
"You said Xiao Lin refused to leave?"

Shen Wan'er listened to the report, and a wave of anger suddenly emerged on her face.

What's wrong with this new security guard?

Wasn't he talking to him peacefully yesterday? Why did this happen today?

Damn it, it turns out that no man can be trusted.

Shen Wan'er looked grim.

""Boss Shen! Look!"

At this moment, Zhang Qing seemed to see something from the French window, and suddenly shouted in panic.

Shen Wan'er had a bad feeling in her heart, and hurried over to look down.

Suddenly, her face turned pale.

She saw that the mob who were originally protesting with protest signs downstairs of the company actually broke through the railings and rushed in.

Those security guards were no match for them at all.

According to the situation, they would rush to the company building soon.

"Mr. Shen, what should we do?"

Zhang Qing is just a secretary. How could she have seen such a scene?

Shen Wan'er took a breath and pretended to be calm. She shook her head, and a trace of determination appeared in her eyes:"It's come to this......"

She clenched her fists tightly.

Shen Wan'er was extremely entangled and resisted.

She had imagined that Gu Yan was just doing this to attract her attention.

So she never went to see him since that day.

But now it seems that if she doesn't go to see him, she will........

I don't know how the irrational mob will treat me....Too unwilling...

Just a Gu Yan...

Shen Wan'er clenched her fists, her eyes showing great unwillingness.

She had originally thought that she could rely on that good fighting security guard to delay for a while.

But now it seems that these security guards are really unreliable!

"Mr. Shen...."

Zhang Qing looked at Shen Wan'er with worry. She realized that her boss seemed to be about to do something that would make her feel extremely annoyed.

Shen Wan'er finished thinking and said seriously,"Zhang Qing, let's go down."

"Ah ? Mr. Shen? Go down?"

Zhang Qing was dumbfounded. There were a bunch of rioters down there who hadn't received their salary for two months and had learned that the company was going to go bankrupt.....

"It doesn't matter, if everything goes well, the company will be back to normal tomorrow."

Shen Wan'er shook her head and sighed softly.

Zhang Qing didn't understand this, but she believed in her boss, and for a moment, her mood was no longer so depressed.

She smiled and said,"Okay!".........

"Give me back my money!"

"Tianye Pharmaceutical is not a human being!"

"Shen Wan'er is a big liar!"

Inside the security room.

Xiao Lin lowered his head and thought about how to expose Gu Yan's true face in front of the beautiful sister.

He was no longer in the mood to deal with these voices outside.

And at this moment

"Everyone! Please listen to me! I am Shen Waner!"

"Something went wrong with the company! So it caused some bad effects!"

"This also gave some villains the opportunity to lead the trend!"

"But it doesn’t matter! Please believe me! At the latest by the end of this month! The company will resume normal business!"

"And the wages owed to you can be repaid!!"

A voice came from outside that shocked Xiao Lin.

This voice was....

Mr. Shen?!

Xiao Lin's face lit up, and he ran excitedly to the security room and looked outside.

The plan that he had just thought of in his mind, how to expose Gu Yan's true face in front of the beautiful sister, completely disappeared.

Shen Wan'er also saw the new security guard Xiao Lin who came out of the security room.

She rolled her eyes in her heart.

This group of dogs hide when something happens, and in the end they have to show up themselves! When the people who just wanted to get their salaries and didn't want to make a big deal heard this, they looked at each other.

They are all ordinary people, in their opinion.

Tianye Pharmaceutical is a company with a large scale and output value in Jianghai City.

It is impossible for it to go bankrupt and run away.

It's just because the person in charge has not shown up, so they are unsure.

And now, Tianye Pharmaceutical's boss Shen Wan'er has shown up, and they naturally put down their anxiety and worries.

For a while, the tense atmosphere began to disappear.

They put down their protest banners one by one

"Mr. Shen! It's not that we don't trust you! But you must keep your word!"

"Yes, we have old people above us and young children below us!"

"The company is not really going to go bankrupt, is it?"

Listening to the questions in front of her,

Shen Wan'er explained patiently with a gentle expression:"Everyone, since I am standing here, then everything I say is true."

"You can go back and wait for your salary to arrive."

Speaking of this, Shen Wan'er also made a little joke to ease the atmosphere:"During this period, you can just take it as a holiday."

After this, everyone put aside their doubts and smiled for a while.

Xiao Lin looked at this scene, and his eyes were full of admiration.

Hehe..My boss is so handsome....

I like this kind of city woman....

At this time.

Under the big tree where the whole view can be seen from a distance.

Mei Xue frowned as she saw that things were about to end:"Gu Yan, why don't you let me take action?" Seeing this, Gu Yan shook his head and said in an inexplicable tone:"You have to take action, but not now."

"Wait until night, then you will have a chance to make a move."

"But now, it's not impossible to show you Xiao Lin's strength."

Gu Yan turned his eyes slightly and said,"Let your shadow slaves attack Shen Wan'er.""


Mei Xue's face remained unchanged, but her heart skipped a beat.

Gu Yan actually knew her ability?!


Mei Xue suppressed her shock and asked in confusion:"Attacking Shen Wan'er? That's not you........."

Before she finished speaking, she felt cold sweat all over her body.���Yan was looking at her with a calm and indifferent look.

But just this look made her feel extremely frightened and panicked.

She quickly lowered her head, shocked.

Mei Xue couldn't believe it. She seemed to see the momentum of her master when he wanted to kill someone in Gu Yan.

But soon the coldness disappeared, and Gu Yan put on a smile again:"Don't insult me, Miss Mei~"

"I am........Pure love."

Pure love?

Mei Xue didn't know what pure love meant, but she knew that Gu Yan must be in danger.

Suppressing the inexplicable panic in her heart, Mei Xue took off the cloth covering her eyes.

Revealing her black eyes, she looked in the direction of Shen Wan'er:"Just attack her, right?"

Gu Yan nodded with a smile.

Seeing this, Mei Xue's eyes condensed, and a faint black halo appeared in her eyes.

I don't care what happens.....

As the ability was activated.

The next second.


Several people with strange looks in the crowd suddenly froze.

The next second

"Uh ah ah! Who would believe such nonsense as yours?!"

"Go to hell!"

A man with a scar on his face took out a spring dagger from his pocket and stabbed Shen Wan'er with a fierce look in his eyes.


Shen Wan'er was so frightened that her face turned pale and she screamed loudly.

The others also shouted in panic.

They just wanted to get their wages back, but they didn't think about causing a death!

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