Am I going to die?


I haven't enjoyed my life yet. I still have great ambitions.....

I want the company to go further.....

I also want.....

Shen Wan'er looked at the switchblade getting closer and closer to her. For a moment, she had a lot of thoughts in her mind.

Countless images emerged from her mind, including her family, friends, and even Gu Yan's figure.

But in the end, the picture was fixed on a back figure, that back figure that was like a star embracing the moon, the object of everyone's support and attention.

So envious....

Own....I haven't become someone like him yet......

""Boss Shen!"

Zhang Qing screamed in panic.

Goodbye, world.

Shen Wan'er gave up struggling and quietly waited for death to come.

However, the next second

"Give it to me! Get out of the way!"

A figure flashed out at the moment of a roar. He quickly and decisively broke into the intersection of Shen Wan'er and the switchblade.

He was wearing a security uniform, and his eyes revealed a strong anger.

But Scarface seemed not to see it. There was only one instruction in his eyes to attack Shen Wan'er.

Xiao Lin no longer hesitated, and acted quickly in the blink of an eye.


A punch hit Scarface's wrist.

Puff! Clang!

The spring dagger fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

And Scarface's wrist was also distorted by this angry punch.

And this is not over yet. Xiao Lin quickly punched and knocked down all the people who had a weird look from the beginning.


"Xiao Lin?!"

Shen Wan'er shouted out the name of the person in front of her in shock.

"Mr. Shen, are you okay?"

Xiao Lin quickly turned his head and stared at Shen Wan'er closely, his concerned eyes revealing deep worry.

Shen Wan'er was obviously frightened. She took a deep breath, suppressing her fear and feeling of surviving a disaster.

She looked at the man in front of her with gratitude:"Thank you."

Shen Wan'er was really excited at the moment. If there weren't so many people here, she would have cried out of fear.

Fortunately, there is this newly hired security guard.

When Xiao Lin heard this, he touched his nose a little embarrassedly and laughed,"No need to thank me, I'm glad you're okay.""

"Next time you encounter something like this, I will protect you well too!"

Hearing this,

Shen Wan'er nodded:"Okay, thank you Xiao Lin."

At the same time, she secretly thought in her heart that Xiao Lin is very strong, maybe he has practiced kung fu.

It is a waste for him to just be a security guard.

After these things are over, it seems that I have to let him be my personal bodyguard.

Xiao Lin was even more excited when he heard Shen Wan'er's thanks.


Mei Xue looked a little solemn:"Master....It's really strong."

Just now, Xiao Lin didn't even use any true qi or skills.

He relied purely on his own physical fitness.

You have to know that the person he transformed into a shadow slave has one tenth of his strength.

And the opponent's attack speed was also abnormally fast. Even she couldn't see the speed when he came from the security room to Shen Wan'er.

Gu Yan heard this, smiled lightly, and said in an inexplicable tone:"Otherwise, how can he be a master?"

"Okay, there's nothing for us to do next."

"Prepare for the action tonight. I will tell you the details then."

"This is just like....The first thing I ask you to do is..."

Looking at Gu Yan, who was smiling with his eyes narrowed,

Mei Xue was a little curious about what he wanted her to do that night....

"What do you mean we have nothing to do with it?"

Mei Xue asked in surprise.

The next second, a warning bell rang from a distance.

Mei Xue was stunned, then looked over.

She saw police cars quickly surrounding Tianye Pharmaceutical.

Policemen holding blast shields and guns quickly appeared.

?! Police?

Mei Xue was stunned, then looked at Gu Yan.

Seeing that he nodded slightly,

Mei Xue put away her confused eyes and continued to look at the company entrance.

No.....Big Brother....

This is a contest between warriors. Why did you call the police?....

Mei Xue had obviously never seen such an operation.

If the people in the ancient martial arts world knew about this, they would definitely laugh at them for the rest of their lives.

Gu Yan naturally didn't have so many rules. He looked at Mei Xue and said meaningfully,"Remove your ability."

Mei Xue was slightly startled when she heard this.

Removing the ability would.......Hiss, this guy is really bad.

Although Mei Xue doesn't like to let the secular organizations interfere, but Gu Yan said so........

With a thought, she was freed from the shadow slavery!

Inside the company.

Shen Wan'er obviously hadn't thought that the police would come here.

She whispered to Zhang Qing beside her,"Did you call the police?"

To be honest, she didn't want to call the police because of something she was wrong about, because that would only make the situation worse.


Zhang Qing shook her head in confusion.

Although Xiao Lin was a little confused, he didn't think much about it. It was just right that the police came.

They could arrest these knife-wielding gangsters.

The other people looked at each other. They looked at the people lying on the ground. Could it be that the police came to arrest these people?

Thinking of this, the people immediately made way for the police.

Outside, a female police officer in a police uniform came out.

She had a very beautiful face, and she exuded a righteous and heroic spirit.

As soon as she appeared, a policeman stepped forward and whispered:"Sister Chen, something else seems to have happened here."

"Should we go in and find out what happened first?"

Hearing this,

Chen Yingyin frowned slightly. She received a call from the public.

It said that the protagonist of the vicious injury incident in the morning was in Tianye Pharmaceutical.

Before this, she had gone to Jianghai Hospital and talked to the victim about the situation. After confirming that this incident really happened, she rushed over without stopping......

Chen Yingyin looked at the passage vacated by the crowd with some surprise. There were several people with knives lying in disorder over there.

Could they be the culprits of the wounding incident this morning?

"Come on, let's go over and check the situation."

Chen Yingyin waved her hand, and several policemen holding blast shields followed her.

In less than a moment,

Chen Yingyin arrived inside the company.

Several policemen walked over to Scarface and others and squatted down, and began to check their injuries.

Chen Yingyin and Shen Waner and others learned about the situation.

"Is that so?....."

Chen Yingyin frowned and looked at Xiao Lin who was standing aside absent-mindedly. She asked in a strange tone:"You said your name is Xiao Lin?"

How come this person has the same name as the person she wants to arrest?

But the other party just taught these knife-wielding gangsters a lesson, so he shouldn't be a bad person.

"Yes, what's wrong, officer?"

Xiao Lin heard Chen Yingyin calling him, so he looked up.

And this one glance, he was stunned.! What a beautiful woman.

Chen Yingyin frowned when she saw this look, and when she was about to ask something

""Sister Chen!! This is bad! These people are dead!"

A panicked voice came from the side.

Chen Yingyin's heart skipped a beat and she turned her head to look.

When she saw that the faces of the people lying on the ground were not right, she hurried forward.

When she found out that these people were really dead, her expression became extremely ugly.

"Sister Chen..."

The young policeman sounded a little scared. It was the first time he encountered such a thing.

Shen Wan'er's face turned pale when she heard that someone was dead. She subconsciously looked at Xiao Lin.

The latter was stunned and hurriedly explained:"How could it be! Although I attacked, I didn't attack their fatal parts at all!"

"At most, they should stay in bed for a few days!"

It would have been better if there was no explanation. Once explained, it proved that all of this was done by Xiao Lin.

Chen Yingyin's eyes were angry, and she gave an order,"Catch him for me!"

Xiao Lin was stunned, and before he could react to what was happening, he was pressed to the ground by the police who rushed over.

He could break free directly, but he knew that this was not a mountain, so he kept explaining:"Hey! Wait a minute! I really didn't kill them!"

""Let's talk about the explanation after we get to the police station."

Chen Yingyin said coldly.

Then, she looked at Shen Wan'er, whose face was pale, and comforted her:"Don't worry, we will find out the situation."


Shen Wan'er nodded with a pale face. She felt that too many things happened today.

"Pack up!"........


Gu Yan smiled with satisfaction when he saw Xiao Lin being pressed into the police car.

Very good.

"Meet at the entrance of Leng's house at 8 o'clock in the evening."

Gu Yan reminded Mei Xue, and then he left slowly humming a song.

Mei Xue turned her head slowly and looked at Gu Yan's back.

Her eyes were extremely complicated. She knew that she should tell her master what she was doing now.


For my brother.....

Sorry master.

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