched her mother die because she couldn't pay the medical bills."

���I don't want to......I won't do this, which is a piece of cake for me."

"I'm sorry Qingqiu, I didn't want to tell you this because I was afraid you might misunderstand me......."

"However, I still want to explain to you why I came back so late."

Gu Yan's reason stunned Leng Qingqiu and Leng Ling'er.

Leng Ling'er looked at Gu Yan. For some reason, he seemed to have the aura of a saint.

She was in tears........I thought you were a bad guy, but you turned out to be a good guy!

Leng Qingqiu was also stunned. She didn't expect it to be like this.

For a moment, she felt a little embarrassed and said hesitantly,""

Leng Qingqiu was speechless. She simply lowered her head and said weakly,"I'm sorry.....I have no idea...."

Before he finished speaking,

Gu Yan interrupted him and said,"It doesn't matter!"

He looked at Leng Qingqiu lovingly, and when the other party was stunned,

Gu Yan said loudly,"Qingqiu like this! I like her too!"

"Qingqiu! I love you so much!"

"I inhale, inhale, inhale!!!"

Gu Yan buried his head in Leng Qingqiu's arms and began to inhale fiercely.

"Ah! What are you doing! Ling'er is still watching here!"

The misunderstanding was resolved, and Leng Qingqiu's heart was pounding because of Gu Yan's sudden action.

Oh no, I can't be too excited. What if Gu Yan hears my fast heartbeat?

"She is a child and doesn’t understand."

Leng Ling’er:"???"

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