Wang Yulan was a little worried that Gu Yan would be angry about this, but to her surprise,

Gu Yan shook his head, stretched out his hand to Xiao Lin, and said kindly,"Hello, Xiao Lin, my name is Gu Yan."

"Since you are Sister Yulan's friend, you are also my friend."

Wang Yulan was relieved when she saw this.

It was great that Gu Yan was not angry. She was afraid that the two of them would cause a conflict, and then she would not know who to help.

However, after such a comparison, Wang Yulan's impression of Gu Yan became better.

Xiao Lin also saw that Wang Yulan's eyes looking at Gu Yan became gentler.

He was angry in his heart, damn it!

Xiao Lin looked up at Gu Yan. Although the other party's expression was smiling.

However, he, who had been practicing and fighting with beasts in the mountains for many years, could clearly perceive it.

Under Gu Yan's smiling expression, there was a more creepy malice hidden than those man-eating beasts!

That's right, Xiao Lin was extremely alert in his heart. From the moment he met Gu Yan,

Xiao Lin could feel the obvious intention directed at him.

Although the other party tried his best to conceal it, he still noticed the strong malicious aura.

This man........Very dangerous.

Xiao Lin gave this evaluation to Gu Yan.

The other party's purpose of approaching Wang Yulan must be impure!


He looked at the hand Gu Yan stretched out. Since you want to die, don't blame me for giving you a hard time!

Thinking of this, Xiao Lin also stretched out his hand and shook it. He stared at Gu Yan and said in a cold tone,"Your name is Gu Yan, right? I don't want to be friends with you."

"But I advise you to put away your little thoughts and stay away from Yulan."

When Gu Yan heard this, he showed a very surprised expression:"What are you talking about? My own little thoughts?"

His expression became a little awkward, and Gu Yan looked at Wang Yulan, who also looked unhappy:"That...Sister Yulan, did your friend misunderstand something?"

"Should I explain it?"

Wang Yulan shook her head after hearing this. She took a deep breath and said to Xiao Lin in a heavier tone:"Xiao Lin!"

"Gu Yan is my mother’s student, what hidden thoughts could he have towards me!"

"What you said is really disrespectful! Xiao Lin! Apologize to me!"

Apologize? To this man?

Xiao Lin listened to Wang Yulan's words, and a surge of anger surged in his heart.

He gritted his teeth and stared at Gu Yan. This man......

You actually used this kind of acting to deceive Sister Yulan?

Fine, fine, in that case, I'll teach you a lesson!

Thinking of this, Xiao Lin held Gu Yan's hand and exerted a little force.

He held it tighter and tighter.

On Gu Yan's side, he felt that Xiao Lin was gradually exerting force on his hand.

However, it was as if some energy was blocking this grip, so Gu Yan didn't feel anything.

However, for the sake of the plan, he pretended to change his face, and said with a painful expression:"Brother Xiao Lin, you...Let go"

"You're holding it too hard.......hiss......"

Gu Yan's face was pale, his body twisted and crawling against the car door, but Xiao Lin didn't let go.

When Xiao Lin saw the other party's miserable appearance, the depression in his heart was swept away.

Hahahaha!! Serves him right! Ordinary people should act like ordinary people!

How can ordinary people be compared with a genius like me? ?

At the same time, Wang Yulan was frightened to death when she saw Gu Yan like this. She quickly ran to Gu Yan and held his arm.

Then she shouted at Xiao Lin, who was still holding Gu Yan's hand and even had a gradually smiling expression:"Xiao Lin!! Let go quickly!"

"Are you going to kill Gu Yan?"

Xiao Lin quickly let go when he heard this, knowing that he had gotten into trouble.

Gu Yan was an ordinary person after all, and if he held his hand, the other person's hand bones would most likely be broken.

However, seeing Wang Yulan defending Gu Yan so much, he felt even more unhappy and said,"Sister Yulan, don't keep defending him."

"This man named Gu Yan is a scumbag. The stench of bad guys on him almost makes me vomit!"

"You don't............"


The sound stopped abruptly.

Plop! Plop!

Xiao Lin felt his brain swelling and his cheeks burning.

What?...What happened?

I was beaten?

He looked at Wang Yulan in disbelief.

She saw that the other party was still raising her right hand to slap his left face. Wang Yulan's eyes were red and tears flowed from her eyes.

She looked at Xiao Lin who was slapped by her with disappointment and said,"Xiao Lin, you are too much."


I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. I really misjudged you....I didn't.

Gu Yan is really a bad guy.

Yulan, you will definitely be miserable if you stay with him.

Xiao Lin's expression was a little dull. He couldn't believe that the beautiful sister would say such a thing to him.

"Xiao Lin, I am very grateful that you saved me before"


But, I ca n't let you insult my mother's students like this.....I didn't insult....

Xiao Lin stretched out his hand, wanting to explain something.

However, he saw Gu Yan's face from the corner of his eye........

A hint of evil sneer appeared.

That sarcastic look that did not hide its true face at all......... boom!!

"Ugh! You hypocritical fellow! Get away from Yulan!"

"Go to hell!"

Xiao Lin was instantly overwhelmed by anger, and rushed towards Gu Yan with his fists waving.

Seeing this, Wang Yulan screamed in fear:"Xiao Lin, what are you doing!!"

Without time to think, Wang Yulan rushed over and blocked Gu Yan.



Xiao Lin's fist didn't hit Gu Yan, but hit.....


"Why did you do that?"

Xiao Lin looked palely at Wang Yulan who was standing in front of Gu Yan.

The other party suddenly rushed out. Although he tried to reduce the force in a hurry, he did hit Wang Yulan on the back.

The other party was an ordinary person, and he took a punch from him........

"Yu...Yulan, are you okay?!"

Xiao Lin walked forward with a trembling body and wanted to check Wang Yulan's injuries.



Gu Yan stretched out his hand and slapped Xiao Lin's hand away.

His originally pale face disappeared, and was replaced by an indignant and angry expression:"Look at what you have done!!"

"You bastard! I didn't expect that Sister Yulan would have a scumbag like you around her!"

"Sister Yulan, Sister Yulan, are you okay?"

Gu Yan hurriedly supported Wang Yulan, whose body was trembling and whose face was pale.

"No..It's okay..."

Wang Yulan took a breath while enduring the severe pain. She pulled Gu Yan's arm and turned around with a pale face to look at Xiao Lin.

Seeing that the other party was pale and flustered, she shook her head weakly and said in a disappointed tone:"Xiao Lin, you should move out of my house today."

"I can't let someone like you live in my house."

Wang Yulan's good impression of Xiao Lin disappeared at this moment.

She was too disappointed with Xiao Lin.

What's the difference between this punch and murder?

Fortunately, it hit her. Looking at him, the punch was obviously aimed at Gu Yan's face.

Such a dangerous person, I must not let him stay with me again.

"Sister Yulan, I'll take you to the hospital."

Gu Yan helped Wang Yulan get into the car, and at the same time he felt very funny.......

This progress is so fast, like a tornado, I can't even imagine it.~~~


When Xiao Lin heard this, he froze. He stretched out his hand and wanted to explain something......

Wang Yulan had already gotten into the car with Gu Yan.


The car started and disappeared from Xiao Lin's sight in an instant.

He stood there blankly, not understanding what he had done wrong.

He just wanted his beautiful sister not to stay with that dangerous man.

"I....What I did wrong...."

Xiao Lin muttered to himself.

At this time, in the dark,

Mei Xue watched the whole process with a frown.

She looked at Xiao Lin, who was standing there with his head down, speechless.

Is this the future heir of the Dragon King Palace?

How could he suffer such a big blow because of a woman?

However, Gu Yan is really amazing. He can make the heir of the Dragon King Palace burst his mentality without wasting any soldiers.


Mei Xue shook her head. Gu Yan didn't know that this person was the young master of the Dragon King Palace. It was really an accident.....It seems that this young master is just so-so, so it’s okay to let his subordinates test it casually, right?

Mei Xue thought of this and disappeared from here.

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