Gu's house.

In the bedroom on the fifth floor.

Gu Yan's parents were looking out the window with binoculars with serious expressions.

When they saw a black car coming quickly from a distance,

Gu Tianming was relieved. He put down the binoculars and complained to his wife beside him:"Murong, look at this"

"This brat has been coming back later and later lately, and I don't know where he has been fooling around."

Su Murong also put down the telescope. After hearing what the bastard said, she looked at him kindly:"Yanyan is Yanyan, you are you"

"I haven't come to you to settle the score for what happened between you and Mr. Liu from Xinxin Technology today."

"Liu Shuqi's face is almost sticking to yours!"

Su Murong stretched out his hand, pinched Gu Tianming's face, and threatened:"You have a good relationship with Mr. Liu, how come I don't know that you and my best friend know each other?"

Gu Tianming was sweating:"Mr....My dear wife, you are wronged! I was negotiating a contract at that time, how could I know that she came over! I swear I only love you!"

"Haha, I don't care. I'm very unhappy. Don't sleep in the bedroom tonight."


As for Gu Yan, he returned home humming a song.

However, as soon as he entered the house, he saw his old father sitting on the sofa on the first floor, looking depressed. Gu Yan's mouth twitched, and he shook his head helplessly:"Dad, I told you not to make Mom angry. Look, you can only sleep on the first floor, right?"

Hearing this, Gu Tianming looked at Gu Yan shamelessly:"You stinky boy! You still have the nerve to blame me? You forget about home after you have a wife. Look at what time it is!"

Gu Tianming thought, if I can't cure Su Murong, can I not cure you? ?

Gu Yan curled his lips after hearing this:"For young people, the nightlife has just begun at this time, but Dad, you may be a little bit short."

After saying this.

Gu Tianming was so angry that his mouth was crooked:"You mean I'm old? ? You stinky boy......You! Don't leave!"

"Hehe, Dad, you'd better stay on the first floor and reflect on your mistakes! I'm going to sleep on the big bed!"

Gu Yan laughed and ran upstairs directly.

Gu Tianming looked at Gu Yan who slipped away, and sat back on the sofa angrily.

He took a blanket and cursed in a low voice:"This brat is really grown up and doesn't fear his father anymore."

However, as he cursed, Gu Tianming's expression softened.

However, how long has it been since we talked like this?

It has been several years.

Gu Tianming thought in a daze, his son has really grown up........................

As for Gu Yan, after washing up, he lay down on the big soft bed he hadn't seen for a long time.

Recalling his interactions with Leng Qingqiu, the fatigue of the day seemed to be eliminated.

Thinking of Leng Qingqiu's face, he couldn't help laughing.

Gu Yan hugged a pillow and wrestled with it:"Qingqiu Qingqiu, haha ..........."

He was very happy because he could feel that Qingqiu loved him more today than ever before.

Hey, how did Gu Yan feel that?

Well, it was purely a man's sixth sense.

"Oh, system, check my pure love points."

Gu Yan called the system while lying on the bed.

The next second.


A panel appeared.

【Pure Love Points: 312 points]

Seeing this number, Gu Yan smiled even happier.

Very good!

Then it should be enough to exchange for that prop.

And considering the time, Shen Wan'er should come to beg for mercy soon.

Gu Yan clicked on the prop interface.

Then he found a prop worth 300 points.

【Detoxification Water】

【Price: 300 points】

【Introduction: This is an assassination potion developed by an ancient assassination family with great effort. Due to its extremely cruel methods, this family survived for only a few years before being destroyed by righteous people.】

【Effect: After the user takes it, the cultivation of the person with whom he has deep communication will be completely destroyed!! ]

After reading the introduction and confirming that there is no problem, Gu Yan chose to exchange it.

The next second, a small purple bottle appeared in Gu Yan's hand.

He took it in his hand, and the prompt message [Destroying Power Water] automatically appeared on it

"Haha, the biggest guarantee is here."

Gu Yan's mouth corners slightly raised, and a hint of playfulness appeared in his eyes.

Although the means are despicable, as long as it can deal with Xiao Lin, then everything is worth it.

That's right, this bottle of power-killing water is colorless and tasteless, and the person who takes it will not have any problems, but once someone has in-depth communication with the person who takes it.......

So.....The person being communicated with will have their meridians completely severed, and their cultivation will be completely lost!! This is the most vicious way of assassination!


Gu Yan showed a bad expression. According to the plot,

Xiao Lin should have met Shen Wan'er by now. If nothing unexpected happened, he would have been deeply attracted by Shen Wan'er's appearance and temperament.

But this was exactly what he wanted.

"I'm really looking forward to your expression of falling from heaven to hell, Xiao Lin."

Gu Yan smiled maliciously, then put away the power-killing water.

Go to sleep! Improve the favorability with Wang Yulan early tomorrow! Then go and get close to Qingqiu!

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