The next morning.

Yulin Community, Wang Yulan's home.

After a night, Wang Yulan felt that what she said to Xiao Lin last night was really too much.

So in the morning, her attitude towards Xiao Lin was slightly softened.

After all, judging from the fact that Xiao Lin had helped her drive away the gangsters before, Xiao Lin was a helpful and kind person.

The reason why she slandered Gu Yan last night was probably because she was afraid of being deceived.

She was also too impulsive and said too much.

"Beautiful sister, are you still going to work today?"

"Do you want me to take you there? My boss gave us a small electric scooter for transportation."

Xiao Lin also felt that Wang Yulan's attitude towards him had become much gentler than last night, so he also smiled.


Wang Yulan paused for a moment after hearing this.

Because her workplace is quite far from here, she usually walks to the bus stop to take the bus.

But if she takes an electric car, it only takes about 20 minutes.

Thinking of this, Wang Yulan asked hesitantly:"But Xiao Lin, if you give me a ride, won't you be late for work? Today should be your second day at work, right?" Hearing this, Xiao Lin's face lit up, great, the beautiful sister seems to want me to give her a ride!

At that time, the other party will sit in the back seat, and then stick to me as the speed increases.

And then this and that, hehehe~~

"No, no, our boss is a very nice person!"

"I think it must be because I am so charming and handsome that the boss gave me an electric donkey because he liked me!"

Xiao Lin touched his nose and smiled.

Speaking of the boss, Shen Wan'er's image popped up in his mind again.

The other party was simply growing on his G-spot

"So, okay?"

"Thank you, Xiao Lin."

Hearing this, Wang Yulan nodded in agreement.

Haha! Great!

Xiao Lin appeared calm on the surface, but he was laughing wildly inside.

In less than a moment, downstairs in the community.

Xiao Lin walked in front, turned back and said,"Beautiful sister, let me tell you, our boss is a great beauty and a very nice person!"

"On my first day at work, I helped her solve some troublesome people, so she valued me very much!"

Wang Yulan thought it was nothing at first, but after hearing what Xiao Lin said about troublesome people,......

This made her feel a little uncomfortable.

People are equal, and there are reasons for making trouble. How can there be such a thing as a troublemaker?

For a moment, she had no interest in listening to what Xiao Lin said next.

Xiao Lin also noticed that Wang Yulan didn't seem to want to continue listening, and he smiled awkwardly.

Just when he was about to end the topic.


He saw that Wang Yulan's expression gradually became surprised, and there was even a little happiness in that surprise.

What's going on?

Xiao Lin was stunned, and he looked in the direction of Wang Yulan's gaze.

He saw.

A luxury car parked at the gate of the community.

At the same time, a handsome and extraordinary man walked down

"Hi~ Good morning, Sister Yulan."

Gu Yan leaned against the car, stretched out his hand and greeted Wang Yulan with a smile.

He was wearing a fashionable gray coat today, a turtleneck sweater inside, and a pair of slim jeans.

With his good looks and temperament, as well as the blessing of martial arts, his body has become more muscular. It directly made Wang Yulan's heart beat faster.

When she heard what Gu Yan said, she also quickened her pace, passed Xiao Lin and walked in front of Gu Yan.

With a happy expression, she asked in a surprised tone:"Why are you here?"

Gu Yan shrugged and smiled:"I remember Sister Yulan, you said that the place where you worked in the morning was far away from your home."

"Well, I just happened to have nothing to do, so I came over to give you a ride."

When Wang Yulan heard this, she covered her mouth and smiled:"Are you serious? You came all the way here. Have you had breakfast?"

"No, I'm afraid I'll miss Sister Yulan after eating."

" have to eat breakfast, by the way!"

Wang Yulan thought of something and took out a wrapped rice ball from the sack. She handed it to Gu Yan:"Here you go."

Gu Yan took the rice ball, looked at Wang Yulan's expectant eyes, and asked jokingly:"This rice ball was not made by you, Sister Yulan, right?"

Hearing this, Wang Yulan was a little embarrassed:"Yeah, what's the matter, you think I didn't taste good so you don't want to eat it?"

"Haha, how could that be!"

Gu Yan laughed and pretended to want to eat.

He seemed to have discovered something, as if he had just seen Xiao Lin behind Wang Yulan.

He pretended to be surprised and asked:"Sister Yulan, who is this person behind you?........"

Xiao Lin had been standing in the back without saying a word since just now.

His face became extremely ugly the moment Gu Yan appeared.

He clenched his fists tightly, and looked at Gu Yan who was talking and laughing with Wang Yulan with jealousy and anger.

Damn rich people......

Xiao Lin looked at Wang Yulan, who became extremely happy because of Gu Yan's arrival, with a very unwilling heart.

The conversation between the other party and Gu Yan seemed very natural, and Wang Yulan also acted very happy.

Gu Yan's clothes looked very expensive, and Wang Yulan's clothes were washed and faded but very clean.

Only he, because he didn't care about these things before, still wore the dirty and torn clothes he wore in the mountains.

Originally, he didn't think there was anything wrong with his clothes, after all, he had been wearing them in the mountains.

But now he felt that he seemed to be very out of tune with the two of them.

Xiao Lin was a little angry and depressed. Looking at it this way, he seemed to be an outsider.

It was really hateful.

When Wang Yulan heard what Gu Yan said, she realized that Xiao Lin was behind her.

Not knowing whether she was afraid that Gu Yan would misunderstand or what, she hurriedly explained, feeling a little flustered:"Well, this is a friend who helped me before"

"Because there was no place to stay when he came to Jianghai for the first time, I let him stay in the attic of my house."

As for Xiao Lin, he felt even more unhappy with Gu Yan when he heard Wang Yulan trying to explain.

He stared at Gu Yan, and without waiting for Wang Yulan to introduce his name, he walked forward, raised his head slightly, and said in a cold voice:"My name is Xiao Lin."

Gu Yan glanced at the original hero in front of him and felt a little funny.

The other party was indeed the same as in the original book, a brainless and hot-blooded young man.

Impulsive and irritable, if it weren't for the protagonist's halo, I'm afraid he would have died countless times at the hands of Leng Qingqiu.

Wang Yulan saw that Xiao Lin's attitude was wrong, and she pulled Xiao Lin:"Xiao Lin, what are you doing."

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