Looking at the smiling guy in front of her, Mei Xue couldn't help but admire his courage.

He dared to come to their base alone without bringing his powerful butler.

Mei Xue didn't know how Gu Yan found this place, but she just hoped that this man would leave here quickly.

Her expression remained unchanged, with a hint of urging in her tone:"So? Whatever you want to say, leave quickly after you finish speaking."

"Don't be in a hurry, I'll talk while I eat, I haven't had time to eat breakfast yet."

Gu Yan took a bite of the egg fried rice, his expression slightly satisfied:"This rice tastes okay, although it's still a little worse than mine."

Hearing this, Mei Xue glanced in the direction of the kitchen, and seeing that no one heard it over there, she whispered to Gu Yan:"You'd better be careful, other people are not as easy to talk to as I am."

Are you easy to talk to?

Gu Yan looked at her in surprise.

Which easy-to-talk person wants to kill me as soon as they meet?

However, compared to the description of other people in the original book, Mei Xue can indeed be regarded as a humane one.

Gu Yan shrugged:"Okay, okay, this is your base camp after all."

"Then I'll be frank."

He ate and pretended to chat,"Change the plan. Meet in front of the police station at 8 o'clock in the evening."

"The plan is as follows. Xiao Lin was arrested and taken to the police station, but he is a warrior and the young master of the Dragon King Palace, so naturally someone will bail him out."

"You released the control of the shadow slaves this morning, which caused all those people to become corpses."

"This method of blaming others would at best disgust Xiao Lin, but it would not have any impact on him at all."

"But at least, it can delay the time it takes to get him out."

"We just have to wait until night to do it."

"after all......"

Gu Yan took a bite of egg fried rice, looked at Mei Xue with a smile, and said:"You can only exert your full strength at night."

Mei Xue frowned slightly.

Damn, it's really uncomfortable to have all my secrets known to others.

Gu Yan continued:"And what you have to do is not to fight to the death with Xiao Lin, you don't even need to test the opponent's full level."

"What you have to do is the first thing I tell you."

"That is......Get me something from Xiao Lin"

"Or, you just need to make him reveal that thing."

Hearing this,

Mei Xue had a rough idea in her mind. She took a breath and asked,"What is it?"

Gu Yan pointed to his neck and said,"Half of a jade pendant has always been hung around Xiao Lin's neck, but he usually hides it in his clothes and can't see it."

"Half a jade pendant?"

Mei Xue was a little confused and curious when she heard this:"Is that all?"

"Only in this way."

Gu Yan smiled lightly, and then after finishing the last bite of fried rice, he warned Mei Xue:"Don't think about fighting Xiao Lin head-on, he is not an opponent you can deal with at the moment."

"Even you in the dark can't do it."

You have to know that it's not just the difference in cultivation.

It's also the difference in luck.

Xiao Lin is the hero in the original novel, the son of luck in the world.

No matter how hard Mei Xue tries, she can't deal with Xiao Lin.

Mei Xue clenched her fists when she heard this, and she said in a voice of disbelief:"My fighting power in the dark can even rival that of a master. Even if I can't beat Xiao Lin, at least I can force him to use his full strength."

"How could it be as bad as you said?"

Gu Yan smiled and said,"Oh."

Then he stood up and walked towards the cashier.


Xue slowly asked a question. She felt a little depressed for some reason.

Although this"Oh" didn't say anything, it seemed to say everything.

In short, it made her very depressed.

"A total of 6 yuan."

In front of the cashier, the middle-aged man wearing sunglasses saw Gu Yan coming over, so he showed a professional smile.

After Gu Yan paid the bill, he waved to Mei Xue who had also come over, and said with a smile:"Goodbye, Miss Mei~"


Gu Yan left.

Mei Xue had a headache listening to that name and tone. This guy is really good at acting.

The man in sunglasses couldn't help his interest at this time, and asked jokingly:"Mei Xue, you seem to be very familiar with that guy from the secular world?"

Mei Xue sighed lightly when she heard it:"Only acquaintance."

After all, she didn't know Gu Yan at all, and couldn't guess what Gu Yan wanted to do

"I understand, but Meixue, please don't indulge in the pleasure of love."

"That would delay the master's plan."

The man in sunglasses said earnestly.

"Manager, what weird things are you talking about?"

"It's inexplicable."

Meixue frowned and returned to the kitchen with a cold face.

That guy is the nominal husband of the owner, although I don't know what the owner likes about him.

The manager shook his head. This kid is too blunt.

However, that man is just an ordinary person with no cultivation fluctuations. If he is really involved in the ancient martial arts world, it would be a disaster.

The two of them are likely to be yellow....................

At this time, in the interrogation room of Jianghai City Police Station , Xiao Lin sat on the interrogation chair, and opposite him sat Chen Yingyin, who had a serious face. She held the documents in her hand and asked one by one:"Name?"


"Xiao Lin"


"24 years old"


"Can't you see this?"


Chen Yingyin slapped the table with an angry look and said,"Now I'm asking you!"

Xiao Lin wanted to cry but had no tears.

He felt extremely depressed. Why did it happen?

He obviously did nothing, why did he have to endure this kind of interrogation like a prisoner?

It's a pity that before going down the mountain, the master always told him to abide by the laws of the secular world.

Otherwise, he would have walked away long ago.


This woman named Chen Yingyin is also very beautiful.

It seems that it is not bad to stay here.

Seeing that Chen Yingyin's face was getting worse and worse, he came to his senses and replied:"Ahem, male."

Chen Yingyin's impression of Xiao Lin was getting worse and worse, and he was sure that the other party was the mastermind of these things.

So he said in a cold tone:"Did you hurt a person named Wang Yulan in Yulin Community this morning?"!!

Xiao Lin was stunned, Wang Yulan?

Yulan? Combined with the situation in front of him.

He thought of a possibility in his mind, so he replied with a somewhat disappointed tone:"Yes."

When he said this, he clenched his fists tightly.

Sister Yulan....Called the police?

But I was just trying to help her stay away from that bad guy.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lin raised his head and explained,"But me! I didn't mean to hurt Yulan. I just....."

Before he finished speaking

"Shut up!"

Chen Yingyin said in a deep voice, her eyes full of anger:"Do you know that your punch almost killed someone?"

"If it weren't for Gu...Someone sent him to the hospital."

"I’m afraid she’s dead!"

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