Jianghai Hospital.

Single luxury ward


On the hospital bed, Wang Yulan slowly opened her eyes.

She looked at the unfamiliar ceiling, feeling a little dazed.

Wang Yulan remembered that she seemed to have lost consciousness in the middle of the procedure because of the excessive pain.

Was she in the hospital? Did

Gu Yan send me here?

"Are you feeling better?"

At this moment, the voice that made her feel relieved rang out from the side.

Wang Yulan turned her head and saw Gu Yan sitting on a chair, looking at her with worried eyes.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yulan felt warm in her heart, and she shook her head:"It's okay...."

As she spoke, her eyes dimmed:"I'm sorry, I didn't expect Xiao Lin to be this kind of person."

Wang Yulan felt extremely guilty when she said this, as if she had almost put Gu Yan in danger.

If Gu Yan was beaten by Xiao Lin in front of her, she would probably never forgive herself for the rest of her life.

Hearing this, Gu Yan shook his head and said,"It's okay for me, but you, you fainted in the car after being attacked by that dangerous guy."

"The doctor said that the back is connected to various organs and nerves in the human body. Fortunately, Xiao Lin, the scumbag, finally stopped exerting force, otherwise I'm afraid......"

Wang Yulan saw that Gu Yan didn't say anything more, and she realized how dangerous it was.

When she thought about how she had brushed shoulders with death, Wang Yulan felt a little scared.

"But don't worry, Sister Yulan, I have called the police, and they will catch that scumbag."

"He will get the punishment he deserves."

Gu Yan smiled.


Wang Yulan was stunned. Yes, we still have laws.

Such a dangerous person must not be allowed to go unpunished.

"Well, and mine....."

Wang Yulan nodded, she seemed to have thought of something, with some hesitation on her face.

Seeing this, Gu Yan said in a reassuring tone:"It's okay, I've already talked to the place where you work."

"You can just rest and recuperate these days."

Wang Yulan felt relieved when she heard this, but she still shook her head:"No, it's expensive to stay in the hospital here. I'm much better now, Gu Yan, I want to go through the discharge procedures."

In order to save money for her mother's hospitalization, Wang Yulan usually used her body to fight against illness.

As she said this, she also wanted to stand up, but when she moved, her wound was affected.


The severe pain made her face turn pale.

Gu Yan quickly held down the other party:"Sister Yulan, don't move. Money is not a problem. The most important thing for you now is to have a good rest!"

"No, no, I...I...."

Wang Yulan wanted to struggle and shook her head anxiously. She wanted to say that she didn't have that much money.

And she didn't want Gu Yan to spend money on her.

Seeing this, Gu Yan smiled helplessly. He pretended to be afraid of you and said,"Okay, okay, since that's the case,"

"Sister Yulan, can you just consider it as you owe me this money?"

"How about you pay me back slowly when you make money later?"

Wang Yulan was slightly startled when she heard this.

Looking at Gu Yan's sincere eyes, she knew that he was really worried about her health, and besides, he had already said this, so she couldn't refuse no matter what.

So Wang Yulan nodded and said softly,"Okay."

Time passed by, and Gu Yan looked at the time and felt that it was time to go.

He looked at Wang Yulan and smiled,"Okay, Sister Yulan, you rest assured, I'll leave first"

"If you have any problem, just call the medical staff. I have already recharged your lunch money. You don't need to worry about anything now."

"Just rest quietly."

"By the way, I put your personal belongings on the chair next to you."

Listening to Gu Yan's concern for her, Wang Yulan felt warm inside.

"Well, go ahead and do your work. I'm fine here."

Wang Yulan nodded.

Gu Yan left the ward.

And Wang Yulan's eyes became softer.

Gu Yan.....

It seemed like she hadn't felt such a warm feeling for a long time.

That's right.

Wang Yulan seemed to have thought of something, and reached out to pick up her sack.

She took out a still warm rice ball from it.

Feeling the temperature on it, she breathed a sigh of relief.

In order to save money, lunch was also made of rice balls made from last night's leftovers.

She prepared two for herself, but gave the other one to Gu Yan.

"Breakfast has to be delicious."

Wang Yulan held the rice ball in her hand, with a hint of happiness on her lips.

I wonder if it suits Gu Yan's appetite?...........

As for Gu Yan, he left the hospital calmly. He started to plan the next step in his mind.

Wang Yulan's favorability should have reached a bottleneck.

If he wants to make a breakthrough, he can only wait for the next plot node.

Before that, he has to find another female protagonist who will help the protagonist Xiao Lin in the future.

Thinking of this.

Gu Yan took out his phone and dialed, saying:"Hello, is this Uncle Chen?"

"Oh, it's like this. This morning, a vicious wounding incident occurred at the entrance of Yulin Community."

"A friend of mine was beaten by a man named Xiao Lin and was hospitalized"

"The injury is serious"

"They will be caught soon, right? Okay, thank you Uncle Chen, I will come to see you next time when I am free!"


After the phone was hung up, he sat back in the luxury car humming a song.

Sometimes he just couldn't understand.

Why in many novels, things that can be solved by law, your group of villains have to rush forward mindlessly.

According to the law, the male protagonists in urban novels are mostly violent elements.

Now is a civilized society, of course everyone has to deal with things in a civilized way.


The status of warriors in this world is higher than that of ordinary people, and some are even above the law.

Even if Xiao Lin goes in, he will probably come out soon.

But Gu Yan is very happy to disgust Xiao Lin.

The car started.

At this time, Gu Yan saw something out of the corner of his eye.

It was a rice ball.

He smiled, not knowing what he was thinking.

Then when he drove to a trash can, he threw the rice ball in.

I don't eat rice balls...............

Tianye Pharmaceutical Technology.

At this time, a group of former employees gathered at the door to ask for an explanation.

They held banners and shouted angrily with a loudspeaker.

"Give me back my hard-earned money!"

"Tianye Medical Technology is not a human being! They deceived us!!"

"Pay back the money! Pay back the money!"

"I haven't received my salary for two months! Don't even think about running away!"

""Pay back the money! Pay back the money!"

Inside the security room,

Zhang Qing looked anxiously at Xiao Lin, who was sitting in a chair with a dull look on his face.

"Xiao Lin, get out quickly!"

"This group of people have already surrounded us!"

Zhang Qing didn't know what happened to Xiao Lin. He was fine yesterday, why did he look like this today?

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