"I went back to Qingqiu"

"Oh, just go ahead, why are you telling me?"

"Haha, I like you like this, Qingqiu"


Leng Qingqiu was furious at Gu Yan, who had already driven away before she could teach him a lesson.

Listening to the sound of the car that had already driven away, she shook her head helplessly.

No, no, Qingqiu.

Why can't you control your emotions every time in front of this man?

You are the king of [Night].

As a king, you shouldn't let so many emotions gather in one body.

This will affect your judgment in doing many things.


Leng Qingqiu covered his chest with his hands, his expression becoming very complicated......Did you really fall in love with Gu Yan?

If not, how can you prove what happened today?

When Gu Yan didn't come, she was extremely nervous and uneasy. She was afraid that he had done something to let her down outside.

But when he came back, she felt a joy that she couldn't even imagine.

Why, just because Gu Yan stayed by her side? ?

She could feel happy just because of this?

It's so hateful, why is this happening, I shouldn't be this kind of person.

Leng Qingqiu took a deep breath and calmed herself down, no no no.

Maybe this is not actually [love], but another kind of emotion.

Like a master and a slave? Yes, it must be this kind!

Because he is the King of the Night, he cannot tolerate the betrayal of his subordinates.

That's why he felt uneasy about Gu Yan not staying by her side to report matters.

It's not because of some ridiculous reason like liking Gu Yan.

Leng Qingqiu's expression became extremely confident, and she felt that she had found the truth.

That's right........It must be like this!

And at this moment.

Leng Ling'er also rubbed her hands coldly and walked out of the house. When she saw Leng Qingqiu, she yelled:"Sister! Gu Yan said he would treat me to McDonald's. Do you want to eat it? I'll bring you some next time you go." When

Leng Qingqiu heard this, she exited the thinking mode and subconsciously frowned, saying:"Ling'er, I've told you so many times, Gu Yan is your brother-in-law, don't be so disrespectful to him, don't call him a jerk."

"Also, you should go to bed late tonight and finish your math problems before going to bed. The college entrance examination is coming soon, so you should be serious."

After saying that, regardless of Leng Ling'er's dull expression, Leng Qingqiu continued to think and walked into the house. His expression became extremely confident.

Huh~ So that's how it is, I understand everything. In fact, this is not because I like Gu Yan at all.

It is just to take away the Gu family in the future, so I stay with Gu Yan reluctantly as compensation.

What a ridiculous farce, how could I fall in love with Gu Yan.

After figuring out everything, Leng Qingqiu's mood became much better.

By the way, Gu Yan seemed to have said before leaving that he would also go to visit his friend's mother tomorrow.

Tsk....What a willful fellow.

Leng Qingqiu frowned slightly. Who is that female friend named Wang Yulan? Why did she always want Gu Yan to go with her?

Gu Yan had obviously helped her pay off her debts, but she still wanted him to do this and that for her? What a shameless person. No, I have to ask Mei Xue to check the situation.

With an unknown mood, Leng Qingqiu went upstairs with his crutches. Leng

Ling'er was left alone in a daze in the cold wind.

Woo ah ah ah!! Sister! You have changed!! You have become a stranger!!....................

The Leng family study.

The atmosphere at this time was a little weird.

Leng Qingqiu was sitting in front of the desk, and next to her stood Mei Xue, who had been observing the situation on the roof since just now.

Mei Xue's expression was very complicated. She saw her master come out in person to see Gu Yan off.

The way they get along made her feel very complicated.

Especially when she knew that Gu Yan was"making love" with another woman outside today, her mood became even more complicated.

Master, does she know that Gu Yan is looking for a woman outside? If she doesn't know, should she remind him?

Obviously, she can tell her master right now that Gu Yan has found another woman outside.

She is sure that if her master knew about this, she would ask her to kill Gu Yan as soon as possible.


Can...No, if she told her master, he would ask her to kill Gu Yan.

Then she would not get any news about her brother.

She couldn't do this......

But, if I don't tell her, would it be considered as betraying my master?

Mei Xue clenched her fists tightly, her expression was extremely complicated.

On one side was her brother, and on the other side was her master.

Mei Xue said that it was difficult for her to make a decision.

At this moment, Leng Qingqiu spoke:"Mei Xue"


Mei Xue was startled and replied quickly.

Leng Qingqiu ignored the other party's somewhat flustered tone, and continued:"Is Gu Yan with a person named Wang Yulan today?"!!

Mei Xue's heart was shocked, what?

The master knew?!

Mei Xue's eyes were flustered, and a drop of cold sweat flowed down her face.

The King of the Night is worthy of being the King of the Night. Can he know everything in the world even at home?!

Then I...What should I do?

Mei Xue clenched her fists and replied in a low voice:"Yes....of...."

Gu Yan, it's not that I don't cover for you, it's just that the master is too predictable.

Now, I'm not sure if I can save my life.

Leng Qingqiu was not surprised to hear that Mei Xue knew about it.

After all, she asked Mei Xue to investigate the factors that were unfavorable to Gu Yan in the Gu family, so it was normal for her to take a look at what Gu Yan was doing.

Then, the question came.

"Gu Yanta....What are you doing with that woman?"

Leng Qingqiu was a little nervous when she asked this question. It's not that she didn't believe Gu Yan, it was because of that kind of mentality.

���After you ask a question to one person and get the answer, you will still choose to ask the second person the same question.

When the answers are consistent, you will be completely relieved.

What to do?

Mei Xue was silent, her heart was extremely tangled.

Should I tell her? Or not?

Should I tell her about Gu Yan hugging that woman?

Is the master testing my loyalty? But what if he is not, and I tell everything, won’t Gu Yan be dead?

Will I not get any news about my brother?

Mei Xue was caught in a brainstorming session, but soon, a trace of determination appeared in her eyes. No, she wanted to take a gamble.

"Master, Gu Yan went to Jianghai Hospital to visit Wang Yulan's mother"

"During this time, he sent his housekeeper to pick up Miss Ling'er."

"Then I will continue to visit Wang Yulan's mother at night."

After Mei Xue finished speaking, her body was shaking.

She didn't lie, but there were many details that she didn't tell.

For example, Gu Yan specially arranged actors to surround Wang Yulan, and she rescued the beauty at the last moment.

Another example is that Gu Yan personally sent Wang Yulan home, etc.

But in order to prevent the master from killing Gu Yan, she chose to conceal some key things.

Next...We can only leave it to fate.

One second passed, two seconds passed, three seconds passed.

Leng Qingqiu didn't speak, and Mei Xue lowered her head and dared not speak.

She was afraid in her heart, was the master angry?

But what she didn't expect was.

On Leng Qingqiu's side, after hearing Mei Xue's words were the same as Gu Yan's, she felt more comfortable for some reason. Even the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly, but she quickly suppressed it.

After all, Mei Xue is still here.

Thinking of this, she avoided the topic and said,"Okay, is there any progress on the Dragon King Palace?"

"How strong is the so-called young master of the Dragon King Palace?"

Leng Qingqiu will not forget his revenge just because he is with Gu Yan.

Hearing that Leng Qingqiu did not continue to ask about Gu Yan, Mei Xue felt relieved.

She quickly replied:"Master, Xiao Lin is now working as a security guard at Tianye Pharmaceutical. Because Tianye Pharmaceutical is about to go bankrupt, many people gathered in front of the company to make trouble."

"I have sent someone to take advantage of the chaos tomorrow morning to test the other party's background."

Hearing this, Leng Qingqiu nodded, but why is Tianye Medicine so familiar?

"Whose company is Tianye Pharmaceutical?"

"The master is from the Shen family, and is currently headed by the eldest daughter of the Shen family, Shen Wan'er."

Oh, it's her.

Hearing this name,

Leng Qingqiu's expression became extremely cold.

No one knew what she was thinking. After a long time, she said lightly:"Go down."

Mei Xue was as if she had been pardoned, and said:"Yes!"

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